I’ll see if I can get the same results in another state.
Those look scrumptious! We got a few tomatoes here and there…I didn’t really try this year. Cold spring that lasted forever didn’t help. Got lots of tomatoes from my sister though! And I’ve been ordering organic produce - just got another 35 lbs of sweet pumpkins, 10 lbs of big ole onions and 20 more lbs of apples. Oh and 50 lbs of potatoes. If the potatoes start to sprout on me, I’m gonna have to dehydrate them. I’ve been dehydrating peppers, pumpkin puree, apples…all kinds of things! I’ll have to post about my new dehydrator.
Kay, are you really Carolyn Ingalls (Little House) posting on here??
You sure seem like you could be.
It’s actually pretty funny…I kind of feel that way sometimes. We are trying our best at buying only 1 ingredient foods. It’s pretty amazing how much better you feel when you eat only real food. Our only downfall that gets us is tortilla chips. I just don’t wanna be frying masa harina dough for hours on end! I do make fry up hunks of the dough for mexican style hot dishes (or casseroles as some like to call them).
Yes mam, also trying to find stuff that doesn’t say “contains bioengineered ingredients”
The wife says I am sorta like a half way sober Mr. Edwards
My arch nemesis, that is, next to Satan.
I’m a stickler on this one. So if we buy a new product type, and it wasn’t me. I’ll open the cabinet, grab the item, and read out loud, “um… it says contains bioengineered ingredients.”
They say, “Ahh man! I looked.”
Then I just laugh, it doesn’t say that! I have to pull their leg sometimes! I know, I’m a bully.
Good harvest brother!
Brandon, get this.
The major “food” corps fought tooth n nail to not have to put that on their labels.
However, look what these scum bags did instead.
They are not required to disclose it on the item itself.
Instead they have the option of if you want to be sure you have to scan the QR code.
Then scroll through all their BS to see if it’s listed.
So, if you are not tech savvy or the elderly they figure you won’t go to the trouble especially while shopping in the store.
What are they trying to hide???
Well…I’m not elderly and I think I’m pretty tech savy…but there is no way in hell that I scan anything with my phone.
Yes mam!
I have never scanned a QR code in my life.
I don’t recall that one entirely, my understanding from how that ended, was they have to put it on the label. Shoot me the details, I’d like to see that.
I will say, in California, food items have to have a Prop 65 warning if their food contains or was produced under certain conditions. We’ve been seeing that even in other adjacent states, since the food producer uses the same packaging. Prop 65 is about cancer risk.
Why the heck is anything being sold with cancer risks?
Cheaper production = more
Here’s the info on Prop 65 warnings
I’ll have to dig for it again.
Can’t right now the wife is making me do the dishes and laundry.
Will get it for ya.
I found it from the horse’s mouth, USDA.
Thanks for the information brother, very good info.
Per the USDA link:
How must the bioengineered food disclosure be made?
The disclosure must be of a sufficient size and clarity to appear prominently and conspicuously on the label, making it likely to be read and understood by the consumer.
There are four disclosure options:
- On-package text, e.g. “Bioengineered food,” or “Contains a bioengineered food ingredient”;
- USDA approved symbol for bioengineered food;
- Electronic or digital link that must include instructions to “Scan here for more food information” or similar language that only reflects technological changes, and include the phrase “Call [1-000-000-0000] for more food information”; or
- Text message disclosure must include the statement: “Text [command word] to [number] for bioengineered food information.”
I’ll add a tidbit here. I just made my own version of Vicks Vapor Rub from one of my favorite Youtubers. Unfortunately, she had to move her video to Rumble bc youtube doesn’t allow Turpentine to be discussed. Even though…Vicks has turpentine in it! Most people don’t know that bc they throw out the outer box that it comes in. They changed “turpentine” to be considered an Inactive ingredient instead of an Active ingredient.
The outer box AND the product label must list Active AND Inactive Ingredients. While the label only needs to list the Active Ingredients. Look on the outer box of Vicks and you see turpentine listed…but on the container you will not.
Note: The turpentine that you use medicinally is strictly 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine.
Picked the last of our Bell Peppers this morning.
On the smaller side as the weather has cooled some and they really slowed down.
They are very tender and sweet.
We are still getting this many cherry tomatoes each morning despite the change in temps here.
Sun Gold
These are like eating candy!
The chocolate cherries.
We had more but we ate them as we picked them.
Thanks for looking!
Looking good brother, I want some maters!
That reminds me from years back. We had a bunch of yellow cherry maters. We called my daughter the “mater girl.” She must have been about three. Everyone would say, where’s Natalie… You’d go outside and find her gorging on those yellow maters.
When you caught her, oh man she had the look of someone being caught in a crime.
The birds in my neighborhood really like my Cherokee Purple Maters.
As soon as they show any red color it’s game on for these critters.
I decided to try this.
I put some of my old discarded socks on them.
That was a failure.
I pulled the socks off to check on ripeness and the maters had rotted.
I figured it was cutting off air circulation etc.
The wife said it was my stinky socks that killed them.
So next I took some panty hose and cut them up in smaller pieces to put over the ripening maters.
It has been working great to keep the birds off.
No problems with ripening or rotting.
Now instead of the problems with the birds eating my maters.
Stinky socks rotting my maters.
Now the wife is mad at me for cutting up her panty hose.
I just can’t win.
Thanks for looking!
There’s also that mesh netting stuff. I know, late in the season for all that, but something to think about for next year. Or you could just have bird soup…
Trimmed some leaves off of our collards today.
We have four plants this size.
We were blessed with this amount.
We also trimmed some of our Mustard greens.
One tray.
We were blessed with two bags full of greens and plenty left growing.
Get the corn bread ready mama!!
Harvested our French Breakfast radishes.
Very mild variety, not harsh tasting like some others can be.
Our high tech salad bar set up.
Little Gem Romaine on this end.
Half way down.
Black Seeded Simpson on the other end.
Hey, thank you for looking .
God has really blessed us and He gets all the praise n glory.
We are still learning the ropes and really love it.
We have tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers in seed trays already sprouting for spring planting.
I cannot love this more!! You two are really doing great. And what a blessing that is!
Would you like to see our garden today??? Atleast our Christian flag is flying high!
I should add, Pat got some of the snow off the roof!
And our one cat insists on going outside instead of using the basement litter box. This is her hole to get under the deck…
I don’t miss Florida but after seeing that