Trump Assassination Attempt Emphasizes Political Divide

I saw the doc. I have a hobby of watching docs. And each and everyone is designed to shape a pre-designed narrative. Ever see a Sierra club propaganda anti fossil fuel doc? ‘Black’ smoke boiling from tall stacks, oil slicks in the water with dead fish floating around. Or a real grabber is to add an image of a bald eagle. All fabricated lies and manipulated photos.
unfortunately they work. Nothing could be further from the truth. I live and work in and around coal plants in Okla. All of that info is fabricated by left wing nut idiots, and that is being kind. All of the major plants that I have visited many times are wildlife sanctuaries. They all have lakes for cooling towers. portions are open to public use. they are great fishing lakes, during the water fowl migration, they flock to those waters by the thousands. Eagles are once again a common sight in Okla. [especially around power plant lakes] after being almost non existent for 50 yrs.
Now lets get back the dastardly evil Trump companies.
Are those poor innocent victims in those apartment complexes forced to continue living there? How many dogs , cats did they have, how high was the litter stacked, how bad was the stench that could be smelled in the hall. And finally if those horrible landlord killers were that bad, 'why did they stay? Who lives in a rental for twenty years? 100% liability. negative draw on income 0% return. Not the the brightest bulbs in pack. The whole rental agreement is a losing proposition from the start by design. They stay because the government is picking up the tab. Now your talking subsidized housing, whole new pile of dung. Hey the lanlord gets his money regardless. what incentive does he have to maintain those units? If they force him to, he’ll charge more rent to reclaim the loss. [business] Again DHS government meddling in what should be free market.
Anyway, you have made up your mind from a documentary and there is no point in even discussing it. The only good renter, is someone moving to down for what ever reason and needing a place to hang until permanent living quarters are found. Rentals were never intended to be life long residences. All the renter will achieve in 20 yrs is paying real estate off for someone else. Take any individual and poll random opinions from 10 people that know him or her but are not related in any way. Out of that ten there will be at least 3 that will have something negative to say about that person. 'you can please some of the people some of the time , but no matter how hard you try , you will never please all of the people all of the time. Any other animal on the planet yes. but people? no way. losers require winners and vice versa

For the record, I have never heard of whatever his or her name was. like you I have 0 interest in holly wood hype or personalities.
have a good weekend.


There are many people out there who choose not to be homeowners. And there are many out there, today, who cannot afford to own one. That doesn’t automatically make them dead beats and they shouldn’t be deprived of loving a pet.

Some economists today say buying is not always a good investment with the costs and responsibilities that go with it. I tend not to agree with them but as you know, I am not a young man anymore and would not want to start life now with all the corruption and nonsense.
Also, I was blessed with the mechanical skills to do all the repairs myself to not burden the family with extra costs. Some have talents in other places, which I lack.

The rules today set by the lending institutions require 6 months of living expenses set aside for a mortgage approval. With the price of housing, the interest rates moving up, down payment needed etc., many are forced to rent. With the rent prices, especially in the cities, say New York or anywhere in California, there is no way to save the funds needed and get ahead of the corrupt system.
(I know people say, well just move. It isn’t that easy for everyone)

A young first-time homeowner is ultimately priced out of the market. This is considering they were born into a successful family. What if you were not? What if daddy isn’t around or mommy was born into the drug culture? I thank the Lord often for giving me great parents.

How many people of any age, looking back when they were in their 20’s, had 6 months of funds at their disposal? Today, it is said 83% of people have less than $2500 in their savings.

Some people have made mistakes early in life that came to a financial ruin, a hole that is hard to get out of. Some people need help and as Christians, how do we say, sucks to be you?

Those who do try to climb out, don’t need a foot on their neck by the Kushner families of the world, to pile up more wealth.

Government agencies were started to help these people but have become corrupt like all the rest.
Christ said we will always have the poor among us, but the Lord also said we are to take care of the fatherless, widows etc. I am not saying handouts without them helping themselves but holding them in the whole while throwing dirt in their faces doesn’t seem appropriate.

The system is set up to become 2 classes. The rich and the poor. It is obvious. Back in the day, the middle class was the strength of the nation. It is going away. With many good jobs going overseas or Mexico, due to greed, where are these so-called dead beats supposed to get a good paying job to improve themselves. Hence the push for college, which is another shame because the manufacturing jobs are mostly gone.

So, again, how do we fix this problem. Housing is out of reach, and the filthy rich buy up all the apartment complexes driving up the rents for their greed.

No one in the White House has done anything to fix these problems. They are more worried about the same greed and power.

Snowman, I’m good natured, very generous in giving, I look for the best, or at least one good quality in everyone. Never hesitate to lend a helping hand. I hate it when old people or children are being abused. I feel genuine sorrow for good people who have had their lives upset for whatever unfortunate reason and by no cause of their own. My heart goes out to them and I know it can happen to anyone including me at any time.
I know that their are no guarantees in life and that nothing is ‘free’. I can’t remember anyone ever giving me anything of real value, other than damn good advice. Like the ol’ saying 'let me know if you need anything!..and I will be glad to tell you how to get by without it.
We are not on oppisite sides of this housing subject. I operate on common sense and observation. Dont cry to me if you are driving a 50+ thousand dollar 4 x4 and you ask for a couple spare bucks for gas. If you can’t pay the rent or mortgage because the tag is due on your Harley. Sorry I can’t [wont ] help you. If you need money to pay your electric bill and everyone in the house is staring down at a 10 G apple. Here I have a few candles you can have. Be gone! I’m sorry, there is way too much of that going on, I see it everyday everywhere I look. people do not have to work, too many ways out. When I eat my dinner it’s with a clear conscience. Beer doesn’t taste as good as when you know youv’e put in a good days work. Yes I feel guilty if I slack up and let something go that could have been done.
anyway, I guess I am a hard nose. If I am life taught me to be. I’ve noticed that when rich wealthy people are making money ‘all tradesmen’ are too. Sheet rock , carpet, shingle , lumber dealers get a good payday. When a lion pride take down a buffalo it’s a smorgasboard for hundreds of species. It’s the life cycle. Nothing good will happen until someone does something and gets the ball rolling. that’s where I’m coming from.
That’s all I’ve ever known.

Enjoy your weekend old timer.