Trump Assassination Attempt Emphasizes Political Divide

No, I didn’t say that. First off, those who believe and are saved are not of this world. The heathen ways are not of us, we are to stay and fight against it. (John 17:15-16)

Just like in Egypt, the heathen was punished for their ways, the Israelites who followed the instruction given were not, though they lived in the same country. Some of the heathen, repented, followed the instruction of the Lord, were spared and went with the Exodus.

What I said was, the heathen of the day, will be punished, along with the nation. It is history throughout the scriptures. God punishes nations.
Our promise is that we will be in His kingdom later, but for now we will face tribulation within the world that we don’t belong. (John 16:33)
The big sufferings of the heathen come when Satan and his cohorts are here. Those who are sealed, are basically spared, whether physical or mental hurt. Same as the door posts in Egypt. Not saying it still isn’t going to be rough.

That is the whole point of the Rapture doctrine. It gives them a reprieve from being here to live through the tribulation, which is false doctrine. We too have to live through it, if still alive, just as we have to live through the decline of the nation by the heathen today. Our national blessings have halted due to the nation turning its back on God. Just because there is a remnant, doesn’t mean the nation isn’t going to suffer.
When the captivity’s happened, there was a remnant, and they too went with the heathen, but it was God’s plan for their own good.

Scripture tells us that no man king is going to reverse the decline. The Prophets with the direct bat phone to the Lord couldn’t do it, and those people witnessed firsthand miracles.

The whole world is going to be confederate with each other, New World Order, and it is going to continue to be a heathen world. That is the whole point of God allowing Satan to come here. It is to punish those, the majority who will not follow.

We might get a leader whose actions help the 401’s, appoints more conservative Supreme court justices etc., but what really has changed? They national Prayer Breakfast is even a heathen gathering for their own purpose. God is still out of the equation which is taking HIs name in vain.

As you said, we are to do our duty; this age is the smelter of the metal that is in us. The Lord wants silver and gold, not lead.

There are some interesting comments on this article. I see both political and religious views. I see perspectives about “The Second Coming” and even “The Antichrist”.
The main article itself talks about “Division” and includes these comments; “Yet, isn’t it the Left that causes most of the issues in our nation?”, “They continually blame the right for what they themselves do.”, “How is that unifying?”.
I also noticed “And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand!” (Mark 4:24) was included in this article!
Indeed, this is an interesting article! On one hand we are talking about The Kingdom of God, “My Kingdom IS NOT OF this World, if it were then would My Servants fight…” (John 18:36), “And if a Kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand” (Mark 4:24), “If a house is divided against itself it cannot stand. And if Satan is divided and rises against himself, he cannot stand. His end has come.” (Mark 4:25-26). “Join me in suffering like a good soldier In Christ Jesus. A soldier (In Christ- John 18:36, Eph. 2:6) refrains from entangling himself in civilian affairs, in order to please the one who enlisted him.” (2nd Tim. 2:2-4, John 17:18-20, John 17:14-15-). And on the other hand, we are talking about “the cares of this world” (Luke 21:34-35, Rev. 13:8, James 1:8, 2nd Cor. 4:17-18).
I myself do not see the two political sides coming together simply because they are among “All that dwell upon the face of the whole earth” (Luke 21:25, Rev. 13:8), their eye is not “single” (Matt. 6:22-23), they do not “dwell in heaven” (Rev. 13:6, Col. 1:13, Eph. 2:6, Hebrews 12;22-24, 2nd Cor. 4:17-18, 2nd Tim. 2:2-4), and it is obvious to “some standing here” (Matt. 16:28, Rev. 1:7) that it is indeed a “house divided against itself” (Matt. 12:25-28).
Now concerning “The Second Coming”, we know from the Scriptures, which are The Word of God (John 1:1-3, 14, Rev. 19;13, 2nd Tim, 3:16-17), that “Jesus Christ Has Come IN (2nd Cor. 13:5) the Flesh!” (1st John 4:1-4, 2nd John 1:7, 1st Cor. 12:27, 1st John 3:1-3), and that “by Our Gathering together unto Him” (2nd Thess. 2:1) in “Mount Zion” (Hebrews 12:22-24, Matt. 18:20, John 4:19-24, John 3;3-6, 1st Cor. 2:14-16, 1st Cor. 12:27, John 20:29) that He has indeed already come again the second time shortly after He told Mary “TOUCH MEE NOT, for I have NOT YET ASCENDED…” John 20:17, and then eight days later told Thomas to THRUST his hand into His side because Thomas wanted proof and was DOUBTFUL. (John 20;17-29, 2nd Cor. 13:5), and yet still many “Received not the love of the TRUTH that they might be saved…!” (2nd Thess. 2:9-12), and this still continues “IN THESE LAST DAYS” (Hebrews 1:1-2, Acts 2:16-17, Joel 2:1-32, 2nd Peter 3:8, “IN THE DAYS OF THE SON OF MAN!” (Luke 17;26-30, 1st Cor. 12:27, John 17:18-20, John 17;14-15, Rev. 11:3-10). 1st John 4:1-4, and 2nd John 1:7 tells us who the “antichrists” are, “and YOU SHALL KNOW THEM by their fruits”, (Matt. 7:15-23, 2nd Thess. 2:9-12), and 1st John 2:18 tells us there “ARE MANY!”, “In the FIELD” (Gen. 3:1, Matt. 13:38, 2nd Cor. 11:13-15, Matt. 10:16.
Hopefully I have helped in some way to contribute to this article for “He who has ears to hear!” (Matt. 13:9-16).

To put a number on it, you are saying that He will technically make a 3rd trip, the final one, to fulfill all the prophecies. (Acts 1:11, Zech 14:4, Matthew 24:30)

We are saying the same thing Snowman. you in your language and me in mine.
We’re good.

I am saying what the Scriptures teach us. Jesus Christ has returned and Lives in us as we are IN HIM (Eph. 2:6, Hebrews 12:22-24. 1st Cor. 12:27, 2nd Cor. 13:5). All we are really waiting for is “at the Appearing” (1st John 3:1-3) which does not occur until the LAST TRUMP for each of us which is when “there shall be time no longer” (Rev. 10:6) because the Last enemy shall be destroyed (1st Cor. 15) and we shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye. No man (in the flesh- “flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom”) can see God and live. (1st Cor. 2:14-16), however, those who are “BORN AGAIN” (1st Peter 1:1-23-25) have already passed from death to life (1st John 3:14), and the second death has no power over us (Rev. 20:6, John 11:25-26). I hope that helps?

It’s always good. We are just being like the Bereans.

I know what you are saying, I just never heard anyone, or thought of it in that way, that Christ went to the Father physically and then returned 8 days later.

Some take that verse as, “do not hold me here and cling to me, I have work to do and so do you”, which was to alert the other disciples.

My apologies. I did not say physically as in “Flesh and blood” (1st Cor. 15:50, Luke 23:46, Acts 7:59, Gen. 3:19, Eccl. 3:20, Job 34:14-15, Eccl. 12:6-7, Eccl. 9:4-5, Eccl. 9:10, Psalms 6:5).
Rather, “Why stand ye here gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into Heaven!” (Acts 1:11). “But you shall receive Power…(Luke 10:19-24) …! And when He had spoken these things, while they beheld, He was taken up they beheld; and A CLOUD received Him out of their sight.” (Acts 1:8-9, “The days will come when you shall desire to SEE (John 20:29) one of THE DAYS OF THE SON OF MAN (Luke 17:26-30, 1st Cor. 12:27, Luke 17:20-21) and shall not SEE it.” (Luke 17:22), “Coming IN THE CLOUDS (“ARE the dust of HIS FEET!” Isaiah 60:8, Hebrews 12:1-2, Rev. 11:3-10, 2nd Cor. 13:5) of Heaven (Col. 1:13, Eph. 2:6, Hebrews 12:22-24, “descending out of Heaven From God” Rev. 21:9-11, John 17:18-20, John 17:14-15, “a CITY on a hill” Matt. 5:13-15, Matt. 13:10-11, 1st Cor. 2:14-16, 1st Peter 2:5, Rev. 22:17) with POWER (Acts 1:8, Luke 10:19, Rev. 11:3, etc.) and great Glory.” Matt. 24:30, “I WILL make the place of MY FEET Glorious”. Isaiah 60:13, Matt. 16:18, Ezekiel 36:27, Phil. 1:6, 2:13, Isaiah 46:9-10, 2nd Cor. 4:17-18, “IT IS DONE!” Rev. 21:1-6, Hebrews 10:38-39, Hebrews 11:1, 2nd Cor. 6:2.
Please see 1st Cor. 15 concerning “Changed in the twinkling of an eye” and different types of “Bodies”.

If you know about this “spiritual divide”, then “Come out from among them and be ye separate!”. “No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of THIS LIFE!” (2nd Tim. 2:4, Luke 21:34-35, Rev. 3:8). “My Kingdom is NOT of this world!”

So you are saying that I should not concern myself with gaurding my home and my community. why, the world is going to hell any, what’s the use. If I see a rattlesnake in my living room, Just try to remember not to get too close. Dang, got my wife, I forgot to warn her. oh well I’ll see her in heaven. gonna miss those biscuits she makes though. Our founding fathers drafted a moral path based on the the word of God for this country. A judicial system, punishment system , a system to gaurd and enforce it. If a brothel openens up next door to your home where you raise your children, why is that any of your business? Not taking responsibility is the primary cause of the mess we have now. I dont just mind my own business and leave it to God. If I see a young man punch an old woman in the face, 'I’m gonna react instantly and do my best to beat the hell out the offender. I will not pretend I didn’t see it see it and mind my own business. That’s a cowardly cop out. It’s every Americans personal business to guard their community and country and laws. I don’t vote for people who have proven to be un worthy. I watch, pay attention and try to learn everything I can about the people I cast my vote for. That is not only our civic duty, it is very much in our own best interests. Until Christ returns or I bail, I have to live here, my children and grandchildren and their children are going to live here. Oh yeah, 'It’s my business!

Are you implying or stating that you are among “them” that “received not the love of the truth”? (2nd Thess. 2:9-12). 2nd Cor. 13:5, 1st Cor. 12:27, 1st John 4:1-4, 2nd John 1:7.

Stumbled on a documentary series called, Dirty Money. Had numerous episodes about different people etc. Two of them really caught my eye.

One episode was about Trump and the building of the Trump empire.
The other was on the Kushner family, starring Jared Kushner, son in law of Trump.

These 2 detail the power and corruptness of the family’s and now they are combined, both in business and government. Much like when Ahab and Jehoram’s families intermarried.

The Jared enterprise tends to make the Trump enterprise look like ivory snow.

I’m secure in the holy spirit. been with me as since I was small. When people read scripture they must read the entire subject matter of the chapter, otherwise it’s being perceived out of out of context 'too many times.

Snowman, not knowing you personally and reading a documentary about your life and family
history I’m sure there would be some lackluster info in there. The same would apply to me or any living soul. I’ve noticed that every decade came and went in my life with a huge difference of who I am at the end of each chapter. Spiritually, more mature, more honor, more kindness, more understanding of the people around me. less anger, less hate, less fear of death, and much more resistance of evil.
I’ve watched the video you referred to. Be honest, was there anything content that surprised you or made you gasp. He is just a man playing the cards he was dealt. I cant in wildest dreams imagine what his life was like nor could he mine. Same as you and me. His EGO is bigger than his outrageous jet. He is arrogant, [side effect of being rich and privileged since the day he was born] I think most of the people he has suckered were trying to sucker him.
he beat 'em at their own game. [Sour grapes] Kind of guy you need in a den of greed.
Just say’in. Who knows, Kamala might turn out to be the the greatest president in history!!!
Do you you reckon? We’re gonna have to live with one of them deciding our lives for four long years.

Everyone has a need of repentance. we all fall short at times, repent, and move on with all our might according to the book. The trend is repentance and killing the old ways within us.

When someone, both family’s, wakes up every morning, stiving for power and financial gain - ill-gotten money, breaking contracts, wanting the admiration of men, knowingly forcing people out of their apartments by creating a living quarter with mold, filth and the like, ruining them financially, basically doing deals with the serpent, publicly confessing to not repenting for any of it, my opinion, this goes way past lackluster.

Their trend is the opposite of the above. (Matthew 7:15-20)

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The people trump had on stage were garbage. Franklin Graham lol he said the vax is from God. Might wanna look up pharmakia lol. Amber rose? Really she said Jesus was a cult leader lol. Def idiots. And im still blown away he created the space force lol lol. He’s in on it just plays the other side.


You have got to be kidding. you have never been a landlord. People live in filth because they choose to. The landlord did not install that filth, the tenant brought it with them. left it when they were ‘forced’ out by legal eviction.
The most dilapidated and dangerous living facilities in America are owned and operated by good ol DHS [department of human suffering] the huge majority of people find themselves in the living conditions and or financial woes they seemingly prefer. The landlords fault? My grandmother told me once when I asked how can people live in that squaller? Poor people have poor ways son.
that is gospel. I cant believe you would make statements like that. I tell you what. you are retired, you have time on your hands. Go buy a rent house and doll it up real nice. Rent it out for a year to nice looking charming couple well dressed and driving a new car. have them screened, do background checks When they leave, go take a look at the transformation. Unless you are super lucky, you are going to faint. I’ve had a lot of experience in that market. I’ve seen things unbelievable. The fact is, it is not their house, they don’t care! they have no skin in the game. they see a 2000.00 deposit as a free pass to destroy. 'We paid for it. you have no idea what you are talking about. Rental property is very risky business. never know what you gonna get.

Tell us what kind of people are not garbage Jeff. I’m sure you will include yourself in that description.


You need to watch the doc on the properties that they are buying before you assume what I am talking about. Saying I don’t know what I am talking about is dancing over the facts. How do you know I was never a landlord?

It isn’t the filth the people create; it is the filth from the ceiling falling on top of them due to water leaks that were ignored. Paint peeling of the walls. It was the black mold they had to live with, etc. etc. It was the 24-hour construction work being done on the apartments of those who left because they couldn’t take it any longer.
They knew if they make their living quarters, such a horror to live in, they will move and then they could escalate the rent 3-4 times what they were getting. Occupancy permits were ignored, rent collected, gas inspections which miserably failed, were also ignored. Some people died when a building exploded, and Jared’s hands were in it.

I have been around the rental game too. Not all people who rent are irresponsible, some are.


Hey kevin hope you are doing great today!

Well i Def don’t approve of anyone who is an only fans model. Someone who supports abortion, lgbtqtingr, and hosted an event called a slut walk

Also just watched her interview and she said Jesus was a cult leader. So ya someone that’s into that is garbage.
Just looking at the fruits!

Hope you have a great day!

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