What If False Prophecy Is Unfolding In Israel?

This is all in the bible. Genesis 10 shows the bloodline of Noah, which when followed accurately and closely, reveals the physical characteristics of each bloodline. Unfortunately, most people don’t take the time to truly research the physical attributes regarding the tribes of Noah’s descendants and where they settled. Nevertheless, the bible clearly reveals how Japheth represents (Caucasians) who settled in the Caucus Mountains, Ham represents dark-skinned people (Egyptians, Ethiopians, etc.), and Shem’s (dark skinned people including the Hebrew Israelites) descendants make up the true Hebrew Israelites. The bible even points out that Negroes are NOT descendants of Ham, which is the lie that has been taught to most Christians. ALL the wives and servants of Moses, Abraham, King David, King Solomon, etc. were black women. All one has to do is research the tribes they came from. This means that most Jews today cannot possibly be descendants of the Israelites of the bible. Common sense also tells us that the reason God changed Abram’s name to Abra-Ham was because he knew the descendants of Shem (Abraham) would mix HEAVILY with the descendants of Ham for centuries. Remember, the Europeans and Americans were the first to use the printing press. They rewrote and mass distributed the bible. The changes are easily confirmed when western bibles are compared to the dead sea scrolls. Only the Ethiopian Bible, which is the oldest and most complete bible in the world matches the dead sea scrolls word for word. The Europeans also intentionally left out certain books in the bible like the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jasher, and others because they revealed information that they did not want the public to have. For instance, the book of Enoch describes how Noah was an albino who did not look like most of his people who had black skin. This would explain why Noah’s descendants had different complexions. The good thing about living today is we are living in the time where God said He would reveal much to humanity, which means that we are also living in the time where our eyes are being opened up to the truth regarding God’s plans and entering the phase that will lead to the return of Christ. I hope this was helpful and I wish you the best. Please pray for this world.

Where does it specifically state their physical characteristics? It would be nice for more detailed information on all of what you are saying.

Some use Noah being an albino to say that Adam was black even saying this is because the dust, clay in the area of the garden was dark, so he was created black.

This would mean, that the white races would have been created on the 6th day.
Or they came to being, through Noah, said to be an albino.

Correct me if I am wrong, for the white races to all come from the albino scenario, having the very low percentage of bearing an albino baby, some sort of evolution event would have to have happened.
In looking into the odds of a couple having and albino baby, you are looking at 10,000 or 20,000 to one. Using this, the math doesn’t add up for what the populations are today.

Maybe I am on the wrong track here?

Edited to add: Albino is not a race. If 2 dark skin people have a child that is an Albino, the child is still the race of the parents, just lacking the melanin of the parents.

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You are correct that Albino is not a race. Race is also a made-up term. The truth is we all come from the same original humans. The Book of Enoch did not mention the word “albino” specifically, but Noah’s father was quite confused and freaked out when Noah was born with white skin. This is most likely the reason the Book of Enoch was not canonized by the Catholic Church. It only supports how all the main characters in the bible were people of color. The reason most people don’t know that the bible gives us ways to tell what the people of the bible looked like is because they don’t take the time to research the names and histories of the various tribes and link them to historical descriptions, art, etc. A multitude of historians from Greece, China, Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Rome, etc. have given vivid descriptions of what the true Hebrew Israelites looked like over the centuries along with numerous tribes listed in the bible, and they ALL described the Hebrews and the tribes they mingled with as being black, including the Egyptians, the Canaanites, and the Babylonians. Today, this is what many so-called bible experts and pastors fail to tell their parishioners, both intentionally and unintentionally. Studying history, art, migration patterns, DNA tracking, and language, gives a clearer picture of what the people occupying the Middle East thousands of years ago really looked like. I didn’t get into detail in my earlier post because there is just too much to unpack. If you really are interested in understanding this, you will have to do your own due diligence. Be wise, though. The one thing I have learned during my journey is a that lot of history was written by individuals who had agendas or made a lot of wrong assumptions about who they were writing about. Many history books were written from a white supremacy perspective. It is helpful to know facts about the authors, the time in which they lived, and the context surrounding their writing. I recommend audio books because you can absorb a lot of information quickly and at your leisure. Here are some that will expand your knowledge greatly and answer many of your questions: The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand; The Ancient Black Negroes by Gert Muller; The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Kestler; Lost Tribes and Promised Lands by Ronald Sanders; The Destruction of the Black Civilization by Chancellor Williams; The Stolen Legacy by George G.M. James; The Book of Enoch; Hebrews to Negroes by Ron Dalton Jr.; and The Whitewashing of Christianity by Jerome Gay. Some of these books are controversial because they challenge many of the erroneous writings that earlier authors sold to the public as fact. However, when you actually take the time to examine them, you will find that they contain an overwhelming amount of truth that cannot be denied or ignored. I also don’t want people to just take my word when I post something. My hope is that people will vet what I write and respond respectfully and intelligently. Occasionally, I even get corrected, to which I am thankful. I don’t claim to know everything, but I certainly pursue biblical history with a passion and now realize that much of what I have learned is supported by many of today’s historians, who are much better informed than their counterparts from centuries ago due to technology. It is good to have conversations on here, but you don’t get the same kind of download that you get when you do your own research. Good luck.

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Enjoy you talking some enoch. Interesting stuff in the book i Def enjoy it!

Where does your research say the white races came from?

Japheth, but don’t take my word for it. Do your own research.