Full article at: What Does The Parable Of The Fig Tree Mean? | World Events and the Bible
You’re going to learn the meaning of the parable of the fig tree. I’ll also uncover which “generation” shall not pass until this prophecy is fulfilled.
Once again, an excellent lesson!
0nce again, I agree whole heartedly Oldman. Hope you are enjoying your Sunday. My favorite day of the week. no phone calls, no doorbells, no traffic on the road, no company.
later on
Am I understanding you correctly in that you do not believe the words in Matt. 24:3-34?
Can you explain please ?
Jesus was speaking to His Disciples in Matt. 24:3-34 and answered their 3 questions asked in Matt. 24:3. You may want to consider also Matt. 3:10-11, John 8:31-32, Amos 3:7, 1st Thess. 5:1-4, “…to show unto HIS SERVANTS…!”, “Which MUST shortly come to pass…!” Rev. 1:1-3, Isaiah 55:11. Most teachings, commentaries, and sermons I have read or listened to seem to not consider these words or things. To be honest with you, I do not think many understand these Scriptures, nor "NOW learn a parable of the fig tree " correctly! These things were written and spoken about 2000 years ago. Might I suggest to you that Jesus Christ meant EXACTLY what he said in Matt. 24:34 when answering the 3 questions His Disciples ask Him in Matt. 24:3-34? If you like I can come back to this later and share with you how these words spoken and penned about 2000 years ago are just as true today as they were then for those who understand? “THIS GENERATION (2025) shall not pass till ALL THESE THINGS be fulfilled!” Jesus was also speaking directly to His Disciples alive then 2000 years ago and answering THEM 2000 years ago in that Generation! Surely, it was His Disciple then who 1st asked these questions that were recorded for us to read. He was ANSWERING THEM, so why would He mislead them and not directly say to them, “A generation which will be about 2000 years or more in the future shall not pass until ALL THESE THINGS be fulfilled.” instead of “THIS GENERATION…!”? I believe they asked Him these questions (Matt. 24:3) and He immediately answered THEM!