The Prophecy Of War Is Accelerating…

Full article at: The Prophecy Of War Is Accelerating… | World Events and the Bible

Throughout history, wars have raged. Nations have risen, and nations have fallen. Yet, after World War II, a new world order was established. An order that brought about a certain level of peace between nations. Wars still exist, they always will. Yet, there’s no discounting the fact, that the last 50 years have been fairly…


I don’t know you, but I’m eagerly awaiting for His return, despite I’m gifted with an awesome family and life, I can not bear the unrighteousness. It’s everywhere, in my job, in the street, in my friends job, everybody is taking advantage of her neighbor. Employer or employed, it’s the same, people lie continually.
I can’t stand lies. I myself lie at few times.
It will be great when one thug tries to bully his neighbor and Christ will make the line straight.
Please Jesus, come soon.


Good morning Brandon. This was an excellent read. But it could go deeper. Most everywhere I turn and or read, people talk about The LORDS return. The Day of The LORD. His 2nd coming. The Millennium. It is a rare thing that within these sharing’s is enough spent telling the People of the supernatural deception that is going to come first, before That Great and powerful Day of The LORD comes. I think they need to hear about that ‘not to far in the future arrival’ because that is why The LORD instructs us to
a) seek Truth to learn it with understanding, and
b) do it to prepare your minds and hearts, to become sealed in it.
HE told us to do that. Why? To prepare. To seal Truth in our minds and hearts in order that we might be able to be saved from, and to be able to withstand the world-wide deception that will come upon us all by the antichrist and ilk. If all People are looking for is The Day of the coming of The LORD, which most are, they are not studying and seeking what they must know, and know well enough, that they too might be saved from the deception of the antichrist, his lieutenants and locust army that are coming to devour souls, that FATHER wrote us shall happen when they are cast to earth for the antichrists short reign. This is what we are warned over and over and over and again. The very first words Christ Jesus taught us in Matthew 24 is this, “Do Not Be Deceived”. Why? Because we the Children of Almighty GOD are humankind, and the antichrist and all his ilk are supernatural beings, and without knowing the Truths GOD gave us in order to prepare our minds and hearts that will, if absorbed, would help us become prepared to stand firmly against, and to be able to withstand the attacks from the evil deception coming upon us all. People have no other choice but to learn, prepare and grow their faith as firmly as they are given to do, so much so that no matter what they trust The LORD completely. No humankind is a match for the supernatural beings coming, and if not prepared, sealed, the same will not make it to the end, The Day of our True LORDs arrival to be among the first resurrected into eternal life, everyone that does not make it…GOD alone makes whatever exceptions HE so chooses, but many will have to live through the Millennium, the 1000 years with no grace and no repentance available. Many are not going to make it. Yes, all that are meant to will, but it is our Christian duty to plant the seeds nevertheless, as we never know who will have received them. Due to all of that, that is why we seek, learn, absorb as much as we are given and then we are to share that Truth we have been gifted to have received. Learn, absorb, understand, plant the seeds, and watch. These are our instructions. Did I misunderstand them? It is easy to follow our FATHERs instructions, and the yoke is also easy to bear. HE asks us to do our part here in order that as many as we are able to reach also hear Truth. As the Truth of FATHERS plan, HIS Word and our Christ vanishes ‘out of fashion’ more and more as we go forward now. As the days grow shorter now to the day Michael casts the antichrist and his army out of heaven to earth, we have time to reach as many as we are each able to warn them of the deception that will swallow them up, if they refuse to prepare. If they do refuse, they will 100% believe, truly believe that the liar is in fact Christ, they will be lost hook, line and sinker, there will no longer be any way to reach them. I cannot think of anything more important to warn People about. Of course I could be wrong, but it does not feel wrong. It does feel urgent though. We are watching and seeing prophecy unfold daily and it has escalated rapidly now. The generation of The Fig Tree began in 1948. Christ also taught that “This generation shall not pass until all, ALL, prophecy is fulfilled”. Some think it began in 1967 - that is neither here nor there, what is a mere 20 years, nothing. I’m among the 1948 believers, we are in it right now, and there is not a lot of time before the antichrists casting down, to share Truth about that coming event, with as many as we are able to for as long as we draw breath. Am I wrong? Did I misunderstand it? If you think so, please share your thoughts.

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Karen here is a study you might want to read.

Indeed. Jesus was speaking to His Disciples when He said, “When YOU SEE…!” Matt. 24:3-34, “to show unto His Servants…!” Rev. 1:1-3. And people are still trying to figure out why THEY DO NOT SEE these “things”! This has been going on since Jeus Christ said these very words “When YOU SEE…” to even His first disciples, and to every generation even after He said "WHEN YOU SEE to them! 1st Cor. 2:14-16. There have been many generations who have not understood He was talking to His Disciples when he said “WHEN YOU SEE…!” Matt. 24:3-34. They like to think that Jesus Said, “When the generation comes (maybe about 2000 years from now) sees these things then THEY WILL KNOW, but YOU WON"T SEE!”, "So I am saying to you, “When YOU SEE what YOU WON’T SEE, then Know that YOU won’t see just because I am now speaking these words “When YOU SEE” to you to confuse you and every other generation in the future!” This is what people seem to think somehow.

2nd Cor. 13:5. There are many people who DO NOT believe Hebrews 13:5, Matt. 28:19-20. They do not “OBSERVE ALL THINGS”, “I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS!”, he has promised to NEVER LEAVE! So, since “they received not the love of the truth” (2nd Thess. 2:9-12) they are still looking for Him to RETURN! John 20:17-29, 1st Cor. 12:27, 1st John 4:1-4, 2nd John 1:7.

Can someone RETURN who NEVER Leaves? Hebrews 13:5. Something is seriously wrong with the teachings of men! 1st Cor. 2:14-16.

and when we are told the poor will always be with us…it also means, so will the rich/wealthy.

So, when the Disciples asked Jesus Christ the questions they asked Him in Matt. 24:3, and Jesus Christ answered their questions in verses Matt. 24:4-34, you are thinking that maybe He should have told them “When THEY SEE, which will not be for another 2000 years from now, you should tell them that I told you to tell THEM “When YOU SEE”, because YOU WON’T see, but THEY will see”? When He was speaking to them, and when He said, “WHEN YOU SEE”, are you saying that you think He might have been misleading them since they were not going to see all the things He listed in Matt. 24:4-34? Am I understanding you correctly? So, If Jesus Christ says to you personally, “When You see…”, does this mean that you can expect not to see?