I think the problem is that all of my photos are in my cell and I don’t know how to transfer them on my PC that and the fact that I have no idea about what I’m doing. I guess I must have been born in the ‘show me’ state
USB cable to PC or you could email them to yourself.
I’ll try that. even I might be able to do that. THX
Ok I sure will. I am starting to realize how unqualified I am to be sitting at a computer.
thank you sir.
Hardening off is letting it be outside for a few hours and then bringing it back in so it can get used to being in the outdoors. I do that with my tomatoes and peppers and such that I start indoors. BUT, I believe you picked a good time to set it out…it’s pretty warm now. And that is just so cool that it’s thriving!! Now don’t let a deer or a rabbit come by and munch it down to nothing!
Boy oh boy, I don’t know if it was the fact that it took forever to get warm around here or what, but my heart just isn’t into gardening this year. I have a few tomatoes and peppers going and in the process of planting in grow bags outside. I’m just not motivated at all to get it done this year. I haven’t even done my hydroponic lettuces…
Same here Kay. I had big plans to put in a garden this year, but when spring got her [April] I just never found the time or desire. In my case I think it’s old age related, [not that old but not retired] so much mowing and weed eating around here. lost two huge post oaks to a storm and had to clean that up and burn stumps out of the ground. always something on an acreage, [you and Pat know about that] luckily we have a neighbor up the hill that grows more veggies than they can eat and give us the overflow.
Oh ok. it was on the patio all last summer so it should be good. made a well around it and keep it wet [not too wet] this ground perks so well I really have to keep and eye on watering flowers
and plants. if I miss a day they start to wilt. thanks for the info.
Well…maybe I can use the "old age’ thing now too!
Processing wood from trees does keep you young though!! (or reminds you you’re not that young anymore…)
Okra…how I miss okra. I lived in Texas for years and could get okra any time of year. The only way for me to get it in NH is to go to Cracker Barrel and get it. as a side dish.
Last summer I grew some and was pleasantly surprised how well it did, in NH. I had lots of frozen Okra for the winter. I will try again this planting season and see if I can do it again.
Dragging it up from the basement to put it in a woodstove lets me know just how young I am, not.
Now more than ever check your seeds carefully.
We are now saving our seeds from our harvest that we can.
Gardening update - As mentioned earlier, my heart is just not into gardening this year. We didn’t even hit 50 deg yesterday and last night we had a low temp of 38 - not to mention even colder winds. Thankfully, I only planted about 1/2 my plants in grow bags so far…the other half I brought back in the house for some warmth! This morning I opened the windows to warm up the house! We ALMOST started a fire in the fireplace last night…
YES!!! Excellent reminder!! I actually bought seeds from Nature & Nurture Seeds - a small seed company in Michigan. (And I’m afraid to see if they are have “pride” specials…) But I agree - it’s best to save your seeds!
I’ll trade ya, I am in Florida and we ain’t seen nuttin yet.
The humidity is awful.
It’s just getting started, August and September is brutal.
Only thing we have growing now is 20 okra plants all planted a few weeks apart.
We have 10 mater plants cherry mostly.
We have them under a 40% shade cloth and they are doing pretty well.
After seeing the Snowman’s tomatoes I am embarrassed to post mine on here.
I am hoping once he gets settled in his new home he will do a tomato seminar for us.
I’ll tell ya…this weather is ridiculous! It’s so dry up here. Finally got rain, but just misty showers that didn’t do a darn thing. One very interesting thing to note though. As I’m traveling around catching trains with my son, we go thru major farm country. The fields are big dust bowls but some of the bigger farms have irrigation systems which don’t appear to be doing much good. BUT…we also drive thru the smaller Amish country. Their fields look amazing! It tells you right there what all those chemicals are doing in the “mainstream” farm fields.
Last year I did good with starting all my tomatoes hydroponically. Transplanted them into grow bags. But then kept them too close together so they could get the most sun - ended up with diseases due to limited air flow.
Don’t be embarrassed!! Share away. Of course, I should talk bc I rarely take pics. Maybe @sNOwflakes can start a YT channel for us!
1st tomato harvest this fall 2023.
Still have quite a few starting to ripen.
A little late in the fall yet I’ll take em.
Patio, Cherokee Purple, and Sun Gold Cherry Tomatoes.
The two dark ones on top are Chocolate Cherry.
We had more but we ate them before we got them inside they were so good.
Had quite a few problems to start.
Tried a different soil this time and a big mistake.
Going back with Pro- mix again in the spring garden.
Also had problems with blossom end rot.
Tomatoes were not getting enough Calcium and Magnesium.
Never seen anything like it.
Looked like they would attack you if you got too close to em. LOL
Still learning the ropes.
Got some Cal- mag liquid fertilizer and Dyna Gro Bloom liquid.
The few plants left are doing well.
Not nearly what we would have had if I had stuck with the Pro-mix.
Just recently planted Little Gem Romaine, Black Seeded Simpson lettuce and some Spinach.
Looking forward to those salads.
Thanks for looking!
I miss my plants and plants
Snow Man, I remember those pictures of your Chadwick Cherry tomatoes.
Much respect.
My nick name for you is “The Tomato Whisperer”.