Full article at: If The Rapture Is True, What’s The Point Of The Tribulation? | World Events and the Bible
Hey Brandon, I’m trying to reconcile the fact that so many Bible teachers, even ones I have listened to for years, believe in the “rapture”. I just cannot fathom that all of these are so wrong in this most important event. To say the least, my mind is boggled…
Good stuff. Good read.
Happy new year.
Though Bran is a champion of champions of The Bible and I’m my humble opinion you can trust in what he says. All with references to Scripture.
You must read The Bible. Chapter by chapter and verse by verse.
First from where Bran has told you.
But after that, from Genesis unto Revelation.
And seek The Lord for understanding. Only The Holy Spirit will open your eyes to The Truth.
This is a hard trial being here.
But we are with The Champion, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Trust in Him at each and every step of your life.
With the wisdom comes strong faith. You will learn that faith without works is death.
And the blessings will flow to you.
Here in Spain not eating roasted pork or shrimp in Christmas is like death penalty. But know what? I feel prideful for my fight. The people stares at me and think:he is nuts, he is rare. But then I tell them: if The Lord told us not to eat this things before Christ arrival, not one inch of the pork or the shrimp had changed since then. They’re the same. Why our catholic brothers doesn’t regard leviticus… It’s beyond me. I’ve been raised catholic!!
Only The Holy Spirit will open your eyes to The Truth. By reading The Bible. Chapter by chapter
I have had so many encounters with this rapture crap. I know what you are going thru Sissy.
I pray that the Spirit will lead you to peace and understanding…
God Bless,
Sissy, I have asked about this in the past too. I think I find the pastor who I believe is the real deal then…boom! He talks rapture…I learned as well by reading for myself and you Brandon!! Thank you!! I still try to find some folks who think like me and you but I cant find a church in my area. Its not that I need the pastor its the gathering of true believers and fellowship . I miss that at times. My brother just passed and I could use it. But my Father will see me through!! Blessings to all.
Admittedly, I do not agree with all that is said in the comments and also the reply to your questions by Bandon. Nor do I think the Scriptures agree. Let’s go through the Scriptures and see what the Scriptures say and compare them to some of the replies!
One of Brandons replies was “The Devil has and will deceive the entire world including Christians” and “Look, people, yes, Christians are deceived already.” And Brandon points out Revelation 12:9 which states “Satan which deceiveth the whole world.” These comments by Brandon (in my observation of what Scripture declares) does not at all agree with the Scriptures!
So that my post is not too lengthy please consider these Scriptures and PROMISES! John 8:31-32, “…to SHOW unto HIS SERVANTS…!” (Rev. 1:1-3, Isaiah 55:11, Amos 3:7, 1st Thess. 5:4-5, etc.) Also you can go to Bible Hub website and compare the many parallels to “ye ARE NOT IN DARKNESS!” 1st Thess. 5:4-5. Satan may deceive the whole world, HOWEVER, True believers are “in the world but NOT OF THE WORLD!” John 17:13-19. They have been TRANSLATED INTO the KINGDOM! (Eph. 2:6, Col. 1:13, Hebrews 12:22-24, “As Thou hast sent me INTO THE WORLD, Even so have I ALSO SENT THEM (Rev. 21:9-11) into the world!” John 17:18-20-26. Satan does not and cannot Deceive those who were “created IN CHRIST before the foundation of the world!” (Eph. 1:3-4) born again of “INCORRUPTIBLE SEED!”, “and THIS IS The Word by which the Gospel is preached UNTO YOU!” (1st Peter 1:23-25, 1st John 4:4-5).
Yes, the Devil deceives them that “DWELL upon the face of the whole earth” (Luke 21:32-35, Rev. 13:14, Rev. 12:9), however, the Devil DOES NOT DECEIVE “Them that DWELL IN HEAVEN”! (Rev. 13:6-10, Hebrews 12:22-24, “…and IN THE KINGDOM…!” Rev. 1:9, Eph. 2:6, Col. 1:13, Phil. 4:8, 2nd Cor. 4:1-17-18, “IT IS DONE!” (Rev. 21:5-6, Isaiah 46:9-10, Eph. 1:3-4).
2nd Thess. 2:3-4 is also mentioned in a reply to your questions, and also “THAT DAY”. What is often overlooked and not correctly taught about are a few things; Notice the words, “…showing HIMSELF that he is God!”. That is who that man of sin is showing this to! He is deceiving HIMSELF! That man of sin is no more referring to only one man, than is “the man of God” in 2nd Tim. 3:17! “There are MANY ANTICHRISTS!” 1st John 2:18 was penned about 2000 years already! There are many “sons of perdition”! John 17:12 and Hebrews 9:27 tells of another one being Judas Iscariot!
“That DAY”? “This IS THAT!” Acts 2:26-17, Joel 2:1-2-9-32, 2nd Peter 3:8.
.“Shall not come unless there come A FALLING AWAY FIRST”…“At THAT INSTANT something like scales FELL FROM Sauls eyes…!” Acts 9:8, Matt. 16:17, Eph. 2:8-9, “You must be born again!” John 3:3, 3:6, 3:8, Romans 6:3-11, Gal. 2:20-21.
Where is Jesus Christ right now? In Heaven! Please read 2nd Thess. 2:1-14-16-17 CAREFULLY! If Jesus Christ is in heaven right now, where are you? Col. 1:13, Eph. 2:6, Rev. 1:9, Hebrews 12:22-24, Rev. 21:9-11.
I made an error in a Scripture reference. I meant to write Acts 2:16-17. There is much more I could easily spend all day here sharing! Remember Matt. 10:16! “Behold! I send YOU forth as sheep IN THE MIDST of WOLVES! Be ye therefore WISE AS SERPENTS (Gen. 3:1, “In the FIELD” Gen. 3:1, Matt. 13:38) and harmless as DOVES!” Luke 21:36
“But they that ESCAPE of them SHALL ESCAPE, and shall be on the MOUNTAINS ( Matt. 24:16-18, Hebrews 12:22-24), like DOVES (Matt. 10:16) of the VALLEYS (Psalms 23:4, Joel; 3:14), all of them MOURNING (Matt. 24:30, “clothed in sackcloth” Rev. 11:3<<“and He SIGNIFIED IT…!” Rev. 1:1-3), everyone for his INIQUITY.” Ezekiel 7:16…“.And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the CITY, through the midst of JERUSALEM (Hebrews 12:22-24, Rev. 21:9-11, John 17:18-20) and set A MARK (Rev. 7:3, Rev. 9:4) on the foreheads of…!” Ezekiel 9:4
What are your considerations when reading Gal. 5:4?
Hi Steve, I’m not wise enough to fully comprehend it.
But Christ also said:
Matthew 5:17-18
[17]Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
[18]For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
With this I think the law is in full effect till Christ arrival. Of course blood ordinances do not. And I think some other things like the sabbath, because Christ is our sabbath:
Mark 2:27-28
[27]And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:
[28]Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.
Mar 9:40 For he that is not against us is on our part.
Mar 9:41 For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.
Reader: I heard a teaching from an older gentleman who talked about the “bride of Christ” and how if the rapture did not take place pre trib, that the bride would be receiving a “beating” before the “wedding”.
I’ve been thinking about this logic. In reading the history of the Jewish wedding, there was the engagement, (contract) the dowry, (money paid) and then the feast. (Wedding supper)
As soon as anyone accepts Christ, or has faith in God, (pre-cross as Abraham did) the engagement has started. We are betrothed to Christ. The dowry was paid by Christ, His blood on the cross. When He returns for bride, the church, the Wedding Feast takes place. Today, we are still engaged to Christ, waiting on the Wedding and Feast.
So, in reality, all those who were prisoned, assaulted, or even martyred, have taken the pre-wedding beating which makes the logic flawed.
This entire convoluted thread has so many Scriptural errors and deviations from the Truth that it makes my head spin! Talk about NOT “rightly dividing the word of truth.” It would take way too long to pick through it all and address all the errors, starting with Brandon’s erroneous teaching on the catching away of the body of Christ.
There’s more than one “church” addressed in the word of God; however, the mystery church - the body of Christ - is definitely NOT the “bride” everyone’s referring to in this thread. We are ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20) and members of this “new creature,” the body of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). We are sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption (Eph 4:30), which is the “rapture,” “the blessed hope,” the “catching away” of Jesus Christ’s body to join him in the clouds (1 Corinthians 15:51-52).
The mystery “rapture” and the creation of a new creature - the church comprised of the members of the body of Christ - were secrets hidden in God since before the world began. The new creature - the body of Christ - is comprised of former Jews and Gentiles that have been and are being saved during this dispensation of grace that was ushered in by Jesus Christ Himself when he appeared to Saul on the road to Damascus and appointed him as the apostle to the Gentiles (Acts 9). Jesus gave Paul a new gospel to preach to both Jews and Gentiles that was different than the gospel of the kingdom that Jesus preached when He walked the earth (the dispensation that just ended). The gospel of the kingdom was a witness TO THE JEWS (the lost sheep of the house of Israel) that the kingdom was within their midst in the presence of Jesus, the Son of man. And IF they would only believe that their promised Messiah had finally come to them in the person of Jesus, the prophetic timeline would continue forward and the prophecies told by the prophets of old would continue to be fulfilled without pause.
But the leaders of the Jews refused to believe and accused Jesus of blasphemy. They were given many opportunities to believe, even AFTER Jesus has ascended to the right hand of God the Father. Their final act of willful rejection came with the stoning of Stephen (Acts 7:54-60) when Stephen pointed out that they had betrayed and murdered the “Just One” of whom the prophets had spoken when they crucified Jesus (v. 52).
I’ve gone on and on here, and I never intended to. I’m going to pray for all of us to be openhearted and sincerely desirous of the Truth. I don’t believe God wants us to unclear in our understanding of something as important as who we are in Christ and what he has intended for His body - the church - in this dispensation and the next to come, the Tribulation. Paul, in his letter to Titus, said we are not appointed to wrath; and because the upcoming Tribulation period is all about the outpouring of the wrath of God in progressive levels of intensity, this is just a part of the reason those of us who are mid-Acts, pre-Tribulation rapture, Bible-believing members of the body of Christ say the things we do. If you all choose to have a different understanding and look forward to enduring the wrath of God, that’s between you and God Almighty. As for me, I surrender to the will of God for my life, whatever that brings and whenever it comes. To God be the glory for ever and ever…Amen!
Welcome G Hall!
Isn’t it wild that we all read the same Book, but come away with drastically different beliefs and conclusions? Imagine if we all read the same novel and came away with different beliefs and conclusions, that never happens though, only with the Bible.
I see you’re a pre/mid rapture believer. Don’t you find it odd that even rapture believers have different beliefs about the rapture? What does that tell us?
You also have a different belief, compared to your fellow rapture believers. It’s not that we look forward to any wrath, then again, God never punishes His children, right?
Remember the 10 Plagues of Egypt?
The Israelites were right in the midst of God’s wrath, but they never suffered a bit. It’ll be the same way during the Tribulation.
We also surrender to the will of God, that’s why we’re Christians.
One last thing…
Instead of explaining your beliefs here, it would have been helpful to explain why a couple of my beliefs are wrong, with Scripture. It would have been nice to have you answer the question, which is the title of the post with Scripture.
If all we do is regurgitate whatever we believe, how will we ever learn anything new?
One of us must be wrong, so how will we know if we never take an honest approach to learning?
Hi, as always I have not enough wisdom of The Word.
But can you, dear brother G Hall, tell me, where in The Bible is the word “rapture” please.
I’m on my third time reading The Word, I’m on Ecclesiastes right now.
If I don’t remember, there’s not one word of “rapture” in The Bible. Not even one. Please forgive me and correct me, and so I will learn, if I’m mistaken.
There’s neither the word “catholic”, “protestant”.
If I’m right, why are you adding to The Bible?
Thank you
Please read above.
Thank you
I think we can all agree, there is going to be a collection, reaping of the earth, of the believers and the nonbelievers. Call it a rapture for the believers if you want. (Revelation 14)
The disagreement comes in the form of when it takes place based on the tribulation. Pre, Mid, or Post.
My question to all three groups would be: Are 2 of the groups, the ones being wrong on the timing only, left out of the marriage supper and salvation? If any of the groups are left out, then scripture needs to be expressed that says so.
If none are left out, why the division among the groups?
It is the same as once saved, always saved. There are 2 sides. If once saved, always saved is correct, and the type of lifestyle you live is irrelevant, why the argument against the ones who think the other way?
What is this new gospel that was given to Paul?
What is a mystery rapture?
What is a mystery church?
I can’t seem to find where Christ left us in the dark.
He told us all things. Mark 13:23
Welcome to the forum!!
So if i don’t believe the rapture I’ll face the wrath of God?
Yes the firmament opened and steven was about to see Jesus on the right hand of God!