No, I would never do this to my kitty!
Okay well…I might! LOL
Thank you sir - we all need some comedy relief!
too funny and great addition!
I always thought a ferret would be an awesome pet. I just love the look of those critters. Not to mention, they apparently know how to have a good time!
No…no they are not. LOL My brother had one and they stink. Then people say, “but you can get them de-scented!” Nope…that doesn’t work. But you are correct, they are cute and hilarious.
Kay, I try to learn something new everyday. I got to admit, I was starting to sweat it, the night closing, no new knowledge. Then bam, you show up with a factoid at the buzzer! I didn’t realize ferrets had a bad smell!
Happy I could be of service!!
Those cat dogs are amazing!
Alright - My turn for a funny!! So I follow a FB page called Raising Real Men and they were asking if there was ever a saying that you misunderstood as a child. Someone responded this:
A small child once showed my mom, her teacher, a drawing of the nativity scene that included a large, chubby man. My mom asked the child who the chubby man was, and the child responded, “That’s Round John Virgin.”
I just can’t stop laughing!
That was funny, I do care what any one says.
I’m still giggling about it.
Me on the left when I first wake up in the morning.
Me on the right 5 mins later.
If not for God’s Word I would really believe I was in a never ending episode of The Twilight Zone.
No kidding! This world just keeps getting weirder and weirder!