I’ve been watching and reading everything I can regarding A race of people thousands of years before Adam

Continuing the discussion from In The Beginning: The World That Then Was:

Oldman, I’ve been watching and reading everything I can regarding A race of people thousands of years before Adam. But they will go to great lengths to avoid any mention of God or the bible. But several agree that the human man could not have pulled it off.
he referred to some type of beings with super intelligence. I was suprrised when he reasoned that The Egyptians simply found the structures and claimed them and all of their symbols and ‘hieroglyphs’ were added. He has excavated 250’ deep rooms under the sand with magnificent solid stone stairwells descending 25’ below the surface to a chamber cut into granite bed rock. rock cuts and boring that appear to have been made with sophisticated tools. No Egyption symbols or hieroglyphs. one of the best videos I’ve seen.
I know you would enjoy it with your knowledge of stone cutting. I really feel in my gut that that the celestial sons of God inhabited the the old world. those type structures are found all over the earth. I’ll send you the link if you like. Take care.

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It sounds interesting Kevin; please send the link. Thanks

‘the universe inside you’ I found this on You tube.
1- Pre Egyptian technology left by an advanced civilization that disappeared
2- The sage wall discovered in Montana, USA
3- Pre-historic mega structures in China and unexcavated pyramids
Only no hype videos I’ve seen . he doesn’t claim who they were, he simply doesn’t know.
But say’s Man did not build these. Others always claim aliens from outer space. And I had a thought, that’s half right, they came from the heavens, but they were not aliens, God created them and the world for them, it was their natural habitation.

@yakityyak Kevin
Thanks Kevin, I found the videos that you mentioned, and it looks like I have many hours of watching ahead of me. I appreciate the fact that in what I have watched so far, there has been no suggestion of aliens. I reject the ancient alien theory.

This was the first time I had heard of the Sage Wall; it was quite interesting.

I believe many, but not all, of these megalithic structures can be explained if viewed as being built in “the world that then was.” (2 Peter 3:6) It’s not difficult to understand how at least parts of these massive structures could have survived the first great flood.

For those who don’t know about the first great flood, it’s the point where God ended the world (age) that then was. Check back to the original topic. “In The Beginning: The World That Then Was”.

In the world that then was, we were all in the spiritual bodies in which we were created and will return to when we die. And, since the beings living in that age were in timeless spirit bodies, it seems reasonable to think that they would have used stone, which is extremely long lasting, as a major building material. It’s also reasonable to think that they had advanced tools and technology.

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I was so relieved when Brandon put that bug in our our ear and led us to the scriptures.
Caused me to read at least half of the Old testament that I had been always avoided.
I’ e read Genesis 1 and chapter two, many times. But I read right over what it was was saying.

answered a lot
I doubt I would have put that together on my own. I also noticed That Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and the earth. When they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.
I wonder if the sons of God needed tools? thay would explain why they have never found any,
in all of their excavations. I also imagined that they could levited and manipulate stones
at will???

I meant to say Levitate

I love anything that validates what is written in the bible. The documentaries by “Universe inside You” do that, but only for people that understand that there was a previous age before this present flesh age. That’s where Brandon comes in, and I think he has opened the eyes of many. To people that have no understanding of the “world that then was”, these documentaries will simply leave them wondering who this obviously technologically advanced civilization was, and what happened to them.

After watching many similar documentaries, I have a working hypothesis. I think megalithic structures can be divided into three different time periods. Prehistoric; built in the world that then was. Prehistoric; built pre-Noah’s flood in age of the giants. Historic; built post flood in relatively recent history.

You wondered about tools and why none have been found. We know for certain that at least three types of advanced tools were used, because they left their marks on the stones. One was a rotating circular saw, another was a high-speed rotating cylinder, and a third was a type of scooping equipment that may have incorporated some kind of stone softening technology.

What happened to all this equipment is a good question and we can only speculate. We know from Ezekiel chapters one and ten that God (Or perhaps Christ— I’d have to re-read.) traveled in advanced flying vehicles. We also know that these vehicles can move between dimensions since Ezekiel saw them on earth and John saw them in heaven. (Rev. chapter four.)

My guess is that when God removed the children from earth, he also removed all types of advanced technology. Think about it, so far, they haven’t dug up any of these flying vehicles either; and besides, we may want to use this stuff again in the eternity. :grin:

As far as the tools the fallen angels may have used, chances are God also removed whatever tools they may have brought with them, along with their vehicles. This would have been at the same time he removed the fallen angels from earth to be held in chains awaiting judgement. Jude 1:6

I agree the stones must have somehow been levitated. Since structures such as those in Ollantaytambo Peru had massive 50–60-ton stones brought from a distant mountain, across rivers and then back up over 9,000 feet to their present location. This was at a time predating the Incas, when there were no roads.

The part that got my attention was the obvious rotating blade marks. I cut a lot of concrete in my business, And coring. Also the small cores mortised into stone very close together looked like a locking device, like pins in a cylinder? when I think of how long ago that was it numbs the brain. I’m sure you noticed that the stones in the sage wall were fashioned and locked together like other pre-historic structures all over the world. Thanks for your comments.
I too find all of it very interesting. I was surprised and glad you mentioned celestial flting machines. I believe the same thing and have for a long time. People will jump to believing anything except the bible. Of course , that is written scripture also.

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