Ken, great to see you and welcome sir!
I’m betting you’re good at finance.
I had to check the history, your first comment ever was March 2014. Where have the years gone?
Ken, great to see you and welcome sir!
I’m betting you’re good at finance.
I had to check the history, your first comment ever was March 2014. Where have the years gone?
Impressive! We have our own Chuck Norris here on WEB
@karnold331 is one bad dude! I once heard the misses isn’t too bad either.
I know, right? “The days go by slow, but the years go by fast”. I forget where I heard that
Haha, I appreciate the vote of confidence. I’m not a bad dude but I do train with some.
I’m old now. At 52 my mind is writing checks that my body can’t cash. The Mrs. retired from karate about 6 years ago.
To give you a quick rundown, 8 years ago my wife was looking for self-defense program. She found one locally and there was a lot of kickboxing mingled in, so naturally I joined too. I didn’t have any experience prior. We joined both the Karate and Kickboxing program at this school. This past May 2022 I earned my black belt. Also, a year ago, a BJJ school opened up locally, so I joined that as well. It was actually a huge fear of mine, but I had to see if I had what it took. It is quickly becoming my favorite, so I will probably retire from Karate and just train BJJ. Your eyes are probably glazing over at this point, but I wanted to share my story. I didn’t start until I was 44. I recommend the arts for everyone, especially children.
I would say I am more like Chuck E Cheese
Too funny!
Somehow, I think you’ll be able to cash it just fine. I like the modesty though! I had a friend years ago who was getting into BJJ, he really liked it. He told me it focused on the ground, lots of fights end up there. Unless you happen to be the knockout king.
I remember back in college, we had a small asian dude for an instructor. He knew White Dragon (if I recall). Basically, the concept is to take away whatever the opponent gave you. They throw a punch, you break the wrist or an arm. They go for the kick, you break the leg. Sounds good to me, but I have to admit, it reminds me of Colbra Kai…
If a man can’t stand, he can’t fight. If a man can’t breath, he can’t fight. If a man can’t see, he can’t fight.
Boy, I really shouldn’t allow my inner self on this forum!
Not all fights end up on ground but most do. It’s really about not panicking and staying calm under pressure. Easier said than done. Of course the best fight is the one you avoid. The best defense is RUN!!!
Karate Kid and Rocky 1-4 were a staple for me growing up.
Ok we better get back to Christian topics
Hi everyone so glad to be here My first job I was a car hop for Big Boy restaurant. I fell in love with the Grand Canyon. I have been a Christian about 30 years. Best advice I ever heard was stay in the Word everyday. I have collected Bible Commentaries. No phobias so far. Favorite quote is Isaiah 49:16 …Hobby is studying the Word…unpacking words in the Greek and Hebrew just fascinate me. I use to can, cook, sew, crochet, knit, grow gardens…just not interested anymore. Been a reader for several years now and always learn something new from Brandon.
Deborah, so glad to see you on the forum. Thanks so much for joining us, welcome.
How cool is that! A car hop.
LOL that was like a 100 years ago…
Thanks so much Brandon. I am so glad to be able to join in discussions with like minded people.
Welcome aboard Deborah. I love your name, it is one of my favorite ladies in the Bible.
Awesome! We went to Worthington Glacier with Dad. Almost visited Dale Hollow just recently. Small world.
Todd, sorry to hear you lost your Pop, but you know he’s with the Lord.
You sound like my kinda guy! Enjoy the property and those cabins.
You should come visit and stay with us, bring the whole family.
My dad started taking me to Dale Hollow when I was 14, he hardly missed a spring there for 60 years. My sons, nephews and brother go now. Its a great trip. My best memory of the glacier, drinking water scooped up flowing from the glacier, ahhhh.
Thank you for condolences, my dad was a mans man. He loved an old house we used for deer camp. No electric, no running water, an outhouse, and metal roof!! I can hear the rain on it right now.
Hey, that’s a nice offer!
I heard Dale Hollow is a nice and clear lake. We were on a quick walk through South Big Fork when an older couple told us about it. We just didn’t get to add to our trip that go round. Glacier water is the best, isn’t it? We filled our water bottles on a hike in Glacier National Park, amazing hike there.
You’re welcome about your pop. What you explained reminds me of a story our friend told us once. Her grandpa grew up in the old days without plumbing. Well, one day plumbing arrived in his house right, and he said, nope. A man isn’t supposed to go inside his own house. He never did use the restroom, always went to the outhouse.
I thought that was interesting perspective. I’ve come to learn, most things are all about perspective.
What was your first job?
Farming…Dad bought a small farm when I was 8…
Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?
Yes…some new and unique opportunities to serve our local community as a spiritual family.
What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?
I would like to take up “Bush-craft”…just need to make time.
What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?
Madison International Speedway…local race fan…been going there for over 50 years
What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?
“This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!”
Do you collect anything?
Not really.
When did you become a Christian?
September of 1986
Got any phobias you’d like to break?
Got any favorite quotes?
Yes…too many to list…no absolute favorite…it depends on my attitude.
What are your hobbies?
Researching the attack on humanity, writing, Scriptural study, Archery, Gardening, Micro Brews
How long have you been a reader?
Off and on for I would think for over 10 years?
Tatwo, welcome to the forum, great to have you!
10 years is a long time. I still don’t know who has the record.
Welcome aboard Ken!
I must say, I too, am a little claustrophobic. I do not like big crowds in small venues.