We Need To Talk About The Tariffs

Full article at: We Need To Talk About The Tariffs | World Events and the Bible

The world is going wild and crazy, once again… As we all know, President Trump just levied tariffs against Canada, Mexico, and China. The reason, illegal immigration and illicit drugs, specifically, fentanyl are flowing from those nations into our own. At least, that’s the claim being made. We certainly know it’s true of Mexico, but…


His ego has no boundaries that’s for sure so why not expand it to Canada. My question would be, can this be accomplished in 4 years. If that’s the plan then buckle up and have the popcorn ready :grinning::facepunch::call_me_hand:


do we ever get good news anymore? no! i was just reading about the executive orders that the president signed. especially about the tariffs and yes it is in there. price of food will go up, gas and everything else. guess i will be growing potatoes this year and can them. they are a staple worth growing and storing. yes, i am popcorn ready!!!


If they manage to absorb Canada into the U.S How many electoral votes would that be?

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well the way trump is talking there is never going to be another election, so i don’t think that will really matter, we will have a new world order leader???

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I’ve been quite for a while so I thought I would throw in my two cents this morning. I’m actually quite optimistic at the moment, but time will tell.

So tariffs are typically a tax on the consumers of the nation who implemented the tariff. In this case, the United States. So we’re going to see inflation kick up a bit more. You’re going to pay more. Fuel will cost more, lots of things will cost more.”

This is true, but in 2018 when Trump imposed tariffs on several items, the cost for those items did increase, but only for about 4-6 months and then they retreated and ended up lower than they were to start with. The same thing is likely to happen again; how much things will increase and how long increases will last depends on how long any trade war may last.

Yes, tariffs are inflationary.”

I believe this may also be true, however there must also be other factors at work, because when Trump took office in Jan 2017 the inflation rate was 2.5%. He implemented tariffs in 2018, but when he left office in 2021 the inflation rate was 1.4%. For all the crying the democrats and some republicans are doing today about how tariffs will cause inflation to rise, we heard not a peep out of any of them for the last four years concerning inflation. They cried when Trump implemented the tariffs in 2018, and yet they kept most of them in place. Now in Jan 2025 the inflation rate is 2.5%-3.3% or about doubled what it was when Trump left office. My point is tariffs are only part of the picture. I believe government spending in a bigger concern. Sadly, I’ve been waiting my entire life for the politicians to get that under control and it hasn’t happened yet, so I’m not going to hold my breath.

So I’m beginning to wonder what the agenda actually is here…”

I think all Trump’s bluster & bravado are just negotiating tactics and as much as it makes many of us blush — it seems to work. For instance, it has been reported just this morning that Panama plans to build a closer relationship with the US, and that they would not renew their agreement with China.

Also, Trump just posted on X that he spoke with Justin Trudeau earlier today and that they plan to speak again later today, so things may work out there. It is also being reported that China wants to come to the table. I haven’t heard anything about Mexico yet, my guess is that they will also come to the negotiating table.

I believe the people of Greenland and Canada will decide their own fate; I doubt that either country wants to give up their sovereignty, and in spite of what he may say, Trump is not going to take either by force.

As far as the stock market goes, it always throws a hissy fit, it’s already coming back from its lows of the morning, — at least for the moment.

Update: Trump pauses tariffs on Mexico goods after talking with country’s President Sheinbaum.

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Trumps actions, many of them, will fulfill what is Written, even if
he has no idea or intent to that purpose or does or if he even
intentionally means to walk contrary to God’s intentions ~ he could
not. Unifying North Americas and nearby territories is of
prophecies that shall be fulfilled. At the very least there will be
divisions of territory which the supernatural will inherit, perfect,
or redesign and over-rule at the greatest reset of all, just prior to the
True Restoration.

We well know it is essential to first have laid in our minds context
of God’s Word, all of it, yet specifically in Jeremiah, Isaiah, and
Daniel and Revelation (and Minor Prophets of course).

Details current taking place are not given to us in the Word
regarding names of peoples, organizations, but we are shown
conduct and facts regarding “kings” “certain kings” “princes”
“great men of the earth” and “peoples of the habitable world”

We are called to take an honest look at our own condition, “how
we got here” which is the book of Lamentations in a nutshell.

The Word will DIFFER in analysis from the way stark worldly
analysis looks at “how we got here” and differ in critical detail
as how to remedy.

The world view will miss essential analysis which GOD shows is at
the heart of our having earned correction possibly now underway.
HOWEVER worldly analysis does provide facts clinical. ~ Two
example assessments are found at a most recent interview with
Catherine Austin Fits done at her new home in Holland. It is at a
Holland based you tube: blckbox titled: " Ex-Top Official
Catherine Austin Fitts: The Trump Administration’s Road to the

A second angle of “how we got here-worldly analysis” is at
you tube: Middle Nation titled: Trump: Overseeing the
(which please do hear, the latter does incorporate
certain facts but more as a Rabshakeh IMHO). At the very least
it will be seen how America is viewed by other nations and clearly
seen as “ripe for the pickin’s” just as Sennacherib wrongly
concluded at his perilous underestimation of and mocking of
GOD. We know how Hezekiah sought remedy! And what the
people’s response were at that time. As should be ours

Fitts’ interview is like none others she has done. Done more in
layman’s terms. Her “red button” story experience does address
the “condition of the people” in part, which we find Written in the
Word of God as HE conveys to us why the final King of Babylon is
coming. She does not say that we must hear God’s Voice i.e.
through the prophets in the Written Word. We know we must.

Fitts presents as fact that “drugs trafficking” is become infested
and infused in our U.S. economy and how it happened…and
that should “drug trafficking” be fully eradicated the U.S. economy
would fall. (she explains, you decide) This is the crux of her “red
button” experience (about 13 minutes in) which is pre-faced in
detail to explain “how did we get here” IF TRUE then the people
ignorant of it is one thing, but once it is known is quite another.
i.e. do people ignore it and continue to build on that?


Thanks for chiming in Oldman!

Something else we may miss here if we’re not careful, the tactics being used.

They’re very destructive and abrupt. Many of us lost a significant amount of money today thanks to his reckless policies, which destroyed markets. It doesn’t matter if they recovered or are recovering, the damage is already done, some people lost depending on their positions and loss limits. I can tell you, I never experienced that once under the former administration, as bad as it was.

In my opinion, Trump is an attention seeker. The proper way to conduct this business would have been to reach out to Mexico first, privately and threaten the life out of them. Then go public if they want to call his bluff. The fact he never signed the EO on this one, tells me he himself didn’t really want to do it implement the tariff, but he talks a different game.

What happened to the wall to stop all of the illegals and drugs?

The fact he pushed so hard for these tariffs — inflationary policy — while telling his base he’ll lower prices and end wars within 24 hours of taking office, is a slap in the face to them. With respect to his inflation numbers, he increased the national debt by 33%, lots in COVID spending. That didn’t show up until Biden.

Just my 2 cents.

One more mention… While putting forward tariffs which pass the tax burden onto the consumer, and then lowering taxes, as he has promised. It’s a zero-sum game. We don’t win. It’s psychological warfare. We’re told a country is punished with tariffs when we are, and we’re told we win with tax cuts, which were negated by the tariff.

P.S. @Oldman, don’t be quiet, we like hearing from you. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


The dip in the market today was relatively small, in fact larger dips happen quite frequently and without any mention of tariffs, i.e. practically every time the FED speaks, check-out 12/18/24. I’m sorry for anyone that lost money today, but nobody should have their stop-losses set at 3-4%.

About Mexico, did you happen to catch Trump speaking a couple hours ago? He has in fact been speaking with Mexico, and Mexico has agreed to send 10,000 troops to the boarder, and I believe Trump said that any tariffs will be delayed for 30 days while they are talking.

Trump said yesterday that he left a clause in the USMCA deal that allows him to renegotiate the deal. I believe this is what much of the tariff threats are about. He said it’s about bringing manufacturing back to the US, which is exactly what is happening. (See the link below.)

Trump says many outlandish things that can drive a person up a wall, I don’t let them bother me the way many people do, including many family members.

As for the economy in general, ending wars, and finishing the boarder wall, as long as they get done in a timely manner, I’ll be happy. I’m willing to give this administration a chance, if things don’t look much better in a year or two, I’ll be right there with you complaining.

We obviously have different views about the amount of damage tariffs will do, but “I still love you man!” Time will tell.

P.S. Oldman, don’t be quiet, we like hearing from you.” Thanks Brandon, I realize that what I said today will rub some readers the wrong way, but I don’t think Trump is the Anti-Christ

Survey: Nearly Half of Canadian Businesses Plan to Move Production to the U.S — 60% Are Looking for Business Acquisitions In Response to Trump Tariffs.


I’m very familiar with the markets, but not everyone’s in it for the long game buddy. Not to mention, folks invest in stocks, not necessarily index funds. Many stocks were smoked today, blowing way past any 3-4%. There’s all types of investors. Today, it was down 2% at one point. For well over a year, we haven’t had such large swings until the elections. Since then, the markets have just been a disaster. The more this happens, the more risk-off investors become.

I simply don’t appreciate his recklessness and division. Nor the constant illegal executive orders. We’re already seeing the courts challenge some of them. It’s just a never ending cycle with our leaders and EOs. It’s one of the many reasons why I’ve pushed away from politics to a large degree. It’s just senseless.

Yes, I also caught the part about the United States ensuring we don’t send heavy weapons over the border. We are not sinless.

You know, the whole tariff Canada bit makes no sense, other than to pressure them to become absorbed. I looked up fentanyl coming in from Canada, it’s like 40lbs. Nothing.

I hope you don’t take it that way. The article was about tariffs and what they do, not what Trump says they do.

I hear you, I did that during his first term and it was a disaster. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice… Not happening.

I don’t either, we all know it was Obama anyway. :joy:


So it was all a ruckus for nothing.

Trump held off on tariffs for Canada too.

Trudeau said,

However, the plan was in the works since December.


No one did anything. This is all smoke and mirrors and chaos.

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I got GREAT news, as did the rest of the nation back in November. The majority of Americans voted for the best POTUS any of us has ever experienced in our lifetimes. I explicitly trust his decisions on behalf of the American people .

Not all food prices are going to go up…just those items we import from Mexico. So what if you have to do without your guacamole and Corona beer for the short term! In the big picture of restoring America to be the great nation she once was as leader of the free world and a wonderful place to raise our children (versus the Government raising our children), I thank God every day for giving this nation another chance in President Trump! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :pray: :us: :dove:

I disagree with your assessment about the whole emergency tariff imposition being “smoke, mirrors, and chaos.” I read the Canadian Public Safety announcement you linked in support of your statement, and it’s all to benefit Canada, not the United States. What our POTUS did was to benefit Americans, not Canada.

President Trump is a superior businessman through and through, a proven leader and entrepreneur. He knows exactly what it’s going to take to achieve his promised goals to We the People, and he’s doing it. He knew the tariffs would force the associated nations to come to the table and negotiate with him for the betterment of America, and he’s absolutely right. As I see it, we need to stop complaining and put the blame for the mess we’re in as a nation on the Democrats and RINOs who went out of their way to put us here.

President Trump is God’s gift to this nation to give us one more chance to turn this nation around and do the will of God, which is to stop supporting the murder of babies and uphold the Godly principles that this Republic was founded upon. 1Tim 2:1-2


The article I linked was from December, long before the tariffs or the President was even sworn into office.

So why did you post the link in support of your statement? Did I miss something I should’ve noticed?

President Trump has been on the phone with the leaders of these countries since the day after he won the election in an effort to encourage them to work with him in achieving his campaign goals. Even the corrupt main stream media has taken notice of his efforts on our behalf “long before” he was sworn in as POTUS.

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The point?

It’s not a new development. It’s from December, unrelated to the EO.

I’m sorry, Brandon, but I’m confused. :woozy_face: The link points to a Canadian Government announcement on ways it intends to improve the lives of Canadian citizens. It has nothing to do with tariffs at all, which is the topic of this blog post titled, “We Need to Talk About the Tariffs.” So I’m confused about why you posted it where you did as being part of “the plan.” What plan? Canada’s border plan that was in the works for awhile and is focused on who and what they let into Canada?

If so, I’m failing to see what that has to do with the topic of discussion - President Trump’s tariffs - that you seemed to be a little upset about because the costs would be passed on to us if we buy those products. I hope you’ll help me understand what I’m not grasping here.

If you read both of the links I posted, it would make sense.

If it’s still not clicking? No worries.


I am taking a wait and see attitude also.

If the fentanyl is originating in China, why only 10% tariff?

How are the Mexican’s going to help at their border when they can’t do it in house? We know the corruption of their government as well as their enforcement people. Money talks. Putting military at the border on their side is like adding more foxes to the hen house.
No one can convince me that these drugs and dealers cannot be stopped if they really wanted to. There has to be mass amounts of cash flowing back across the border and we are to believe that it cannot be tracked.?

Why are we going to house these people in Gitmo, at our expense, instead of sending them back with the rest? Does this sound like a good deal for us?

Follow the money!