Anyone Doing any Gardening?

Is the olive indoors or does it take the cold temps?

Indoors and cold hardy. I bought it through a nursery.

Funny thing about my aloe plant. I’ve had one in my house for decades now and this poor thing has been so neglected. It can go months without watering and it just keeps on growing. I bet if I transplanted it into a larger pot and actually gave it some love this thing would be huge! It’s an average size - but this thing is a fighter! LOL

And what the heck with the Olive tree. How did I never hear of this? AND being cold hardy? Wow.

I would think it needs to go thru the dormant stage for it to thrive. I would plant in the yard with protection…don’t let the critters eat it! But you will need to harden it off first. Can’t remember where you live (or if you mentioned it or not) but make sure to wait until it starts to warm up outside. Then just set if outside for a bit and bring back in. Just to get it used to the outdoors.

Olive Arbequina is the name of the bush I have.

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Are the pineapples from starter plants?

I have heard you can cut the top off one and plant it, is that feasible?

What are you feeding them?

Thank you!

All you do is buy one at the store, cut the top off leaving about 3/4 - 1 inch of meat and stick it in the ground.

The ones in the pic have produced 3 or more generations of pineapples. They do get a little smaller each generation. I started with one and now probably have 25 plants. I even gave some away. Eventually they will run out of gas. Many will have off shoots that produce too.

I water with the normal yard sprinklers but don’t feed them. I guess you could. The pic is from last year. I think I harvested around, 12.


I guess you could say with the extras you were “Doling” them out.
I know my humor is sick. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


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I need to find you a hobby. :upside_down_face:


Today’s harvest.


Good Job Snow Man!!

Hydro or soil?
From how many plants?

Yeah, yeah, I am nosey as heck.

Looks great Buddy!

One plant, hydroponics.
Chadwick Cherry seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, Mansfield, Missouri.

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It’s turned into a monster.

Great job there!! I was going to try and overwinter some cherry tomatoes last year, but decided I just didn’t have the room. And I was going to order from Baker Creek at one point, but never did. I know they were the only ones that had a some kind of seed I was looking for. Must have not been that important of a seed! LOL

I just started my verious pepper seeds in toweling yesterday and was supposed to get to the tomatoes today. That didn’t happen. Hoping to find time tomorrow. Hoping we are almost done with the snow…

Our Okra plants are starting to produce very nicely.

The variety is Louisiana Velvet.

We like this one even if you let them get past 3 inches in length they are still tender pods.
We average this many each morning now for the past week.

So we cut them up in pieces.

Add some seasonings

Toss well in the seasonings

Most importantly, add some cheese!!

Wrap tight in foil and place on gas grill at 375 degrees for 20-25mins.

I think it would go great with a nice piece of “fish”. :innocent:

Okay, let’s eat!!!

Thanks for looking! :grinning:


Looks fantastic!! Never grew okra before but between you and another friend of mine from Alabama, I just may have to start. Of course, we have snow forecasted for Sun and Mon. I shouldn’t accumulate, but man…we are so ready for spring to arrive!

Dang man!

That looks fantastic!

If this keeps up, we’ll need a recipe thread too. :+1:t3:

Okla. Kay. Update on the apple tree started from seed. I planted it in the yard and have kept it watered. it is starting to thrive. What did you mean ‘let it harden’ I don’t how to post pictures or I would include one. It’s about 36" and has a 3/4" base. many limbs. I hope by winter it will have a strong enough root structure to survive.

That’s what I’m talking about, 'Okra. Had fried Okra last night with some hickory smoked Spam ,
Okra is good anyway you cook it, but my favorite is salt and peppered, lightly dusted with flour or fine corn meal and fried in a skillet. Goes good with anything. The way you did that Okra in foil on the grill looks great. That’s how I do green beans in butter with a hand full of lightly fried bacon bits.

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