Picked this up today for my Kitty.
Ron Paul, my ol hero.
@Cozar will love this one.
Yep - a man with common sense. We were gonna use his curriculum for homeschooling, but never did.
Good one!
Check out The Creature from Jekyll Island.
Also anything by Bill Still on the Banking Cartel known as the fed.
These “Creatures” are the nucleus of everything that is going on today.
You mean this Bill Still…
This is the first material I read of his work.
After watching the video, I am left in amazement.
Well, on a side note…our cats lay like that all the time! But the catnip is finally growing here. Although snow is AGAIN expected to show up Sunday night. Thankfully catnip is pretty hardy and robust!
Okay…I typically don’t click on things like this but for some reason I did with this one. Although it’s pretty sad that these games are being played in our government (but it happens multiple times a day) this one did make me laugh out loud.
Delaware County council member Ryan Webb:
“After much consideration I have decided to come out and finally feel comfortable announcing my true authentic self, It is with great relief that I announce to everyone that I identify as a woman and not just any woman but as a woman of color as well. I guess this would make me gay/lesbian as well, since I am attracted to women.”
One of them “diversity” hires.
Bravo. So why do keep keep using the word disciplines?
I think everybody should have the right to choose their own disciplines.