Introduce Yourself!

I use mainly mason jars - I wrap black electrical tape around them to keep the light out. I’ve only been doing it about a year.

What was your first job?
Babysitter for neighbors and local ice cream parlor, 12-14+.

Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?
How generous my adult children are to the world around them, and their giving nature. Heart warming.

What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?
Visit the Greenbrier in West Virginia, America’s Resort.

What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?
I love the ocean! My favorite view of the ocean overall would have to have been in The Outer Banks, in North Carolina.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?
God first! Run the race set before me - Hebrews 12:1. Love that!

Do you collect anything?
Not really, though you might think I collect shoes if you know me.

When did you become a Christian?
A church pizza party at age 10, but I don’t really ever remember God not being with me.

Got any phobias you’d like to break?

Got any favorite quotes?

  1. Everything happens for a reason.
  2. Happiness comes from within. My husband hates the second one, but it is totally true.

What are your hobbies?
I’m a crafter at heart, but since 2004, I’ve been obsessed with paper crafting. I make handmade cards, photo albums and recipe books. I love to cook desserts! I like to read non-ficition.


How long have you been a reader of our site?
Since 2020. Somehow I was pointed here during the spring of 2020, during COVID lockdown. So glad I found it.


**[quote=“World Events and the Bible, post:1, topic:27, full:true, username:web”]
Let’s kick off the new forum right by getting to know a little bit more about each other.

We put together some fun questions to help us do that. The format is below, go ahead and manually copy/paste those questions into your own post (don’t use the auto quote this time). If the admin is brave, he’ll go first. Will he take the challenge?

Drum roll please… :drum: :grimacing:

  1. What was your first job?
    Letting the sheep out of the barn in the morning, and herding them back in in the evening.

  2. Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?
    Im not as bad understanding computers as I thought.

  3. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?
    Learn more about computers and the things to do with them.

  4. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?
    Tombstone Az .

  5. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?
    Jesus, telling me to just let it go! Keep your mouth shut and let it go!

  6. Do you collect anything?
    Not really.

  7. When did you become a Christian?
    Don’t ever remember not being a Christian.

  8. Got any phobias you’d like to break?
    Yes. Being on the interstate freaks me out.

  9. *Got any favorite quotes?
    To study the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.

  10. What are your hobbies? Gardening, canning,
    watercolor painting, reading.

  11. How long have you been a reader of our site? Can’t remember, but before covid.



Welcome to the community!

Fantastic quote by the way.

Thank you Brandon for the welcome. I joined thinking maybe it would help keep the forum open. People need a place to share especially if they aren’t attending a sticks and bricks church. I don’t know who the quote is from, but I have had it for a long time and tried to learn calligraphy so i could frame it. I just printed it out with my new cricut instead. Hence, the learning of computers.


Hi Everyone!
I just signed up recently but was not sure how active I could be in the Forum being my first one. This site is great. We have until August to try to keep free speech alive.

  1. What was your first job?
    Around 9+ years old…Babysitting, cleaning bathrooms, sweeping, vacuuming, raking leaves, watered gardens, going door to door taking people soda cans off their hands(less hassle for them,little money for me, sometimes I took a couple of friends and split the money), looked for cans around the neighborhood to help keep neighborhood clean(and make some money), sold wrapping paper stationary and other goodies from some company that i use to go door to door and sell their products which earned me some awesome crafts and a cool dj mixer, then my first under table job with consistent pay was greenhouse work, first on book job was cold calling for the new digital satellite system with the dalmatian dogs as the mascot.

  2. Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?
    That my 20 year old daughter choose the Lord and to have Passover Communion with me and her 11 year old sister. She brought her boyfriend with her to join us also. I felt proud parent moment, very blessed to have such a wise adult child in my life, who really loves the Lord. In Jesus Christ Name Amen <3

  3. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?
    Make up my mind on how to go about earning a living with my talents before it’s too late to use my mind and body to accomplish such things.

  4. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?
    I have no favorite places to revisit cause I am boring like that.

  5. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?
    Treat people the way you want to be treated.From my Mom. and Many more but this one always to me as i grew older,always reigns true for the whole big picture no matter walk of life.

  6. Do you collect anything?
    Boxes,containers, bottles,jars, bags, tubes from toilet paper n paper towels for upcycling, twisty ties and other odds and ends. Not as much now cause you need to keep items clean and organized no matter the lack space.

  7. When did you become a Christian?
    I feel like I always talked to Him since very little, so maybe officially in another level around 12-13 years old. Not raised specifically a protestant but that was what we were suppose to be.

  8. Got any phobias you’d like to break?
    I hate being in a car. Hate hate hate it!Dread! Sometimes i am great while in the car.

  9. Got any favorite quotes?
    I love Romans 8:28. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

  10. What are your hobbies?
    I like to be creative,drawing ,painting, digital drawing n painting(more annoying), little sewing here n there, little crocheting here n there, upcycling, reading, researching, studying, puzzles, some gaming to have something in common with hubby like fornite and call of duty vanguard or cold war. I play word chums its like scrabble
    on my phone, helps me not think of dumb crap, I love learning new words and trying to get the highest points for each turn.

  11. How long have you been a reader of our site? Started I think around 2016-17 and then more consistent 2018 till now. Guessing the timing of being on fb and coming across Brandon’s articles from one of my trusted sources at the time and still trusted source, I get rid of fb for good, when the free speech was painfully obvious when convid was being pushed with the convid testing. I never liked them in first place.


First job - - Soda fountain clerk in local drug store.[quote=“World Events and the Bible, post:1, topic:27, full:true, username:web”]
Let’s kick off the new forum right by getting to know a little bit more about each other.

We put together some fun questions to help us do that. The format is below, go ahead and manually copy/paste those questions into your own post (don’t use the auto quote this time). If the admin is brave, he’ll go first. Will he take the challenge?

Drum roll please… :drum: :grimacing:

  1. What was your first job?

  2. Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?
    Finding a new puppy.

  3. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?
    Start a Bible study group.

  4. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?

Yellowstone National Park
5. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?

To cut is not to cure. The longer you stay in a hospital, the longer you stay in a hospital.
6. Do you collect anything?
Not much anymore. I use to collect lots of things: plates of American Indian children, guns, gemstones and pets.

  1. When did you become a Christian?
    I always knew there was something more than what I had heard in church. I started my own quest to find answers and Bible truths. I was baptized in Summer 2019 in Atlantic Ocean.

  2. Got any phobias you’d like to break?

Fear of snakes.
9. Got any favorite quotes?
There’s a vast difference in the quality of life versus standard of living.

  1. What are your hobbies?
    Gardening, photography, travel, camping.

  2. How long have you been a reader of our site?
    I don’t really remember when I first started following. But, I do remember it was from being encouraged to check out your site from Steve Barwick.

  1. What was your first job?

My first job was working as an untrained teacher for about four years before going to college for a three-year training.

  1. Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?

The shocking things I have recently experienced and seen in my life lately is the issues surrounding bible translation. Contrary to what traditional Christianity; as I would call it has taught us, I seem to get a shocking reality that what we today read in the bible especially the Old Testament was not so in the “original” Hebrew texts. Using “original” because there is partial evidence today that these might not have been necessarily original writings. They could have been copied from other sources e.g., Summerian texts.

  1. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

Not necessarily doing it for the first time but maybe intensifying it only – deepen my knowledge on issues surrounding the bible; especially its origins and why it has reached us in the state it is today.

  1. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?

The Victoria Falls rainforest in Zimbabwe.

  1. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?

“Be yourself.” Never imitate and try make you life a copy of another’s life.

  1. Do you collect anything?

As of now, nothing.

  1. When did you become a Christian?

I was born again around 1990s still a little boy. By year 1996 I had an understanding of what my faith entails and from there I never looked back. In my Christian walk I seem having fantastic experiences around of both the Christian faith and human existence in general

  1. Got any phobias you’d like to break?


  1. Got any favorite quotes?

One of my favourites quotes is “** Christian faith mustn’t be a burden to the faith bearer **.” If it does, then it means I am missing something somewhere.

  1. What are your hobbies?

Travelling, reading, making music, playing games like soccer, etc.

  1. How long have you been a reader of our site?

I just joined the forum some few days ago.

I want to believe this platform is going to bring enlightenment to a lot of issues particularly surrounding the bible and existence (or life) in general.

Thank you

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Welcome to the community!

[quote="Vee, post:102, topic:27, username:Thelevite”]
deepen my knowledge on issues surrounding the bible; especially its origins and why it has reached us in the state it is today.

This article and video will help you with some of that. It’s a fascinating subject. I also recommend the book, “How We Got The Bible” by Neil R. Lightfoot.

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I am a teacher, without community, keeping dispensation theory.

Well congratulations Mr. Dmitry!

You just found a community and we’re glad to have you.

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Hey!! I remember those companies. I did the same hoping to get a new bike, but never sold enough to get one. I bet you probably joined the record club too…thats how I got my music collection when i was young. Of course then they would send you a cassette every month and it was always a dud and then you would forget to return it and end up paying for it bc it was too late to return it.

Sorry for rambling in, but you just brought back a bunch of memories of mine. Welcome to the group!

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Hi Kay!
I cannot remember the name of the company,or how my Mom came about this opportunity for me. I do remember another item I was able to earn, a cool microscope with pre- made slides and a set of slides to create yourself. One of the slides was a little frog leg and other cool things like that, not all insects, i just cant remember all the awesomeness. But I do remember how cool it was to be so responsible and driving around my bike going door to door in my neighborhood and my Nana’s neighborhood, seeing people seeming to be happy to listen to me and or happy to order and surprising them when it was time to bring them their order, cause they forgot they ordered anything.

Kay , I am glad you shared your experience, I never tried that one. I bet it was fun just hoping you would get one of your favorite songs or artists.

I dont think your rambling, but i may have…lol

Thank you Kay for the welcome!
Thank you again for your sincere advice you, (and a few others) gave me, last September, I re-read the advise by you guys a few times to help keep motivated to do what God wants me to do the best I can. <3 <3 IN a healthy way I have re-read n took the advice that I feel was sincere from Lord’s Love <3 <3 :smiley:

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That microscope sounds really cool! And I too felt so good going door to door and feeling like I had a real job. :slight_smile:

And thank you for your kind words. I hope you are feeling better about the world and life! it’s all going according to God’s plan and I take comfort in that! God bless!!

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It was so cool! I agree!

Very welcome, thank you too always!

Yeah it’s alright way better than before thank God, In Jesus Christ Name Amen! :slightly_smiling_face: :hugs: :heart:

Lord Bless you as well, In Jesus Christ Name Amen :heart: :hugs: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nursery and landscape age 14 planting trees and shrubs some are still around and huge now.

Yes I’ve noticed that a lot of our young people are awesome and they are coming forward.

No, nothing. I can’t think of anything that gets me excited. or anything that I want to see.

The smokie mountains high up in a log cabin with a rushing stream running under the cabin.

people who display their wealth more likely don’t really have it or will soon lose it. A. Rorem.

Ducks, clay, steel, wood, paper,

Born Christian baptized age 6-7 when they played ‘come home’ I had to climb over some people, I was afraid I wouldn’t get there in time.

Snake’s even when I know they not venomous I don’t want them around me.

Yogi Berra had a bunch of them. 'if it would quit raining, we could go swimming. I love those those quips.

cooking with wood and hurt you teeth cold beer.

several months. ??

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1. What was your first job?

When I was fourteen, I cleaned toilets at a water ski tournament, and then I did general farm labor until I joined the Navy at seventeen.

2. Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?

Yes, finding the WEB website.

3. What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

Start sharing what I have learned from the Holy Scriptures. I’ve never been a good communicator, and because I generally do a brain-freeze when discussing anything face to face, I tend to remain silent.

4. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?

My wife and I lived in Alaska from 1972-1976, it’s a beautiful state; we loved backpacking and fishing, and we did it throughout the state.

5. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?

“Never go to bed mad and kiss your wife before you go to sleep.” I heard this from an old man in Canada in 1970— the year I was married.

6. Do you collect anything?

I would say Love :heart_eyes:, but my wife would say I like to collect junk.

7. When did you become a Christian?

As a child in the 1950s, but I didn’t get serious about trying to understand the bible until I was about 40. I just turned 75 and I’m still learning; Brandon has already caused me to adjust my thinking on a couple of things, and I only discovered the site three days ago.

8. Got any phobias you’d like to break?

Phobias yes, that I’d like to break, no.

9. Got any favorite quotes?

“The fundamental cause of trouble in the modern world is that the stupid are full of certainty, while the intelligent are full of doubt.” (Bertrand Russell)

“Theories change not because anybody gets converted but because those who hold the old theories eventually die off.” (Unknown author)

“For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.” [Robert Jastrow]

“Two can starve as cheap as one” This is what my new father-in-law said to me when I informed him that I had married his daughter. I think it took him by surprise when we eloped, but it turned out all right and he gave us a huge wedding banquet.

10. What are your hobbies?

I always liked building things. When I retired, I built a myself a banjo and have spent the last several years trying to learn how to play it. People generally get up and leave whenever I start playing. However, when my old dog started staying in the room, I figured I must be getting better; I soon learned she had gone deaf— so I guess I still stink.

11. How long have you been a reader of our site?

Since 5/25/23


Welcome to the Community @Oldman!

Loved the quotes, and you keep playing that banjo!

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