Brandon can’t run for president. He’s not in a secret society and he’s also not of the evil blood line of cain. Kings and queens keep it in the family no diff in the usa. Synagogue of satan
Which Bible translations do you like what’s your top 3?
I see, since you boxed yourself in, you resort to insults. No need for that brother.
I simply asked a question because you like to play with words it very much seems to me. You find blame in translations (which may be partially true), however, I am fully confident that God IS ABLE to BLESS (“Flesh and blood hath NOT revealed this unto you…and upon THIS ROCK I WILL build My Church!” (Matt. 16:17, Phil. 1:6, Isaiah 46:9-10, Eph. 1:4, Eph. 2:8-10) His Elect and not one (2nd Peter 3:9) member of His body (144,000-“and he SIGNIFIED it…”! Rev. 1:1-3) will be lost or perish due to the teachings and doctrines of men, or denominations, or translations! John 17:12 is a fine example of this!
G Hall, I welcome you here as a brother in Christ.
However, what I don’t welcome is your demeaning attitude. According to you, I don’t rightly divide the Word of Truth. Then again, what makes you so certain that I don’t have the truth, but you do? It’s this sort of attitude that torpedos our faith.
Why do you feel so entitled to not only feel that way, but express it here publicly? Do you think it’s going to build up the body or tear it down?
I hope you realize, there’s thousands of Christian denominations.
Are you the only guy on the planet with the Word of Truth?
That’s why Christians have such a hard time coming together. We’re always so worried about everyone else instead of looking in the mirror. We’re so certain we’re right, and everyone else is wrong. So, none of us learn. You’re a great example of that.
Why are you bashing my readers? That’s not acceptable. Why bring them into it, and why insult them as “unteachable,” just because some of them may not agree with you?
Personally, I find this disgusting, and it will not be tolerated. This does not build our faith, it only divides. Surely you can see that?.. Hey, if you want to mingle, then let’s mingle, if you want to disagree, then let’s disagree, but do it respectfully.
I’m very teachable. The stuff i grew up believing once i study for my self i saw it was wrong. I mean i was 20 years military retired disabled veteran and i know 9/11 was done by the usa and israel. Stuff i did in iraq and Afghanistan was a waste of time. So you cant say I’m unteachable. I go with what has the most facts with an open mind.
Thank you for saying that you welcome me here to your site, Brandon. That’s quite remarkable based on the rest of your heated response. And, just out of curiousity, how do you know I’m a “brother in Christ” when I’ve never stated nor implied the gender of my physical body? It was Rodrigo Javier who responded to my first post and assumed that I am male.
However, in regards to spiritual matters, we would all do well to remember how God sees us believers in Christ (Galatians 3:28). My physical gender shouldn’t be important to the validity of my postings nor to how you perceive me. Let me just say that I’m definitely a conservative male or female - no gray areas as far as that’s concerned!
I’m saddened that you chose to perceive my comment to Steve’s post as demeaning rather than simply an expression of what I’ve seen in reading just two of your teachings in the very short time I’ve been here. However, it’s your right to do so; and, more importantly, I’m assuming it’s how you felt after reading my post. I sincerely apologize for that, and I should’ve kept my findings to myself. I assure you that I don’t embrace a “demeaning attitude” or purpose in my heart to destroy anyone’s dignity. I’m truly sorry that what I said caused you to feel demeaned in any way.
Yes, in the two teachings that I’ve read, those were my findings based on the Scriptures I’ve cited in my related responses to the rapture teaching. Just for clarity, the two teachings I’ve read are, “Was Noah’s Flood Global?” and “If The Rapture is True, What’s the Point of the Tribulation?”. I’ve only engaged on the latter due to time constraints.
The Scriptures I’ve cited with accompanying explanations as to why I perceive that your teaching on the rapture being a false doctrine demonstrates a lack of right division are reasonable and proven in the KJV Bible. In addition, I believe the Holy Spirit bears witness with my spirit after many, many years of truth seeking with only Him as my teacher and guide. On the matter of right division, I’ve found that right division seems to be dependent on a correct understanding of the differences between God’s plan of salvation for Israel and His plan of salvation for the Gentiles through the formation of the mystery church, the body of Christ, in this current dispensation. I’ve heard others who believe as I do say that once they understood the mysteries revealed to Paul by Jesus Christ after Paul’s conversion, Biblical truth just fell into place and it all made perfect sense for the first time in their Christian walk. This seems to be a common experience shared by us all.
It’s clearly evident to me from our posted interactions and your teaching that you were unaware of the distinct differences to which I’m referring. And the differences are all there in the Bible. I, too, was once unaware, even though I’d read those very passages numerous times over a 42-year period of time. It was usually in the course of a study on some other topic, so I obviously didn’t give those verses the attention they deserved. Looking back in retrospect, it apparently wasn’t the right timing in the Holy Spirit’s curriculum for me.
But, all praise and glory to God, He eventually opened the eyes of my heart to understand all that I’d been overlooking, and only then did I realize that these truths were key elements to keeping me on the right path and bringing amazing clarity to understanding the entire Bible as God intended. Once this happened, there were no more seeming contradictions, no confusion, and no discrepancies. That, brother, is a wondrous work of God in my heart, and I’m forever grateful and humbled by it.
As you can imagine, this is a very exciting experience and one I’ve only been privy to for about eight years now. And because I’m so excited and ecstatic to actually see and understand the truth of the mystery and how critical it is to a fuller maturity in Christ, I’m afraid I came across as arrogant to you and others in these comments to Steve. That isn’t at all what I’m feeling or wanting to do.
I don’t feel “entitled.” The Cambridge Dictionary defines “entitled” as " feeling that you have the right to do or have what you want without having to work for it or deserve it, just because of who you are." That never factored into why I’d arrived at the conclusions I did in my comments to Steve.
Giving it some thought now that you’ve mentioned it as such, as a member of the body of Christ, I feel obligated to correct erroneous teaching when I hear / see / read it so other members of the body of Christ aren’t led astray without realizing the potential danger, whether intentional or not.
Whether you believe me or not, that’s what motivated me to say what I did in my response to Steve; but admittedly, I now see that my delivery could have been improved upon.
I tend to get from Point A to Point B in the most direct route. It’s the story of my life, and it’s gotten a variety of reactions, many like yours. People often get offended by directness and see it as insensitive, which I suppose it is, when I take the time to think about it. But being insensitive isn’t the focus, being direct and succinct is. I would say that’s what free speech is about, i.e. saying things in the most familiar manner or in a way that comes “natural” to the person speaking. God bless America!
As for my assessment about my comments building up the body or tearing it down, I guess that would depend on the listener. If what I said is true, then it serves to caution the listeners and, hopefully, motivates them to further study the topic under discussion for themselves with an open mind.
I think you’re likely to agree that Bible study any time should be approached with prayer and an open mind and expectation to receive God’s truth on the matter. And, most importantly, be patient. Write down the question or goal of your study, and keep notes on everything the Bible has to say about it, including the circumstances of each finding. Who were the characters involved, what was going on at the time, when did this happen, e.g. dispensation, period of time in history, where did it happen, and why did it happen. What was the outcome and how was God glorified in the results. How can I apply this to my own life, and so on.
Yes, I do. Roughly 200 in the United States and over 45,000 globally. Shameful in my opinion, and I don’t belong to any of them. As an FYI, my father was an atheist, and I’m not sure what my mother was, though she mentioned “the good Lord” from time to time. I was wrapped in the loving arms of my heavenly Father throughout my childhood, and I knew that He loved me and was watching over me. But it didn’t come from my parents. It miraculously came from within me by the grace of God.
Definitely not, thank God! I’m aware of many thousands who believe as I do. I’m pretty sure there are immensely more around the world of whom I’m unaware. However, from what I’ve heard from various teachers of the mystery words of truth, it’s not commonplace because the enemy of our souls hates the truth and goes out of his way to keep seekers from embracing it. He particularly hates the body of Christ because of the service that God intends for us to perform in the heavenly realms (another excellent study).
While that’s generally probably true in many cases, it’s no longer true of me. I’ve already been there and am still doing that, looking in the mirror, that is. People who know me well say that I’m my own worst critic. I hope that doesn’t change. While I think it’s essential to be “as the Bereans” when it comes to teaching the Bible and giving credence to the teachings of others, I also think it’s essential to assess how we as individuals are complying with and submitting to the stated will of God for our lives.
I can understand the findings of your stated observation in a general, sweeping context. And you’ve even judiciously personalized it to include yourself. But do you genuinely believe that to be true - that you’re included? Or did you just say it in that manner to emphasize your stated opinion of me? That’s a rhetorical question, Brandon, because I’m almost certain of the answer, considering the tone of your overall response to me. And your last declaration that I’m “a great example of that” is also very demeaning, which is what you accused me of doing. So why the double standard? It’s okay for you to make demeaning statements about me, but no one else better critique you in the same way? I believe this would be called “mud-slinging” out in the world, something neither one of us should be doing. I already addressed this early in this post and apologized for it, so I’ll let it rest.
I wrote in my comment to Steve of the caution I feel after experiencing a barrage of what I perceived as somewhat negative challenges to my very first post that seemed to be because I stepped forward in a new forum and stated what I know the Holy Spirit has taught me over a very long time of seeking His wisdom and knowledge. I have no “proof” that I think any of you would accept. It’s just an experience of progressive revelation that I’ve come to recognize as how He deals with me in such matters because of all the time I’ve had with Him. I believe I’ve come to know the difference between my own thoughts and the things He reveals to me. These precious nuggets of revealed Truth don’t happen as often as I’d like (if it were up to me); and when they do, it’s always a glorious surprise that puts me in a state of awe and gratitude. It’s also very humbling, especially when it turns out to be a revelation of something I wasn’t even thinking about or studying at the time! This is how it was with the Mystery - the body of Christ - and all the interconnecting pieces. The eyes of my understanding were suddenly opened, and right division just flowed. I wondered how I could’ve possibly missed it all those years when it was such an important aspect of knowing God and how He’s dealing with us in this dispensation. But, it was all about God’s timing, not mine.
For what it’s worth, I didn’t have a mean spirit when I wrote that. It was one of those unfortunate moments in my life when I allowed my thoughts to flow directly through my fingers. Usually it’s my mouth, rather than my fingers, that lacks the proper filter.
I’m a little surprised at how angry your response is, especially when I was expressing a first impression with respect to the two teachings I’d read, and never said that you or anyone else did, in fact, have an unteachable spirit…I used the word, “might” for my concern. But you’re human, just as I am, so I understand that you were merely reacting to what you perceived as an attack.
Yes, I could tell from your anger that you found my comments disgusting and unacceptable. And, yes, I agree that they only served to foster division and weren’t uplifting.
I’m sorry I caused you pain and anyone else that may have taken my thoughtless comments to heart and felt offended. I definitely should’ve kept them to myself.
Understood and agreed.
Just for clarity, never said you were unteachable, only that I was being cautious that this might be the case, but for no one specific. As I stated in my extremely lengthy response to Brandon’s reprimand to me, I was in that mindset because of the types of responses being posted that I perceived as being somewhat negatively challenging and seemingly resistant to even considering that what I’d shared might actually be valid and worthy of the time to apply to study it for themselves.
Thank you for your service, Jeffrey
Hey its all good! Im not a fan of the military with what ive seen and studied. Most wars are fake and pushed by the high up elites like operation Northwoods. Even my VA doctor when i told her i was in Afghanistan she asked what were we even doing there? I said that’s a great question i have no clue lol. But ya. I study alot of alternative things and well i feel most those are true vs the mainstream. Alot relates to experiences I’ve had. I do enjoy others with diff views. That’s why i ask questions why. I listen to a pod cast that had the 5 main end times theories and had an expert from each talk for over 1.5 hours. I wanted to learn why they think each theory and what Bible vesres they use. So ya i enjoy to see all sides Bible related. Hey as one of my fav podcasters george hobbs says listen to everyone decern for your self.
His tone,is fruit itself. Sorry,Brandon, that we as Christians only need so much patience when the stench of negative fruit is vomited out. I don’t always agree with you are everything, but I at least hope my charity comes forth in my speech.
I agree. In studying 1 Corinthians 3 & 4, Paul had the same problem. Nothing has changed for nearly 2000 years.
There is too much strife and divisions about non-salvational things instead of the foundation that is and has been laid, Christ.
Paul was spiritually taken to heaven and even he states that we look through the glass obscurely. (1 Corinthians 13:12)
Christians today are under the microscope, same as Christ was during His time here. There is always someone watching to find the error in our ways and hold it against us for an excuse not believe.
If a person was led to come here and maybe find Christ, saw the strife, they could easily go away not wanting any part of the drama, saying to themselves, why would I want to be a part of that.
Snow Man, well said.
Thank you for your response. The reason that I bring up skin color is not because I believe God is concerned about it but because America’s caste system is based on skin color; a caste system founded on slavery that is still alive and functioning well. This is indisputable. When the Nazis wanted to set up their own judicial system to ensure that it favored Aryan people they turned to America’s judicial system because they admired it very much. Today, the world sees Christ as a European looking due to the invention of the printing press and Europe and America pushing white supremacy. Christians have not only been complicit in pushing white supremacy but have always led the charge, yet when someone mentions that Christ was not white, the response is “what does it matter?” Well, it has mattered greatly in America since this country’s inception. This is not even debatable and anyone who doesn’t understand the relationship between American Christianity and White Supremacy lacks the understanding because they haven’t bothered to seek out the extensive research that has been done on the topic. Anyone can find dozens of books on the topic with little effort if they choose. We now live in an age where there is so much information that people have go to extremes to keep the truth from the public now. This is why misinformation and relying on ignorance are the tools used by politicians today. I will give you just one small example of misinformation and you can be the judge. In the Book of Genesis in Chapter 10:2-5 it names the descendants of Japheth who are designated as the “Isle of the GENTILES”. As you will see, Ashkenaz, who is descended from Japheth’s son Gomer is in this group. However, despite the Bible clearly confirming that Ashkenaz are Gentiles, the entire world believes that today’s Jews (90 percent who are Ashkenazi) are Semitic people and descendants of Abraham (Shem). So, when anyone says anything against Isreal or Jews the entire weight of the media comes down on them. For example, when basketball player Kyrie Irving posted a link to a documentary that he watched he was fined $500 thousand dollars, had to do community service, had to make a public apology, and lost his contract with Nike which cost him millions in income. No comment, just a LINK to a supposedly “anti-Semitic” documentary on Amazon. Of course, Jeff Bezos didn’t receive anywhere near the backlash for SELLING the documentary on Amazon. No, God doesn’t care about color, but America ALWAYS has. People wonder why America, which is considered by some to be the greatest nation in human history, is not mentioned in bible prophecy. The prophet Daniel spoke of ancient Greece, Rome, the Ottoman Empire, and the coming final empire long before their existence, yet America is not even in the equation. Could it be that a nation founded on genocide of millions native Americans and the most brutal system of slavery devised by mankind which now maintains a shameful caste system while claiming to be a nation of equality and justice is the reason it is not highly regarded by God? This is why I bring this topic up. I, just like most Americans, want God to look upon America with high regard, but I can’t shake the fact that America’s glaring absence in bible prophecy speaks volumes. I bring this up out of love for this country, love for its people, and hope for God’s mercy.
Gen 10:5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.
Gen 10:20 These are the sons of Ham, after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, and in their nations.
Gen 10:31 These are the sons of Shem, after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations.
Gentiles = H1471
גֹּי גּוֹי
gôy gôy
go’ee, go’-ee
Apparently from the same root as H1465 (in the sense of massing); a foreign nation; hence a Gentile; also (figuratively) a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts: - Gentile, heathen, nation, people.
Nations = H1471
גֹּי גּוֹי
gôy gôy
go’ee, go’-ee
Apparently from the same root as H1465 (in the sense of massing); a foreign nation; hence a Gentile; also (figuratively) a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts: - Gentile, heathen, nation, people.