Full article at: My Friends, I’m Taking A Step Back… | World Events and the Bible
My friends! Back in 2009, I created this place we call, “World Events and the Bible.” Through God’s blessings, I’ve helped thousands of people on their spiritual walk with Jesus Christ. In fact, for me and my long-time readers, this site has provided us with a fantastic journey of discovery. Haven’t we learned a lot…
I am heartbroken that you have come to this point in your ministry (because this has truly been what it is) but i understand . I pray that you and your family stay strong in the faith and that you understand that you have, more than you may know, estabished a second family out here in the world that loves you and your family and will always be here for you. Thank you for changing my life. Your brother in Christ, Stephen.
Thank you, Brandon! I’ve learned a lot from you, and I appreciate all the hard work you’ve put in creating this site! I’m happy to hear that WEB will still be available so people can continue to learn from your past work. I stumbled across WEB by chance, and I thank the Lord that I did! Hopefully others can learn as much as I did. Good luck to you and your family!
So Truly Sorry to hear of your Mother passing.
To be absent from this body, she is present with our Lord 11 Corinthians 5:8
PraYers toAll your family for Strength, Courage & Peace .
I just read your article on taking a step back…
I understand totally how you feel.
It’s A lot of Work, Alot of Studying , Alot of Time, Alot of
I for one LOVE to do bible Studies, but I have the same feelings, I’ve been so disappointed in the No interest reply that I never receive.
I would pour my heart into it, so many hrs. of studying & never even a …Amen
I Truly appreciate you Brandon & All your hard Work.
Yess take Time for your Family Now…
And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
Galatians 6:9&10
Well Done Brother , go in Peace.
I totally understand this decision. I have often wondered how you keep WEB up with all your other commitments of job, family, etc. I’m sure y’all will be working on either buying or building a home this spring as well. I’m happy you’ll still pop in and visit us on your WEB (lol) - thus thank you for keeping it active. I love it and all my brothers and sisters that gather here. I cant help but think about Ecclesiastes 3 - to every thing there is a season… Sending prayers and our Fathers blessings to you and your family.
Thank you for all you have done and will do! Downsizing the ship according to the number of passengers will be good for you and your family. But I hope God directs you to a smaller boat that will continue to provide benefit as you feel lead to provide.
Job well done my friend and I still look forward to hearing from you periodically. Your site and your work (our Father’s work) has a been a true blessing over the years. God Bless You.
Blessings as you regroup on the next chapter of your Journey and much gratitude for sharing your enlightment with us:pray:
Thank you for sharing this, although it’s sad to hear, I completely understand. No explanation needed.
I stumbled upon this site in 2014 I believe. It has been such a blessing in my life and Christian walk. I’m happy the site will remain active with all of the resources available to us.
Two years ago I started hosting a personal finance class at our church with the goal of serving the community. The first go around was full, the second was a lot less, the third I had 3 signed up but no one showed so I cancelled it. I have no plans to offer it again.
I feel that attention spans are so short these days and it dove tails into everything. It’s just the reality.
Anyway, take care of yourself and your family, your present and your future. We will remain a community and I look forward to your occasional visits.
To Your Success!
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…” I so enjoy your mild manner and I’ve come to trust your integrity. I think we all feel it - times are rapidly changing as we prepare for the next prophetic events on God’s calendar, as we
watch the world run “to and fro.” God bless you and your family
I don’t know how I came across your page, your efforts. Unfortunately, my life is hectic, and a casualty of this was my gmail inbox. I’ve been cleaning this up, carefully the last three months. Deleting thousands of junk email, but carefully setting aside those senders who I wasn’t sure what they were all about.
I have to say, I wish I would have connected with you earlier. For me, and a lot of the Christians in my circle, you are RELAVENT.
In the men’s group I belong to, I set up a Telegram group and experience something similar. I’m prolific to a fault, but sometimes I think I’m in a group of one.
Basically I feel where you are coming from. Don’t be frustrated. This is the nature of the path you have chosen. But by all means, give yourself a rest. Often the best thing you can do with your faith is be silent, listen, contemplate, and the Holy Spirit will take care of the rest.
Looking forward to going through your legacy information. This has immense value to me and others I am sure. I’m sure you will come back, differently perhaps, but you will be back.
Take care of yourself, physically, mentally, and of course spiritually. You have to be healthy in all regards to be useful to others. Then your family, then your community (including here). If all Christians do this, we will find a way through the crazy world we live in.
It’s the Great Commission!!!
Brandon I truly understand where you’re coming from. I’m a long time student of Pastor Arnold Murray and I think that’s how I found you and I used to watch your videos. A long time ago I found a website that was posting shepherds chapel and the study guides. We printed everyone out and we recorded every video by pastor Murray that went with all the guides. It’s a real treasure to have that. My son printed it all out too and we feel blessed to be able to still watch and learn with him. I feel the same way about you. I share so much of your wisdom that you post on your site. You will do what God calls you to do. I am not sure we are losing Christianity I think people are just being cautious who they talk to with the whole world going sideways. We are here and we are watching. God speed to you Brandon you truly are a blessing to us all
Hey Bran, brother, it’s been a blessing to know you and your family and the people here.
I cannot thank you enough all that I have learned from you. But I think you are doing what is right.
Maybe one day this site will serve as a host in difficult times.
But I think we have to do the work each and everyone of us. Not just you. And I feel Our Lord have you on the highest regard.
I will always lurk over here because I feel at home.
Love thy wife all the days of the life of thy vanity. It’s our lot under heaven brother.
Blessings with fraternal love.
Jeremiah 3:15
[15]And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.
You are one of those brother, I have no doubt about it
Jeremiah 3:16
[16]And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the LORD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more.
This is what is written
Dear Brandon, I am deeply sorry to hear about you taking a little break from the Bible studies that you shared with us with so much love and devotion. I appreciate all the heart and the hard, perseverant work you put in these important studies, to instruct and teach your fellow brothers and sisters in the great unfallible faith of our Savior Jesus our Christ. I understand your decision and am glad that you will take the extra time and care with your family, they are your priority, your heritage, your treasure, the biggest in the world that you can have, a priceless treasure
I know your feelings regarding this decision how hard it is for you. It is true, it seems people are losing the enthusiasm to persevere in God’s Word and even having the time for it…I noticed too that faith is fading in many, but we have to keep our hope and perseverance alive and continue no matter what, always look forward, never give up, give all our efforts but know the limits as well and God understands that perfectly. Many times I feel that we speak in emptiness, people aee there physically, but not apiritually, the worries of this present times has captured people’s minds and thoughts and their whole bodies
I enjoy so much your studies especially the verse be verse, I love verse by verse Bible studies…I am sure that you will still continue with your studies perhaps more modeteratly which will be just fine, God knows your heart and your thoughts and your love for him. I want you to know that for me you are a blessing because there is not a lot of pastors that have the knowledge that God gives you and that you share with so much love, I think that they are many of your readers and followers that think the same. You are a good and worthy servant of our Jesus
Just keep up Brandon with what God puts in your heart, what He wants you to do and it is fine, He is perhaps preparing you for something better, for a greater ministry for the advancement of his Word and Kingdom. Maybe as his return draws closer and closer, God has a plan for his faithful servants, He will be needing quite a few that stand with him
For a year and a half I have been having this big hurt, sadness, burden in my heart, I have a feeling that there is something that will fall on this generation, I do not know what it is but it will happen and it will not be nice with all that is happening in governments of this earth, in all the nations. Everybody is overwhelmed about the USA elections, they trust and count on Trump as the world savior. Perhaps God is using president Trump to bring judgement on the nations as God uses whomever he wants to accomplish his plan
One thing is certain, God’s will, will be done as it always did in the past generations. We certainly will not be spared. I always think about a verse Jesus spoke in Luke 18 in the parable of the evil judge and the poor woman that went to see him everyday pleading for his help…Jesus says: 7 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? 8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
The last sentence really stroke me, Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh shall he find faith on earth? Jesus said this 2000 years ago, and now we are in this time, we need to pray Brandon, pray that God revives the hearts, spirits and souls of all his church worldwide, that they will stand up as unshakable soldiers, defenders of his faith, his kingdom which is this earth and his Gospel of Truth. God needs to take back his first place position in this generation and the only way this can happen is through his church, his believers there is no other way…let us pray that his church, his believers will wake up full of God’s courage and strenth, to stand as sentinels and boldly open their mouths and proclaim the kingdom of God to come
In the Our Father it says, who are in heaven, hallowed be thy name, may your kingdom come on earth…God wants his kingdom to come on earth today, through his believers, his church but what is happening? The church sleeps, and instead of God’s kingdom to go forth it is Satan’s kingdom through his posterity, the serpent seed that is ruling the earth temprarily; where are God’s unshakable soldiers? The defenders of his kingdom?
They are retrieving, perhaps not all of them, they are scared to stand because they are scared of governments but Jesus is above governments. Satan did a good job in weaking the body of Christ by dividing it in multiple denominational groups, but his posterity, his seed remained united and took over this earth, God’s kingdom. So how to restore God’s kindgom on earth? How can God’s will be done on earth if evil abounds and part of the church sleeps?
What great news and hope that God has given us his believers, those that do not sleep? When evil seems to abound the grace of God surabounds because God is almighty God, our Heavenly Father, the great and sole Creator of the whole universe and beyond. That is why Jesus has to return for his church, those believers that persevere daily with his courage and stregth, they that stand up and keep being unshakable soldiers for the advancenent of his kingdom and the gospel of truth, no matter how many they are if one, two, three, four or 10 or 20 or thousands, Jesus will still return. Jesus died for all, for all the souls that returned to God our Heavenly Father through him, willingly by their own free will, and he does not leave us or abandon us, he is always ready to rescue each one of his souls, this is our Jesus, there is none like him
He asks of us to persevere until his return, so I encourage you Brandon, keep up the good work with moderation, keep the unshakable faith, put your priorities where needed with your followers, reduce the amount of work and take care of your family, they rely on you, you are the head of the family, they need you. No matter what work you will share, we will still be blessed because Jesus is the core, the heart of your studies and we will still enjoy it and be nourrished by them.
GOD loves you Brandon, because he knows you are his faithful servant, his unshakable soldier and defender of his truth, he knows that you do not give up at all…and he will keep you going, slow down yes, but still going because you love him too much and we all know it that is why we trust your writings, your studies…may God bless you and your family and when you can, share one of your studies, it ill be a pleasure to read your articles, and write to you with approppriate questions that you always answer with so much ardent love for Jesus our Savior our God…amen
I value the current events work you did…and I like the q&a…both those take a lot of work. Have you moved yet? Montana, was it? All that is a lot of work. Thanks for letting us know…I thought your emails had become fewer. And…I have shared your site to others. May the Lord bless you
Please please Brandon, do not feel remorse or bad for taking time out for you and your family. This had to have been on your mind for quite some time and this post must have been hard to write. But you know what…it’s okay. I get it 100%! I have a good idea about the amount of time you put into this site and all your articles. VERY time consuming and I often wondered how you did it!
As I know some have noticed, I haven’t been very active in this community lately. Don’t get me wrong, I do still read and study the bible and I do reference back to your teachings quite often! But life gets hectic…and it has been since the passing of my mom. Also, I’ve been taking a bit of a break from even being on the computer lately. Have to admit - it’s quite refreshing!
I am glad that you will still be around and you’ll be keeping this site up. That is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! I look forward to more interactions here although they will be limited for awhile. God bless you and yours!!
Brandon , we understand. Thank you. Take care, and enjoy your time with family. We appreciate all of your work. We are grateful that you are keeping the site up. Father said that there would be a famine for HIS Word. Very few people want the truth anymore . Ear tickling is all they desire. God be with us, as we go through these troubling times. God Bless you, and all on this site. We are one in the Spirit.