...And Now For Some Comedy Relief!

Ha! Ill do ya 1 better sir .
How about , 1 teenager, 1 pre teen , and 1 adorable (but reckless) 2 year old tddler :rofl::rofl::rofl: Alll for the great price of F R E E :joy::joy::joy:

You can even take the dog :dog2: :joy:

training the little lion for hunting and snooping. I love cats.

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Mr. Rogers talks about the only two genders: boys and girls. :+1:t3:

I grew up watching his shows.
Loved the dude.


I made fun of him in my twenties and thirties until I grew up and realized that he was awesome. Can you spell friend?

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a 19 yr old landed his first job selling life insurance on the road and door to door. He rolled into a very small town on his first morning and the only people he saw were two old timers sitting on a bench in front of the post office reading the paper. He walked up with a big smile and said hello! neither old timer acknowledged him. there was an old hound laying beside them on the ground licking himself like all dogs do. The young man thought he would be coy and stated, 'boy, I wish I could do that. one of the old men lowered his paper and looked over his glasses and said, 'go ahead, 'he wont mind . that there is funny! I don’t care who you are.




Our Pastor just used this in his sermon last week, with the β€œFancy song.” :+1:

Basically how The State of The Union came across.

I decided to use my time wisely and watched reruns of the 3 stooges.

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For all the guys not sure what to get her this Valentine’s day.

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He even got the brown eggs, must really be in love.

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Paw Wars


Updated spokesperson release from the Biden Mad house
concerning possible alien invasion with balloons with strings attached.

flash backs…I use to love watching the crayon factory he showed making crayons, a red crayon actually, I remember.

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Turns out they have a tool these days. haha

I once saw the vet do it and stood in wonder. :smile: