You shared the Truth well

You shared the Truth well for Jody and others indeed. I first learned this Truth from the only Pastor teaching this truth many years ago, and still today by the gift of video and technology; Pastor Arnold Murray from The Shepherds Chapel. I stumbled to find him on a tv program one early morning in 1985. I knew what I was hearing had to be more Truth. I had ever heard a Pastor speak GODs Word and showed me how to study it and to search deeper and showed me proper tools to use. I never looked back. I have to say back then in all my arrogance, I told GOD, [imagine??] I told GOD to prove it to me without question. I dove into HIS Word, at first researching and writing everything in notebook after notebook, I still have them, I needed to prove The Word of GOD was true, and the short story was that not very long in doing that praying began in earnest, then repentance, lots of crying, apologizing and baptism. As time pressed forward everything changed in my life and I was so grateful. I cried a lot - and beg forgiveness for all the yelling I had done to HIM to prove HIMSELF to me. Well, FATHER did forgive me, and I could not be more in love with all of HIM and HIS Word than I currently am, may that continue to grow all the days I draw a breath. There is still so much to learn. HE has forgiven me for that brazenness then, and every day I repent, but I still to this day cannot get over my arrogance and more back then. Anyway, Pastor Arnold was the most wonderfully and thorough teacher I could have ever had been blessed to have. And although very different in manner, Pastor Dennis was able to teach the O.T. like nobody else. My life was indeed blessed that early morning so long ago. I had searched over a couple decades to find another such teacher in many local church buildings around where I had lived and never found another teacher, pastor, preacher or priest that ever took the time to teach GODs Word as well and as thorough as I had received from these two Pastors. One day back then,
I finally stopped looking, and ever since I have had no desire to search for a local church family, Shepherds Chapel is my church, and my home for hearing the Word of GOD. It seems in recent times I often recognize the fruits of his teachings in others. The teachings and plantings he shared appear to have taken good root by FATHER, and it is a wonderful feeling to recognize Truth weel rooted today in so many others, GODs Word is being shared like never before, in Truth and understanding that others can recognize it too. I thank GOD for all doing so. What a wonderful FATHER we have. The world is indeed starving for the Word of GOD and HIS Truth. GOD told us that not one of HIS Children, that are meant to hear the Truth will be lost, sealed in it. How glorious it is to have learned The GOOD NEWS and it is GOOD NEWS indeed for all that know it know we have nothing to fear whatsoever we watch go down all around us now and going forward. It is so easy to follow HIS instructions, study, learn to understand Truth, when you understand a Truth, share it. Helping as many as each are able to reach using the gifts we each have been given, is the work that must be done now. We all have a role to play and all in different ways it seems. Well, thank you Brandon, for this share of yours today, I saw the Truth in it right off. I cannot think of a more important work to be doing now. Praying you there, in your neck of these beautiful woods all have a great and blessed day.