I love anything that validates what is written in the bible. The documentaries by “Universe inside You” do that, but only for people that understand that there was a previous age before this present flesh age. That’s where Brandon comes in, and I think he has opened the eyes of many. To people that have no understanding of the “world that then was”, these documentaries will simply leave them wondering who this obviously technologically advanced civilization was, and what happened to them.
After watching many similar documentaries, I have a working hypothesis. I think megalithic structures can be divided into three different time periods. Prehistoric; built in the world that then was. Prehistoric; built pre-Noah’s flood in age of the giants. Historic; built post flood in relatively recent history.
You wondered about tools and why none have been found. We know for certain that at least three types of advanced tools were used, because they left their marks on the stones. One was a rotating circular saw, another was a high-speed rotating cylinder, and a third was a type of scooping equipment that may have incorporated some kind of stone softening technology.
What happened to all this equipment is a good question and we can only speculate. We know from Ezekiel chapters one and ten that God (Or perhaps Christ— I’d have to re-read.) traveled in advanced flying vehicles. We also know that these vehicles can move between dimensions since Ezekiel saw them on earth and John saw them in heaven. (Rev. chapter four.)
My guess is that when God removed the children from earth, he also removed all types of advanced technology. Think about it, so far, they haven’t dug up any of these flying vehicles either; and besides, we may want to use this stuff again in the eternity. 
As far as the tools the fallen angels may have used, chances are God also removed whatever tools they may have brought with them, along with their vehicles. This would have been at the same time he removed the fallen angels from earth to be held in chains awaiting judgement. Jude 1:6
I agree the stones must have somehow been levitated. Since structures such as those in Ollantaytambo Peru had massive 50–60-ton stones brought from a distant mountain, across rivers and then back up over 9,000 feet to their present location. This was at a time predating the Incas, when there were no roads.