Introduce Yourself!

Let’s kick off the new forum right by getting to know a little bit more about each other. We put together some fun questions to help us do that.

Questions are below, simply place your mouse over the colored box, and click the copy-paste icon. The questions are now copied to your clipboard, now just paste them into a new post and answer.

If the admin is brave, he’ll go first. Will he take the challenge?

Drum roll please… :drum: :grimacing:

1. What was your first job?

2. Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?

3. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

4. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?

5. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?

6. Do you collect anything?

7. When did you become a Christian?

8. Got any phobias you’d like to break?

9. Got any favorite quotes?

10. What are your hobbies?


11. How long have you been a reader of our site?

Am I brave enough… Pshh

  1. What was your first job?
    A paper boy, I must have been 10-12. I didn’t keep that one long, a trip to Grandma’s meant the job had to go. Besides, the Sunday paper was treacherous! Although, I consider my first job to be at 15 when I was tele-marker for Kirby vacuums.

  2. Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?
    Yes, the sky hasn’t fallen just yet!

  3. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?
    Go see something new, say, a National Park.

  4. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?
    Hands down, Glacier National Park. We hiked 20 miles in one day, and we’re not official hikers. It was an epic day.

  5. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?
    “If you read the book, you’ll know more than anyone else.” - Brian B.
    “If it’s worth saying, it’s worth writing on paper.” - Travis B.

  6. Do you collect anything?
    Besides kids? No. Though I still have a mean football card collection from my childhood.

  7. When did you become a Christian?
    Born Christian, but personally accepted Jesus through baptism in my mid to late 20s.

  8. Got any phobias you’d like to break?
    I’m really not a fan of spiders. Get this, my wife once let a tarantula climb on her hand. Yes, willingly. That day, she was more man than I. I’m still shamed to this day. :disappointed:

  9. Got any favorite quotes?
    I know I have a few, but there stuck in the deep corners of my mind right now.

  10. What are your hobbies?
    Who has time for hobbies? World Events and the Bible keeps me busy enough!

  11. How long have you been a reader?
    Ironically enough, since the sites inception! :smile:

Ah ha! I did it.

Who’s next?


Hello, I’ve been dropping by world events and the bible for a couple years now I guess and even sent a few hundred hits to some of Brandon’s topics from some of my web traffic resources.

I’ve was raised in an orthodox Presbyterian church til age 13 (after my confirmation) then we moved to a fundamental dispensational bible church. (late 60s) For the next few decades I was exposed to the pre-trib view of eschatology to the point that if you questioned it, it was as if you denounced your christian faith in general!

Went to christian college for a semester but got expelled right before finals due to my hair length. (touched my ears) Yep, very legalistic college. Bragged they were 2nd only to Bob Jones University.

For several decades 80s-90s I jumped around many denominations trying to find one that at least seemed genuinely proclaiming truth as I’d come to see it. But alas none to my surprise looking back were “perfect”, so I kept searching.

For the last decade or so it has become increasingly clear that after all the searching the answer was right in front of me all the time. None of man’s traditions or institutions will ever have all the truth. Could in fact be that God purposefully reveals limited amounts as to keep our focus on Him & His word instead of trusting a certain Person or Institution to provide “all” the answers to our spiritual inquiries.

After all the decades of being hammered with how “liberal” other eschatological views were especially Amillennialism it ended up being the one I most agree with, since I can’t deny from scripture that Christ is ruling & reigning from heaven since the ascension at the right hand of the Father having put down all principalities and powers in high places with his cross work.

Personally I’m of the opinion much like Origen that even after Christ returns there will be a time of much correction and instruction. An illusion can be made to the paradise of Luke 16 IMO, only with the impassable “gulf” can be traversed by those having given sufficient light and permission by Christ. visa-vie Ezk 40-48

So, that’s my introduction since this is a Christian forum I thought I’d put out a generalization of who I am as a Christian, and what you can expect from my posts and interactions here in the future.

Look forward to meeting many of you here,

  1. What was your first job?

Working for a womens clothing store.

  1. Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?

The amount of young people I saw attend a Gaither Vocal Band concert.

  1. **What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

:thinking: thats a tough one, Ill have to think on it.

  1. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?

A beautiful mountain top valley where there are no cars, airplanes or people in the New Mexico Jemez Mountains.

  1. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?

My grandmothers marriage advice on my wedding night, “only tell hime once, he’ll soon find out on his own you were right without having to say anything further”

  1. Do you collect anything?

Heirloom seeds – i love different varieties of things I like to eat regularly. Right now my favorite is Armenian cucumbers.

  1. When did you become a Christian?
    I was 19.

  2. Got any phobias you’d like to break?

I want to keep my phobias right where I can see them…think Ill keep them.

  1. Got any favorite quotes?

My fave is and will always be Amos 8:11.

  1. What are your hobbies?

I like to read and grow things.


  1. How long have you been a reader?

I think about 2 years.


Hello everyone! Mrs. WEB here! (Brandon’s other half) I wanted to join the forum and get this community going! =) Secret behind the scenes fun fact- he spent a week putting this together for ya’ll and was geeking out on all the fun stuff to add on here. :nerd_face:

  1. What was your first job?
    Candle making at age 15

  2. Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?
    A stranger, I must admit, I judged by the cover :pensive: was actually very sweet and showed my kids how to catch fish in a creek with beef jerky! (He was a little rough around the edges)

  3. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?
    Visit a Hot Spring in Colorado.

  4. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?
    I have two- Glacier National Park and The Big Horn Mountains

  5. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?
    “You should learn something new everyday. Knowledge is power.” - man working in a workshop at Cades Cove

  6. Do you collect anything?

  7. When did you become a Christian?

  8. Got any phobias you’d like to break?

  9. Got any favorite quotes?
    “ When you abandon freedom to achieve security, you lose both and deserve neither.” - Thomas Jefferson

  10. What are your hobbies?
    Crafting, cooking, home decor


  1. How long have you been a reader?
    Since WEB was first originally known as brandontward.blogspot

I sure love traveling and will check out this place you mentioned! New Mexico Jemez Mountains. Thanks for sharing!


Woah nelly, the wife joined! :scream: :scream_cat: :exploding_head: This could be good and bad. Now, if we get Gwen and Martha on here we can start talking about potato soup and big foot!

Oh my word, it’s true, a week. Thanks family for putting up with my madness.

  1. What was your first job?
    Babysitting & local grocery store

  2. Been pleasantly surprised lately?
    There are so many good people out there!

  3. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?
    Raise chickens, animals, build our little homestead :ear_of_rice::rooster:

  4. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?
    My parents home & beautiful property🌳

  5. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?
    My sister who has Down Syndrome has taught me so much, and even without words. She has taught me about God’s goodness, humbleness & gratitude & selflessness, how life is so temporary.

  6. Do you collect anything?
    My husband would say… plants. :joy: I love aloe plants and ivy :herb:

  7. When did you become a Christian?
    As a child.

  8. Got any phobias you’d like to break?
    Hmmm… fear of failure, I am a huge people pleaser. (Working on it!)

  9. Got any favorite quotes?
    There is nothing new under the sun.

  10. What are your hobbies?
    Gardening, baking.


  1. How long have you been a reader?
    Since 2020

I have just discovered your site in the past week and I feel like my understanding of scripture has increased seven times seventy times! :smile:

I was blessed to be born into a family that already loved The Lord, so I’ve always had a heightened awareness of His presence in ALL things. I accepted Christ at a young age (5-6) but recommitted myself at age 14. That being said, I have learned that so much of what I was taught was incorrect… I was taught in love and I want to stress that because I know in their hearts they were teaching me what they ‘believed’ was scripturally sound. But it is becoming more clear that much of what I’ve believed to be true, was based off of what i can now see as traditions… not scriptural truth… I really don’t have the words to express how this has impacted my life and just how on fire for God I am right now! You have answered questions,( through scripture (as it should be)) that I have wondered my whole life.

I want to truly be “Battle Ready” and I believe in my heart, that you’re training troops!

I have a question and I’m hoping you can help me understand…I was raised in a primarily “Southern Baptist Church” and “The World That Was” was never, ever, EVER talked about. I don’t understand how it’s even possible…??? It’s so important and makes a lot of other scripture actually make sense. Why isn’t it mentioned more? I have so many questions, really!!! I was always taught “hell” in the literal sense, but once you fully grasp eternity without Christ, that IS hell.

Please don’t stop what you’re doing!!! Keep fighting the good fight!


First welcome!

Second, you are so right here. When we moved from our ol country home. We thought we would never find good people again. We had fantastic neighbors, but as those neighbors told us. There are more good people out there, you will find them. They’re right!


Welcome Ashlee, we are so glad you found us. Great to have you here.

To quickly sum up your question, a lot of life is about perspective. The best study is self study and reading the Bible cover to cover. You will learn so much that way. A lot of that doesn’t happen in churches these days. So, we often don’t have the perspective on Scripture that we really need. However, there’s some great folks to be found there.


Funny that you mentioned Armenian cucumbers! My nephew grew them this year (they were a free seed packet with his Jung’s order) and I tried one last Sunday. They are sooo good!!! Glad he shared a couple with me to take home. I’m growing them next year!

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Along the potato theme, I’m Martha and was a pew potato at church for many years. Around 20 years ago, I began my deeper search for the meaning of Christianity and wanting to learn as much as I could. I have followed WEB and been a Brandonite (couldn’t resist) for almost 9 years.

I love animals and volunteered for my state as a wildlife rehabilitator and educator for 14 years. We have moved to another state and now I volunteer at the botanical garden.

We have been blessed to travel quite a bit. We went to Russia twice, once to Moscow and the outer rings, and another time to St Petersburg. Another trip to Egypt and road on Camels thru the desert.

I work and pray on my personal phobias - and my favorite everyday quite is Psalms 118:24. This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. My go to quote is “never say never”. Prob due to the aging process. Lol

I love playing the piano and still take lessons on occasion. Very humbling to be waiting for my lesson along with the other 7 year olds

Keep it up Maggie!! I get you are a patient woman!!

  1. What was your first job?
    Babysitting…back when getting 0.85 cents was considered an excellent wage! And it didn’t matter how many kids they had. I did get up to $1.25 an hour and that was amazing! LOL

  2. Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?
    Coming to the realization that our government, left and right, are just putting on a show for the people. We realized this about a year and half ago or so. We haven’t watched mainstream TV for years and now when you do see it, it’s astounding how fake it all really is. Even the so-called entertainment. It’s not! We do watch Gold Rush and Forged in Fire, but that’s recorded so we can FF thru the commercials. And now with the political ads you can see just how childish they ALL are!

  3. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?
    Hmmm…I haven’t a clue!

  4. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?
    I really just love any place that is void of people! LOL I love the outdoors. Fishing in Canada on secluded lakes was really the best!

  5. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?
    When I was getting irritated with certain individuals, my husband said to me, “Wow, that person really has a lot of power over you to make you change your mood!” It took me awhile to fully grasp that, but when you do, it is amazing.

  6. Do you collect anything?
    Dust. Yes, I’m very good at collecting dust.

  7. When did you become a Christian?
    When I was very young. I was raised Catholic but in all honesty, I rarely really paid that close attention to mass when I was younger. But I still kept that close relationship with God. I fell away for a time during my teens and early 20’s, but I still prayed. It was around that time that I started seeking God, learning the truth and realized there are no churches that truly teach the Word of God.

  8. Got any phobias you’d like to break?
    I guess I really don’t like centipedes…but I’m fine with that phobia. :wink:

  9. Got any favorite quotes?
    Oh I have many - but my most used would probably be “There is nothing new under the sun”.

  10. What are your hobbies?
    I have a train loving teenage son, so his hobby has become mine. We chase trains often! I also garden and homeschool my son. And I love digging into natural medicine and remedies although my husband is better and remembering it all.


  1. How long have you been a reader?
    I believe I found WEB back when it was on FB. Not sure on the year.
  1. What was your first job?

Babysitting and then serving ice cream at a small Dairy Queen in Southern Arizona

  1. Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?

I’ve been pleasantly surprised that an old friendship was renewed.

  1. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

Perhaps create YouTube videos on in-depth Biblical topics. Censorship though…

  1. What’s your favorite place(s) you’ve ever visited?

Tough call, but Iceland, New Zealand, Turkey, and Peru top the list.

  1. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?

From my Swiss father-in-law: “Always seek to please your spouse in a marriage. It goes far.”

  1. Do you collect anything?

I collect books, though special ones that cover topics fascinating to me, such as mysteries of the world.

  1. When did you become a Christian?

I remember fully understanding the gospel at age 3, so I matured from there.

  1. Got any phobias you’d like to break?

My problem is I feel no fear, which can be hazardous at times.

  1. Got any favorite quotes?

“Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.” - Audrey Hepburn

“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.” - General James Mattis (though I don’t think you should plan to kill everyone, but I think it’s wise to have the upper hand in all situations, even if it’s just mental)

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” - Thomas Jefferson

  1. What are your hobbies?

Cooking, reading, traveling, increasing knowledge


  1. How long have you been a reader?

Since 2019 or 2020


@Martha welcome, so great to have you with us!

A Brandonite, well, that expands the tribe to seven now. Five of us, the cat, and you. Maybe we can take over the world now.

I bet you have some fantastic stories from those travels too. By the way, that’s a great verse, I try and remember that one often. Who cares what everyone else is doing, what are we doing today!

Once you step away, you can really see it.

Your husband is a genius!

Welcome @Talitha great to see you here as well! It looks like we have another former baby sitter. Now that you mention it, that was my second job.


Hello everyone. My name is Chris. I live in Biloxi, MS. I have been on this site for a very long time. I would say 10 years, but that is just a guesstiment…

1****What was your first job? I was a busboy at a local restaurant. I had just obtained my drivers license at 15 and I had racked up 2 tickets and 1 accident. So my mother made me buy my own insurance. I can say that as of a few days ago, I just turned 49, I have NOT had any tickets or accidents since back then. I guess i learned a lesson…

  1. **Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately? That I made it to 49 years old

  2. **What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before? Win the lottery

  3. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited? Iceland. My wife and I spent15 days, rented an rv and drove around the whole Island. That was on my 46th birthday.

  4. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard? You have to be smarter than the tools your working with. My dad always told me that when I was young…

  5. Do you collect anything? Memories.

7.When did you become a Christian? I was brought up in a catholic household, but I became a Christian by my own accord about 13 years ago.

8Got any phobias you’d like to break? Heights

  1. **Got any favorite quotes?**John Wayne. “Life is hard, It is harder when your stupid”

  2. What are your hobbies? I have a Belgian Malinois. She is 4 and a half. she is my hobby and best friend…

  3. How long have you been a reader? about 10 years…


:rofl: This is a funny quote and so true!


Chris welcome! 10 years wow, you must have some thick skin! Thanks for reading all of these years. I don’t know who owns the record on this one…

I have to say, I’m glad to see another guy jump in here. I love the ladies, but I was starting to feel like I might get overrun! :smile: I’m sure the wife will come pop me on the head when she see’s this.

You know, years back the kids did something and I said, “Son, you have to be smarter than the rock.” We all say it to this day. I’m horrible, I know.

I can tell, you’re my kind of guy. It’s going to be fun hearing from you Chris.

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  1. What was your first job?

Does cutting grass, raking leaves and shoveling snow for others count? How about finding night crawlers to sell and helping brother with newspaper route? Ok… my first real on the books job at 16 was busboy at a very nice restaurant in Florida… last job… I was a welder.

  1. Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?

Yes… more people are connecting the dots between biblical prophecy and current events.

  1. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

Not sure… maybe get some chickens.

  1. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?

My sister’s home in Virginia… always loved going there. Since the spouses of my mother, sister and I have passed on in recent years… we moved in together to take care of each other in Virginia… our home state.

  1. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?

Money isn’t everything… especilly if it costs you your happiness and time with family. - Deborah

  1. Do you collect anything?

Used to collect items for building doll and bird houses from scrap… now I collect wood or other items that can be used in my new garden and homemade greenhouse. Might even build a chicken coop by next spring.

  1. When did you become a Christian?

At 12 years old… thanks to my sister’s mother in law. During teenage years and 20’s did a lot of backsliding… didn’t really start appling God’s Word to my life until about 40… curently 61.

  1. Got any phobias you’d like to break?

Creepy crawly things like snakes. I always seem to kill the good guys and let the bad ones go.

  1. Got any favorite quotes?

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain.

Psalms 62:8 “Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.”

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ―Theodore Roosevelt.

  1. What are your hobbies?

I love building things, gardening, reading he Bible and sharing what I learned.


  1. How long have you been a reader?

Not sure… it’s been a while though.