Full article at: Was Jesus A Christian Or A Jew? | World Events and the Bible
Jesus is the creator of our faith, so technically, He can’t be referred to as a “Christian.”
The other confusing part is even in the New Testament, the term Jew crosses over from the tribal affiliation.
Paul calls himself a Jew, Acts 21:39, but he was from the tribe of Benjamin.
yes, he was a Judean
Yes. He was born in Tarsus, a free city of the Roman Empire but raised in Judea. Same sense as people’s coming here and being called Americans.
You pointed out that “the disciples were first called Christians at Antioch” (Acts 11:26), which is correct. However, you did not point out the very important fact that they were called “Christians” by NON-Believers who were not followers of The Way, which points to the fact also that the term or word “Christian” is a word or term created by pagans, and was used to MOCK Believers.
If you go through the Scriptures and read carefully, the term “Christian” only appears three times, and not once is it used by Believers to identify themselves or each other! The Disciples did not refer to themselves as “Christians”, and in all the letters they did not address any of them to “Christians”! Why is that? I submit, that the term “Christian” in the early Church (before the world decided to adapt it to mean a follower of Christ to add confusion at around 300 AD, in the teachings and doctrines of men), believers referred to both themselves and other true believers as Saints, the Church, the Body of Christ, Followers of The Way, Brethren, etc, but they did not call themselves or each other “Christians” and adopt a word created by pagans to mock believers to call themselves or to identify themselves as. I do not find this anywhere in the Scriptures. The original meaning of “Christians” to mock the “Followers of The Way” was “like Christ”, whom they despised (Isaiah 53:3-5). They were indeed “like Christ” in that their old man was crucified with Christ and their old man no longer was alive but died and they took part in “the first Resurrection!” (Rev. 20:6, Rev. 1:6, 1:9, Gal. 2:20, Romans 6:3-19, 1st Peter 1:23-25, Rev. 11:3-10, etc.). Yes. I do realize that what I have just shared from The Word of God does not AGREE (Isaiah 8:20, Amos 3:3) with the teachings and doctrines of men taught in many temples made with hands.
Consider these things written in the Scriptures, and also those things such as Believers not once referring to themselves or other Believers in the Scriptures as “Christians” NOT written in the Scriptures!
I would also ask you to reconsider your definitions of “Jew” (“WE (Jesus is speaking here!) KNOW what WE Worship; For Salvation IS OF THE JEWS!” John 4:22-24), as you stated Jesus was not a Jew. Did He not include Himself as a Jew in this statement? Perhaps you may not understand the Scriptures concerning “Israelites”, (John 1:47, Psalms 32:2, Romans 2:28-29, Rev. 14:5,Rev. 3:9, etc.), “Hebrews”, “Jews”, and “Christians”?
I would also ask you to reconsider and rewrite your post on “Who Is The Antichrist?”, after you consider the Scriptures I shared with you and others there! Please! You are not helping people understand The TRUTH with many of your teachings, in truth, you are hindering them! Matt. 10:16.
It seems that you do study the Scriptures! Thank you! Please also see my other comments here as I believe what is being taught here is incorrect. Thank you!
I almost get the notion that you’re affiliated with “The Way” ministry.
You know, this is what kills me about our faith. Everyone is certain and sure they have the truth, and certain and sure everyone else is wrong. I honestly don’t know if we agree on anything after reading your posts Steve. Yet, we all read the King James Bible?
There’s thousands of denominations and hundreds of different English Bibles.
Who really has “the truth?”
Hey Steve. I study alot. But where in history did every eye see Jesus return as it says in rev 1? You give Bible verses which is great but if it happen it should be very well documented in history. It should be written in museum some where? I don’t care what anyone believes as long as they follow God and serve Jesus they should be good. He’s the ultimate judge. But you saying im going to hell for not believing we are in satan little season i don’t see that in the Bible. Which i have studied all 5 of the most poplar and times beliefs and only 1 way to find who is right and that’s when we get there. You avoid my question on the firmament?
Have a great day.
Also who do you follow? Id like to read up on them more.
I will come back to your question on “the firmament” later when I go back to that post to see exactly what it was. You asked several questions on that post “Who Is The Antichrist?”. My apologies for overlooking that one. Who do I follow? Jesus Christ! “And His name is called The Word of God!” Rev. 19:13, John 1:1-3-14, John 8:31-32, Amos 3:3, Isaiah 8:20. I also read many commentaries and studies! If you would like for me to suggest a particular author then I would suggest R.C.H. Lenski. If you read his interpretation of The Revelation I think you will be much surprised and the book will open up to you as well as some of his others!
“Where in history did every eye see Jesus Return as it says in Rev. 1:7?” you ask? Read those 1st 7 verses carefully! He HAS MADE US kings and priest! then notice the words “BEHOLD!”, “He COMETH with CLOUDS!” (Rev. 1:7). “WHO are these that fly as CLOUDS and as DOVES (Matt. 10:16) to THEIR WINDOWS?” (Isaiah 60:8, Joel 2:1-2-9-“to their windows like A THIEF!”). Answer? “The CLOUDS ARE the dust of HIS FEET!” (Nahum 1:3, John 17:18-20, Rev. 11:3-10). And as I have shared with you in the post “Who is The Antichrist?”, did not those who pierced Him (Rev. 1:7), also SEE HIM “Coming IN the CLOUDS (“ARE the dust of HIS FEET!” Nahum 1:3) of Heaven (Col. 1:13, Eph. 2:6, Hebrews 12:22-24, “Them that DWELL IN HEAVEN” Rev. 13:6-10) with POWER (Acts 1:8, 1st Cor. 12:27) and great Glory”? Have you considered the possibility that this is WHY they were first called “Christians” (like Christ- Acts 11:26) by the Non- Believers? (Matt. 24:30, John 17:22). And as I mentioned before there are many who do not recognize that “Jesus Christ IS COME IN THE FLESH!” (2nd Cor. 13:5, Hebrews 13:5, 1st John 4:2-4, 2nd John 1:7, 2nd Thess. 2:9-12, and this “IS THAT!” Acts 2:16-17, Joel 2:1-2-9, 2nd Peter 3:8, 1st Cor. 12:27). And I DID NOT say you are going to hell! Not once! Please do not say that I said something I DID NOT SAY! And, this did happen “IMMEDIATELY AFTER the tribulation of THOSE DAYS!” (Matt. 24:29) just as I have previously shared with you and is also still happening now! 2nd Cor. 13:5. Perhaps you do not “SEE” these things yet, and perhaps you will not (John 3:3-8, Matt. 13:10-11), and perhaps you will! WHEN you “Get there” (Col. 1:13, Eph. 2:6, Hebrews 12:22-24) may be determined by when you believe “NOW!” (2nd Cor. 6:2-18, 2nd Cor. 4:18, Hebrews 10:38, Hebrews 11:1, Isaiah 46:9-10, “THESE WORDS ARE TRUE and FAITHFUL…IT IS DONE!” Rev. 21:1-5-6, Rev. 22:17).
Does your faith really kill you about your faith? (Proverbs 6:2, Matt. 12:37). "Who really has “the truth?”, you ask? Do YOU BELIEVE the very words of Jesus Christ? “…YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH!” John 8:31-32-36, Amos 3:7, “to SHOW unto HIS SERVANTS…!” Rev. 1:1-3, Isaiah 55:11, Amos 3:7, 1st Cor. 2:5-14-15, 1st Thess. 5:1-5, Matt. 13:10-11, Matt. 13:34-36.
I am not affiliated with “The Way” ministry, so your “notion” is mistaken and in error. To answer you question “Who really has the truth?” Those who are true believers of the very words of Jesus Christ! “WE HAVE the mind of Christ!” 1st Cor. 2:16. I hope this helps you to understand these things more clearly!
Ok cool Thanks ill check him out R.C.H. Lenski.
You can order it on Amazon which is what I did, or you can read it for free on Archive.org
Perfect, so I qualify, but in your prior post you said…
So I have the truth, but I don’t have the truth?
The King James Bible is the “authorized” bible of the Gentiles. King James was a die-hard Freemason, which is a practice rooted in the occult. Like many bibles, there are mistranslations in the KJV bible, done both purposely and by mistake. The Ethiopian Bible, which is the most complete bible in the world, matches the Dead Sea Scrolls perfectly, but since it is not a Gentile “approved” version of scripture it is not well known. More and more people are becoming aware that the Europeans and Americans are notorious for painting Christ and all the descendants in the bible as European looking when it is impossible that they looked this way. The book of Genesis (10:2-5) clearly says that the tribe of Askanaz (Japheth) is part of the Isle of the Gentiles. This is indisputable, and rarely are Gentiles even mentioned in the Old Testament, yet the world sees the main characters in the Old Testament as Caucasians. Common sense should tell us that if the descendants of Shem and Ham intermarried for centuries, which happens all throughout the Old Testament, their descendants would be brown and black people, but as we know, common sense is not common. When modern Israel was established in 1948, the president of Egypt went on television and announced “You (Jews) left black and came back white. You will never be accepted here!”, it was because he didn’t buy their claim either. The Gentiles have masterfully manipulated scripture for centuries to push agendas and maintain white supremacy, but most don’t know this unless they research the history surrounding the printing of the bible following the invention of the printing press. One book on this topic that comes to mind is “The Color of Christ” written by Edward J Blum and Paul Harvey. From the infamous Slave Bible, used by American slave owners to create obedient slaves to the Catholic Bible that was rewritten to include pagan precepts, evil men have fooled the world into believing that these false beliefs were God’s. So now, people quote the KJV bible as if we should never question it. God said that Satan deceives the whole world, but the deception goes deeper than most realize. I believe this is why Christ said that it doesn’t matter if we can memorize and repeat scripture verbatim if we don’t have love for one another. Simply put, the condition of our heart matters the most. Our main focus here in this broken, deceitful world is to love God through obedience, and to love others as much as we love ourselves, because love erases a multitude of sins.
I’m a newbie here; but after reading just two of Brandon’s teachings, I’m in agreement with your statement. My spirit would rejoice to find just one teaching posted by him that demonstrates right division and accuracy of God’s Truth…we’ll see.
I must say that I’m impressed with this site and its purpose as a forum for Bible believers to exhort one another with God’s precious word if, in fact, that’s the intent. However, at this early stage of my exposure and based on what I’ve experienced thus far, I’m very cautious that it might merely exist as a soapbox for “Christians” with unteachable spirits to gather together. In that case, I’ll honor the leading of my teacher and comforter when He says it’s time to move on. He’s never misguided me once in my nearly 50 years in the body of Christ, to God be all glory and praise!
Thank you for sharing! Hopefully, by you speaking up others will also decide to, “BEHOLD! I send YOU (John 17:18-20-26, Rev. 21:9-11, Rev. 22:17) forth as sheep IN THE MIDST OF WOLVES! Be ye therefore WISE AS SERPENTS (“In the FIELD…” Gen. 3:1, Matt. 13:38) and harmless as doves!” (Matt. 10:16).
I am not here making an accusation by posting that warning and commandment from the Lord, I am simply bringing it to attention once again for those who overlook it and think it may not be imperative. It is possible that Brandon unwittingly is a follower of other teachers and teachings and simply echos their teachings (again unwittingly) as many do. Jude 1:3-5 is also possible.
Counterfeit doctrines can and do “appear” to be very much “like” the true Gospel and “The Faith once deliver unto the Saints” with just a little twisting of the truth. I think perhaps Matt. 4:1-10 is an example of that and Gen. 3.
“Another parable spake he unto them; The Kingdom of Heaven is “like” unto LEAVEN (Gal. 5:9, Matt. 16:6-12) which a WOMAN (Rev. 2:20, 17:5) took and HID (Matt. 5:13-16) in THREE measures (Rev. 16:13) of MEAL (John 6:35, 7:37-38, 8:31-32) until the whole was LEAVENED!” Matt. 13:33.
“…so that the fowls OF THE AIR (Eph. 2:2, Jude 1:4) come and lodge in the BRANCHES (John 15:5) thereof!” Matt. 13:31-32.".
“An ENEMY has done this!” Matt. 13:28.
It very much looks as if you think God is concerned with “skin color”? “Flesh and blood CANNOT inherit the Kingdom of God!” 1st Cor. 15:50. “There is neither Jew nor Greek…!” Gal. 3:27-29, Col. 3;11, 1st Cor. 12:13, Romans 10:12, Acts 10:34-35, Romans 3:22-23, etc! Those books written by men who are concerned with skin color are deceptive. “God is Spirit…!” John 4:24. Satan deceives the whole WORLD, NOT the Saints!
You like to play with words! I think some people call this “Word Salad”. Kamala Harris has gained a reputation for her “word salads”. Do you plan on running for President in the future?
Steve no answer on the firament? You seem to avoid what Gods creation is.