Israel-Hamas War Updates

Uhh ohhh…

Some US officials believe Israel may be violating international law — internal memo

They tax you into oblivion, send the money as “aid” to Israel, then launder it back to political campaigns who will do their bidding.

Nah, that would never happen.

Sorry, for the mistake. :innocent:

Look at this…

Columbia student’s lawyer ‘There are straight-out calls for the genocide of Jews’

Meanwhile, genocide of Palestinians is actually taking place.

If these people are the so called chosen of God, suck it up. (Matthew 5:11) I’ve been treated that way since I am supposedly privileged.

Anyone have a spare bedroom?

now who in their right mind would of thought that would of happened??

So now, Biden is placing a partial weapons hold for Israel. Why? Biden doesn’t want to see Israel go into heavily populated Rafah.

For the most part, I say this is a PR stunt. A few college kids are up in arms in America and it’s made media attention, Biden doesn’t want to lose — those — voters, hence the “partial weapons hold.”

Besides, Biden just provided tons of arms to Israel, they have plenty to go into Rafah, and Israel just admitted as much. Meanwhile, Bibi says Israel will fight to their fingernails and will stand alone if needed.

Clearly, this shows they cannot stand without US support. Perhaps, it’s time for Israel to stand on their own legs…

When I read that headline about Biden’s partial hold on weapons I laughed and thought, yep…election year! What a joke…

@kay will love this one…

$1 billion will pay for lots of dead Palestinians.

And there you have it! I missed that headline today…thanks for sharing Brandon!

In case you didn’t hear, the Iranian President’s helicopter crashed in a remote region of Iran. It’s believed he survived, I’ve seen some obscure footage of it. Rescuers found the chopper, but I’m not hearing that they found him…

All on the heels of this Israel saga equals, highly suspect…

Time will tell.

More on the news front…

If this is the same deal Putin had, then Netanyahu is supposed to be arrested when entering another nation that conforms to the ICC regs… That is, if this all goes through.

Ohh boy…

Just keeps on getting more and more interesting doesn’t it?

If Ukraine isn’t begging for more weapons, it’s Israel.

This one just doesn’t seem like it’s going away anytime soon…

The other day, Israel was hit with a drone attack, as in, a drone, which killed 1 and injured 10. It’s horrible. Yemen took credit, so Israel retaliated.

All we need to do is figure out, who is providing the aid to Yemen, we already know who provides it to Israel, and cut it all off. Then, these folks can battle it out with sticks and stones like in the old days, and the rest of us can live in peace.

It’s amazing to think, this war is still going on…

Ohh and look at this one…

It’s no secret, Israel would love to wipe out all the Arabs in the region and vise versa. Perhaps, just perhaps, we should stop enabling the conflict…