What If False Prophecy Is Unfolding In Israel?

Full article at: What If False Prophecy Is Unfolding In Israel? | World Events and the Bible

Today, we’re going to talk about false prophecy. What false prophecy? As I explained on Monday, we have some Christian leaders saying the events in Israel, the Israel-Gaza war marks the fulfillment of End Times prophecy, and that Jesus is returning soon. Millions of Christians are being told, Ezekiel 37 and 38, have, and are,…


Hi Brandon,
Personally, although I’m not rushing God…I pray for his timing to return, to be as soon as possible. What this world is turning into, leaves a lot to be desired and frankly is really weighing on me as it is for so many others. It’s getting harder and harder to find and focus on the positive things of this world, and frankly I am just getting tired and am ready to be with God, if he shall have me.


Welcome Rhonda,

You’re not alone. There are days when you can have peace and enjoy the Lord’s land we live on. Then there are days that the evilness just shines through.

I think that is why we are told to detach. We can’t change it, so why even tune in. He even gives a final warning, Rev 8:4, but many will ignore.

I feel bad for those who are good people but just don’t seem to want to get it.
On the other hand, it is hard to have empathy or sympathy for those who’s feet hit the floor every morning with the plan to hurt their fellow man. You just have to shake your head and laugh as the Lord does in Psalms 2.


Welcome! I too get to that point sometimes…but then I go back to the Word and remember “patience” and “long suffering”. Our Lord Savior had asked us to do that. I also think about “practicing faith”. These are the times that we need to put all our faith in Him…and we all need practice with that. Remember that with true faith in God, we know He is in control and all these things need to take place before His return. So He is giving us time to keep on practicing. It’s hard sometimes, but keep that faith in the forefront of your mind. HE is always there for comfort and for rest. God bless!!


For there shall arise false Christ’s, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders;
insomuch that, if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect. Mathew 24:24

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Thank you very much for your reply. To be honest, all of what you stated is what gets me through each day. God bless you as well!


Me too! And actually replying to you helped me to remember those things as well - pretty cool how that works sometimes.

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The way I see it, the 1st to appear will be satan with his angels. Jesus comes after with His MIGHTY Angels. Many will believe having been led astray. Ignore satans appearance, resist his temptations, proclaim his falsehood. We may not know the time when Christ returns, just know that the 1st one to appear is the Antichrist.


David, Reading Mathew 24:24 very carefully Christ tells us ‘If It Were Possible’ they shall deceive the very elect. It wont be possible to deceive Christs children. Those he knows and who know him. You can not loose that, ’ which you never had.


Brandon, I always enjoy the way you write. It is easy and fun to understand.

Thank You so much for this site,

God Bless, Chris


YES! I wholeheartedly agree. The scariest part is how satan knows how to appeal to PRIDE and all the misleading false teachers and doctrines of demons build up our egos making us think we are so special to God, there are no expectations from us. Lik the “everyone is a winner” dangerous approach at schools that promotes mediocrity, entitlement and a complete lack of motivation to discern apart from what the teacher “regurgitates” is truth to be learned without questioning. We are set up to fall for the neverending scams from birth. Conditioning us to fall for pride and seducing, misleading half truths.
Once God allows one to see the level of deception we wade in, it just can’t be unseen.


I agree with that the jews are not God’s chosen people, but that true believers in Jesus Christ are.
That said, I disagree that with your beginning statements and following conclusions. Why? Because 2 Thess 2:1-4 are not talking about Satan who you say is going to fool the world.
Those scriptures are talking about the Antichrist, the man of sin, the son of perdition. The Dragon, Satan is a separate entity from the beast ( the Antichrist)
The Antichrist is the “son” of Satan, you could say.
The Antichrist is not Satan. The Antichrist is the individual person who will be possessed with Apollyon’s spirit, that comes from the abyss. See Rev 9. It is he who does the works of Satan…ie false signs and wonders.
A lot get this mixed up, thinking it is actually Satan masquerading as the false messiah. But it’s the Beast, the Antichrist, the individual who does the false signs and wonders.
“ So they worshiped the dragon ( Satan) who gave authority to the beast. And they worshiped the beast….” Rev 13:4. See, it’s two different entities.
Just wanted to clarify that for you.

God doesn’t lie so all we need to do is pay close attention to His Word. Christ, in Luke 21:24 explains how God’s chosen people would fall by the sword and then be taken captive into ALL nations until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled. The scriptures are also clear that God will gather the members of ALL 12 TRIBES which has not happened yet which means that the formation of Israel in 1948 was not biblical prophecy. Most who live in Israel today mainly claim to be from the tribe of Judah but have no way of proving it while also confessing to be Ashkenazi, which is from the line of Japheth, not Shem (Abraham). (See the bloodlines in the Book of Genisis. It is shockingly as plain as day). The scriptures also say that there will be a thousand years of peace after God’s people are brought back to Israel to rule with Christ yet since the formation of Israel in 1948 Israel has never seen peace. Another fact to keep in mind is the Apostle Paul told Gentiles who truly follow Christ that they will be co-heirs, so there WILL be two distinct groups serving and co-ruling with Christ during the Millennial Kingdom. My point of bringing all of this up is to show that prophecy is playing out exactly the way God said it would and it is critical that we learn God’s true plans for us through prayer, the Holy Spirit, discernment, obedience, and diligent study in order to not succumb to false teachers because we are living in the most deceptive time in human history.


I was reading Genesis lineage yesterday morning and read Japheth offspring.

The first beast of Rev 13 is not the antichrist. There are many antichrists, including Satan, but the first beast specifically is the system. It is the system, all governing at the time of the tribulation. The dragon, Satan, heals the broken system. The antichrist does not have more than one head.

Rev 9 specifically says the king of the locust army is an angel called Abaddon or Apollyon, a destroyer, not a mortal man who is possessed by the so-called angel.

The 2nd beast is the one who does great wonders. Apollyon is Satan. (Rev 9) If the locust army spoken in Rev 9 and Joel 2 are the evil angels, before His coming, don’t you think the king over them, Satan, would be here too?

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As you can see, in Genesis 10 Japheth (Gentiles) was the father of Gomer and Gomer was the father of Ashkenaz. It is astounding how people miss (or ignore) how the Torah clearly shows how Ashkenaz is of Gentile lineage (Japheth) and not Semitic (Shem) like they claim, and how Shem mixed heavily with Ham for centuries. It is intentional that the world has not been told the truth, but it doesn’t matter because the scriptures said that this would happen, and that what was hidden will be exposed in the last days. The bible also says the descendants of Japheth would occupy the tents (land) of Shem until the time of the Gentiles end. This is just another one of many bible passages confirming that the Gentiles living in the Middle East today are not Semitic people. People also conveniently ignore how God said that HE would bring ALL His people back to their land from ALL the nations just before Christ returns, which means Britain and America, working with the Rothschild family in the creation of the nation of Israel in 1948 was not prophecy being fulfilled. Most of the people living there today came from eastern Europe, from mostly Slavic nations, Turkey, Russia, etc.; people who were never taken into captivity in Babylon or Egypt. There are supposed to be 12 Hebrew Israelite tribes, but most who live in Israel today claim to be from the tribe of Judah. The truth is NONE of them can honestly trace their lineage back to Abraham and there are numerous books authored by Jewish, European, and Arab historians that prove how the Ashkenazi descendants (Kazaryans) COVERTED to Judaism in mass in the 7th century after considering converting to Christianity or Islam as well. This included changing their names to Cohen, Levi, etc. after the conversion. Since then, the Europeans and Arabs have tried their best to erase every trace of the original Hebrews, but scientific advances are outpacing the lies and keep revealing more truth, supporting the many artifacts in British, Egyptian, and Arab museums taken in conquest that clearly show that the Hebrews of the bible were not Caucasian looking people. From its very inception the Israeli government has suppressed anything pointing to how they are illegitimate. Language studies, DNA testing, archeological evidence, migration tracking, ancient artwork, and historical records keep yielding undeniable proof. It is only a matter of time until the world knows truth.

Thanks Lou, you obviously read more than I do. I’m curious how you rendered down that the
US and the UK would be there homeland and birthright. Their birthright [homeland] is in the middle east. They were driven from their homeland and scattered abroad. If God brings his people back [from all nations ] to their homeland, then I see it as he will will return them to the land of their origin. The land that was given them by God. That makes more since to me.


Where did you find this to know?

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I brought up the US and the UK because they brokered the deal that established modern-day Israel. Both countries were, and still are in great debt to the Rothschilds and other European banking families who have financed our wars and industries since the days of Abe Lincoln. Britain had possession of Palestine after WWI and the establishment of Israel for the Rothschild family was a way to pay off much of the debt. I did not indicate that Britain and the US would be the homeland and birthright of God’s chosen people. The Europeans are also responsible for renaming all the countries of Africa and the coming up with the name “Middle East” to hide the fact that the Middle East is actually part of Africa. It is on the same tectonic plate. Think about it. Where is the Middle West, Middle South, etc.? It is just a made-up term. You are correct in thinking that God will gather His people to return them to the land (Middle East) He promised them. I hope this answers your question.