In The Beginning: The World That Then Was

“So there were giants in the earth long before the sons of God took the daughters of men for wives. … Mighty men of old, men of renown. Giants.”

This is great food for thought! What we know is that the sons of God came unto the daughters of Adam for the specific reason of polluting Christ’s genealogy. But, were they fooling around with the ladies from the sixth day creation before then? Well, boys will be boys, but in my opinion— probably not.

Now this is total conjecture on my part, but I believe the giants were a mutation that was unique to Adam’s genealogy. However, I think to a lesser extent, it’s also possible that there were other types of mutations. These hybrids would have been the result of the fallen angles, or their progeny, mixing with the races from the sixth day creation that were living in the land occupied by the Adamites during the time when evil multiplied greatly in the land. Gen:6, 7

The Paracas people of Peru who had elongated skulls may be one such hybrid. They died out in Peru over two thousand years ago, but DNA from some of their skulls has been traced to a race of people with elongated skulls that lived in the Black/Caspian Sea area over three thousand years ago. The question is where did they come from? Maybe this idea could also extend to some other extinct human species, like Neanderthals, Denisovans, etc.?

“Makes me think of the Pyramids, Stonehenge and other mysterious structures”.

As someone who has worked with stone, the subject of how ancient megalithic structures were built has fascinated me for years. I can tell you from experience, there is absolutely no way some of these structures could have been built using only of copper or bronze chisels; they would have required advanced tools and technology. This leads me to think that some of them date back to the world that was.

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