We Need To Talk About The Tariffs

Another point,

Since China sends the fentanyl to the pill pressing manufacturing plants in Mexico, wouldn’t it make more sense to send the troops to the plants, close them down, deport all the Chinese nationals running the plants back to China?

If we know where the plants are, certainly the Mexican government does too. If you own a boat that has a leak, do you buy buckets and hire people to operate them or plug the hole?

China is not in this operation to make money. Drug dealers want their clients to be addicted to what they sell, so they have repeat sales. What is their end game. This drug kills. The Chinese government obviously hates Americans. They kill more of us every year than were killed in the Vietnam war. They just don’t use personnel and guns.


None of it makes any sense.

No one ever attacks the real problem. Thanks for bringing this up.


What are the odds Trump is playing the game? Hard to imagine he doesnt know where things will head. Foreign prices go up, more room for local industry to develope & grow. TINSTAFL - There is no such thing as free lunches. We may not always get what we pay for, but we will always pay for what we get…

You’re right…thank you! I took another run at it today, and it came together. I see now that you posted the second link as a reference in support of the first link from Justin T. I appreciate your patience!

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Excellent point! What’s to stop a few of those soldiers from looking the other way for a few pesos? Better that they sweep the processing / distribution locations internal to Mexico.


I agree that the tariffs will cause a financial burden to many, but I believe that time period will be relatively short (4-6 months?), but it seems like it’s being used more as a “negotiating” tactic and it has been working decently so far in my opinion, also those increased costs could be offset by something as simple as drilling for our own oil and maybe some other policies I’m not thinking of right now. As far as the border of Canada being an issue, they might not have the same number of people crossing illegally but from what I have read and heard is that there are 5x the number of people characterized as “terorrists” and yes I know that term has been used incorrectly many times so who knows there. I am in a state that borders Canada (Wisconsin) so hopefully both sides do a better job at border security and vetting. Ultimately we know the bigger issue is the “free” things offered not only to illegal immigrants but to all citizens, maybe the tariffs can return more manufacturing to the country and then less people will be reliant on hand-outs and start working for a living (what a concept!). I don’t believe Trump wants Canada to be a part of the U.S. and I don’t think it would make sense anyway, they would get somewhere around 54 electoral college votes and we have seen how they have voted for a long time (Blue/Democrat/Communist, etc.)…In the end if we can stop the unnecessary funding to other countries or have them pay a fair share in the grand scheme of certain organizations (that I believe should be ended anyway) then the tactic will work.


40lbs of fentanyl can kill tons of people. Maybe do some research. And what illegal orders? Im tired of my taxes going to butcher children ps Im not a Trump fan but lets hold on. Maybe he does have our best interest :thinking:


You aren’t kidding! Being an analyst for over 35 years, I had to do the research (as you suggested that @Brandon should do). So here it is:

  • It only takes 2 mg of Fentanyl to kill an average-size adult (equivalent to 5 or 6 grains of salt).
  • One pound of Fentanyl is equivalent to 453,592 mg. One pound of Fentanyl can kill 226,796 average-sized adults.
  • Forty pounds of Fentanyl can kill 9,071,840 average-sized adults. Yep, that’s over 9 MILLION people!!

I agree. Nothing he’s signed is illegal, including elimination of birthright citizenship. No more anchor babies for criminal invaders to our country. Yay! It seems many people are forgetting that when you enter this country illegally for any reason, you are guilty of a felony. THAT makes you a criminal…period.


The good news is we have President Trump! Can you imagine if Harris was in the office? Our country & world did not get in this condition over night. God is in charge & we cannot question His timing.


Folks, being the guy who runs this site. I can assure you, before I post anything, I do my homework.

Unfortunately, I’m seeing lots of bias here. The subject was not would 1mg of fentanyl kill, the subject was the tariffs, with the reasoning for them due to illegal entry into the United States and fentanyl coming in from Canada. Both Mexico and Canada were to have the same tariff, yet their sin is different.

Did you know, over 21,000 pounds of fentanyl came in from Mexico in one year’s time, compared to Canada’s 40 pounds? Are those sins the same? I think not. Secondly, Canada already had border steps setup in December, but it’s being touted as a reason to end the tariff. Moreover, more fentanyl comes from China, but they got a 10%. See a problem with equality in tariffs?

You do realize we have three branches of government that make/decide laws?

Executive Orders (EO) are not laws, they are decrees. Please go look it up. Secondly, an EO cannot replace a law we have on the books. If it does, it gets struck down in the courts. Already, we’re seeing some of his EOs get struck down.

What’s that mean?

Some of his EOs violate law, so they are… Illegal. This happens all the time, this isn’t a special case. It’s been going on for decades and decades.

People have to look at this stuff objectively, not just because their guy is in power. Otherwise, we’re never going to learn anything. It seems we never do when it comes to politics.


Fentanyl from Canada is essentially at zero, zip, zilch.

So what exactly are we doing here?

The following is quoted from the article linked below:

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on unjustified U.S. tariffs against Canada:

“Today, after a 30-day pause, the United States administration has decided to proceed with imposing 25 per cent tariffs on Canadian exports and 10 per cent tariffs on Canadian energy. Let me be unequivocally clear – there is no justification for these actions.

While less than 1 per cent of the fentanyl intercepted at the U.S. border comes from Canada, we have worked relentlessly to address this scourge that affects Canadians and Americans alike. We implemented a $1.3 billion border plan with new choppers, boots on the ground, more co-ordination, and increased resources to stop the flow of fentanyl. We appointed a Fentanyl Czar, listed transnational criminal cartels as terrorist organizations, launched the Joint Operational Intelligence Cell, and are establishing a Canada-U.S. Joint Strike Force on organized crime. Because of this work – in partnership with the United States – fentanyl seizures from Canada have dropped 97 per cent between December 2024 and January 2025 to a near-zero low of 0.03 pounds seized by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

“Canada will not let this unjustified decision go unanswered. Should American tariffs come into effect tonight, Canada will, effective 12:01 a.m. EST tomorrow, respond with 25 per cent tariffs against $155 billion of American goods – starting with tariffs on $30 billion worth of goods immediately, and tariffs on the remaining $125 billion on American products in 21 days’ time. Our tariffs will remain in place until the U.S. trade action is withdrawn, and should U.S. tariffs not cease, we are in active and ongoing discussions with provinces and territories to pursue several non-tariff measures. While we urge the U.S. administration to reconsider their tariffs, Canada remains firm in standing up for our economy, our jobs, our workers, and for a fair deal.

“Because of the tariffs imposed by the U.S., Americans will pay more for groceries, gas, and cars, and potentially lose thousands of jobs. Tariffs will disrupt an incredibly successful trading relationship. They will violate the very trade agreement that was negotiated by President Trump in his last term.”

What are the tariffs that Canada imposed on the US in the past?

Yep, interesting thought.

However, the El-Presidenta signed an updated free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico during his first term. I covered that in the article, he said the new agreement was the best ever, now it’s not? He didn’t seem to mind whatever tariffs were or were not then.

U.S. tariffs are being done under the guise of drugs, the sole reason, I even heard Lutnick just say this. If tariffs are really about something else, then perhaps our government should say what it is. I’ve heard banks are a reason, but there are American banks in Canada, they account for about half of all foreign banks in Canada. So who knows what this is really all about.

While digging I saw that too. It appears everything being done is to bring more dollars into the US, but does it? The Fentanyl reason, like you said, does not fly.

The only way I see this punishes Canada or Mexico is if the US citizens stop buying those products, right?
I saw the dairy tariff was really high, 270% on some dairy items, but that was after it hit a plateau in imports from the US.

Trump just said he will match any reciprocal tariff from Canada. Let the auction begin.