Introduce Yourself!

Welcome @Oldman !!! Glad you’re here with us!!!

Welcome oldman!
Glad to meet ya.

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Thanks, Cozar it’s good to be here!
Sorry I missed your question about Scruggs; I’m still trying to figure out how things work here. I can appreciate Bluegrass music, but a little bit at a time is all I can take. I’m trying to learn the clawhammer style. I’ll never be any good but it’s fun; it doesn’t help that I’m literally half deaf.

Thanks for the welcome ErickaG!

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Hello Brandon,
I’ve been busy reading many of your articles and I’m loving them! We see eye to eye on many things; I have known about the 1st earth age for many years, I understand what happened in the Garden, and I’m adamantly opposed to the rapture doctrine.
I read all your Noah’s Flood articles this morning. :heart: I just finished reading about the wood your dad sent you from Prudhoe Bay, very interesting! I also worked on the Alaska pipeline and my first job was at Prudhoe Bay.


I feel the same way.
There a few bluegrass players I appreciate, Scruggs, and of course The Darlings from the Andy Griffith show.
Dem boys can pick.


Wecome @Oldman !! I found Brandon waaayy back and I can still remember that it was like a breath of fresh air - finally someone that had similar beliefs and made sense!!

DITTO!! Heck, I have a hard enough time writing what I’m thinking most the time.

PS - I’ve always loved the banjo!!


Hello Kay, that is exactly what I was thinking!


Hi everyone! My name is anitra and I am new here. I was raised in a small town in Georgia as a Christian. I was in church like 5 times a week and I hated it lol but like many I was lead to believe a lot of false doctrine and I felt I didn’t deserve Jesus’s gift he gave to us. I remember as a child i was maybe 11 or 12 years old, I was sitting in church while the pastor was preaching about the rapture. He said that cars would be crashing and people would disappear out of their clothing etc. it didn’t sit well with my spirit. At that time my parents believed in the rapture and when I asked my mom about it when we got home she said “yeah it’s very scary right, we need to be the first ones taken” I said mom it sounds like a lie! She didn’t get upset with me but she said “ baby this whole world is a lie, stay in the light of Jesus”. Ummmm okay how do I do that?!? Lol “keep reading the Bible”. I felt so lost at the time because I wanted answers even then and no one could answer the questions I had so what did I do? stayed in the world because church people had no clue of our Fathers truth my parents had no clue. Fast forwarding time I am now a mother of two awesome kids, they are both in the military and they both know the real truth of our Heavenly Father. I couldn’t wait to share truth with my kids because I wish I had it at an early age. I used to study with pastor Arnold Murray, for those who know him lol there were still so many unanswered questions I had but I just kept praying and reading.I’ve been on this site for a few months now. The day I found this site I googled “the parable of the fig tree” it was a parable they had me stuck I kept meditating on that parable. I saw Brandon’s teaching on it and I instantly fell on my knees thanking God for sending me here because Brandon you tell the truth and the famine for the end times is not for bread and water but for hearing the true word of God. I am so happy to be apart of this community I really feel like I’m becoming a better person in Christ and a much wiser person overall. I have to admit it was bad adjusting to people not being your cup of tea when you don’t believe the way they do and how quickly you’re outcasted but it’s a feeling I’m learning to love to save my soul. So hello everyone! I love to workout, fish and I love cruising. I’m so grateful to be amongst you guys and I look forward to growing with you all. I’m so blessed to be here continuing to get my daily bread.


Anitra that was a fantastic read!

Thanks for joining and introducing yourself. We’re excited to have you apart of the community. :+1:t3: So glad you found the site.


Welcome Anitra, you and Cozar can share fish stories.


Welcome aboard!!
Fishing and exercise, excellent!!
My favorites also.


Welcome to the family!
This site is an answer to so many of our prayers.


So glad you here with us :heart: Thank you Lord In Jesus Christ Name Amen :heart:

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EzerRose, we do read these intros! :smile:

Welcome, welcome. So glad you’re here, and even happier to hear about your conversion. I love the bit about the Bereans. Oh, and strangely enough, I just met a lady a couple of days ago who bow hunts.

Is that you? :grin:


Welcome! Glad your here with us :hugs: Praise God In Jesus Christ Name Amen :heart:


Welcome! It’s such a great feeling to have a community of like minded people from all around the world. So happy that you found us!
God bless!


Before I answer these questions, I just wanted to say thank you for accepting me into this community. My name is Michelle and I’m glad to be here.

  1. What was your first job? I had a paper route when I was young, and anyone who has ever delivered newspapers will remember Sundays lol. Those things were sooo heavy!

  2. Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately? Yes. Just a few days ago I brought a stray cat that I’ve been caring for over the last several months (Bubbles) inside my house. She actually got along with my other cats. I expected a lot of hissing and stuff, but so far that hasn’t happened.

  3. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before? Hmmm, well I’m thinking of trying my hand at making sourdough starter and then sourdough bread. I tried once before and never made it past making my own starter, so I’m going to try again soon.

  4. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited? My favorite place I ever visited is also where I used to live, the beautiful state of Alaska. I moved to help my parents several years ago, but have been homesick ever since.

  5. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard? Let’s see, this one is tough because I’m in my 50’s, so I’ve heard a lot of good (and bad) advice lol. Okay one that has had a huge impact on my life is from a really good friend. She told me that love is a choice, an action and not simply a feeling. She was right.

  6. Do you collect anything? Fabric because I like to quilt.

  7. When did you become a Christian? I was 10 years old. My neighbors always had Bible study in their front yard for us kids, and they served cookies at the end of the study. The cookies lured me there and God did the rest!

  8. Got any phobias you’d like to break? I come undone if a spider lands on me and I have zero desire to break the phobia.

  9. Got any favorite quotes? Several, one is “when life gives you scrap, make a quilt”

  10. What are your hobbies? I love to make quilts and sew things like tote bags or kitchen stuff. I also enjoy baking bread or anything that allows me to play with dough (cinnamon rolls, bread sticks, etc).


  1. How long have you been a reader of our site? I’ve been reading for a years or so. I’ve learned a lot and particularly enjoy reading about the news and how it ties into prophesy. Also, the newer verse by verse section is one of my favorites. Thank you, Brandon, for all the time and hard you put into teaching all of us!

Welcome aboard. No need to thank us, glad to have you.


Very happy that you are here with us :blush: Thank you for sharing :blush: