Embarrassing... Ukraine not invited to US-Russia peace talks

Anyone else amused by the fact that Ukraine is not invited to the US-Russia peace talks, that are all about Ukraine?

It’s really telling of how Zelensky is viewed, and I say it’s about darn time! Even more amusing, Zelensky is saying if he’s not at the talks, then the discussions are “null and void.”

He won’t have a choice if the U.S. stops supplying arms. Trump just shipped some more to him, but hopefully this will stop soon… I don’t think the Z man can count on the EU to supply him with anything.

Ahh yes, the world order changes once again…


I’m not American and am appalled at the things Donald Trump is saying regarding Ukraine-just appalled. To say Ukraine started the war and they were in the wrong by not giving up land…it utterly boggles my mind. If another Country invaded America would Americans fight or say…here…just take Texas. What happened to America where you appointed a narcissistic, megalomaniac who has faced criminal charges and gives power to people who quite possibly shouldn’t have it? You chose someone who is so self-centred he truly believes he can fix every problem on Earth…and not because he cares…its because he has a saviour complex. He wants to be seen as the hero. No matter the cost. Thank you America for giving the devil a seat at the table.

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Usa needs to pull out of every country and let them deal with Thier problems thierselves. We have plenty here to fix.

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I view it as, if not Trump, then who? Who else stepped up in the last 3 years?
I don’t think we should have ever got involved in their problems either, but we always do.

Should we now just stop the money without the talks and let Putin continue? Hopefully we get something in return.

How would Zelinski even negotiate, being the leader, when he doesn’t even know where half the money went that we gave him?
If he would have told NATO to go blow, he wouldn’t be in this situation.

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Zelinski is too worried about his next cross dressing event.

I am not amused. We are supposed to be separate from the world, especially in these final days when most of humanity is deceived. When catastrophic prophetic events begin to play out and billions begin to suffer in the most horrific ways imaginable, many Christians are going to suffer right along with the wicked because instead of standing up for what is right most will have jumped onto the world’s bandwagon. Too many Christians are so caught up in the politics of men that they don’t recognize God anymore. For instance, there is a fringe evangelical cult currently running the White House and most don’t even know it. This group is behind the recent activity coming out of the White House that is baffling everyone, including the rhetoric about President Trump declaring himself king. They are the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) which is an evangelical fringe organization which, until recently, had been rejected by traditional evangelical organizations until they gained a large following when Donald Trump lost the election in 2020. Its members are known for using unbiblical interpretations of the bible, speaking in tongues, barking like dogs, being “drunk” in the spirit, and having uncontrollable laughing episodes while supposedly being filled with the spirit. President Trump is under their tutelage and has been for a while now, and they have convinced the President that he is the “King Cyrus” of our time and have initiated what is called the “7 mountain mandate” because they want their king to rule every pillar of society. This is why President Trump is taking control of every department of the government just as a king would. This nation is on the verge of ditching the Constitution and rule by the people and is about to transition into a theocratically ruled government where the American people will have to abide by a king and man-made religious laws. While people have been distracted by the Trump sideshow since 2020 along with the other distractions of the world, a complete takeover of our government was planned and is now being orchestrated. Trump voters are freaking out now and giving their state representatives an ear full in town hall meetings all over the country as the livelihoods of their families are being decimated due to the recent cuts and dismantling of our government. Americans better wake up and do their due diligence on NAR because this cult is about to do a number on this country. While we make jokes about Ukraine because we’re caught up in pridefulness, we have been deceived, and Satan is about to tear this nation apart. If we truly love this country, we need to shake off this strong delusion because the end of the age of the gentiles is drawing near, and I can see why. Americans are asleep at the wheel.

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Thanks for that information on NAR I will have to look into that.

This is why one should study the scriptures instead of books of others.

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Kinda weird trump and them are signing bills you can’t criticize israel. But i haven’t seen him sign anything where you can’t criticize Christians. Kinda weird :man_shrugging:

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Please do look into NAR because more people need to be aware of what is happening within the halls of our government. I consume a lot of audio books, but I always use scripture as my anchor and I am careful to discern the intent of authors because as we all know, people are not infallible and are prone to bias. With that being said, I found the book, “The Violent Take It by Force” by Matthew D. Taylor to be an excellent piece of investigative research on NAR and it doesn’t smack of political bias like other books I have listened to. It names every member involved and where they came from. These findings alone raise numerous red flags. But then the author goes into great detail about the organization’s beginnings, philosophy, goals, etc. and when I realized what NAR’s ultimate goal was, I thought, “The only way they could accomplish their goal was if the President had complete control of the military with loyal military leaders to lessen the chance of a coup”. Well, wouldn’t you know that two days later he fired the Joint Chief of Staff with no explanation?" Everything that is unfolding in front of us is in perfect alignment with the 7-mountain mandate that the NAR conceived, and we should be very concerned. At the very least, this organization should be scrutinized in the public arena. The facts are too compelling to ignore. Good luck and thank you for your response.

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Thank you for your comment. I am not sure how long you have been here or how much you know about America’s history but because America is diverse there are many perspectives. Those of us who have not benefitted from white supremacy and whose ancestors have had to overcome centuries of mistreatment and oppression in this country have always closely watched the actions of those in power. We have done it mostly in silence because historically, when minorities speak out or make progress in this country, there is violent backlash from white Americans. Today there is a spirit of pride and arrogance consuming many white Americans who see progress and diversity as a threat to their way of life. This is why books are being banned, and white Americans are rewriting history to further water down America’s role in the genocide of native Americans, the brutality of slavery, and the decades of injustices and oppression that followed. Nicole, the devil was at the head of the table at the founding of this nation, but this nation was able to remove him briefly at times due to the efforts of Americans of all colors and ethnicities. It was during these moments when there was hope that this country could a beacon of light for the world. However, bigotry, pride, and arrogance are back in force, and I am sad to say that we will have to watch this sad story play out to the end. The good news, however, is God will see to justice in the end. So, you my friend just need to keep your heart pure, and you will see the world as it should be one day. Christ once said, “MOST will take the wide road to destruction, and FEW will find the narrow road that leads to life”. Take solace in the fact that you are striving to be one of the FEW and that an incredible eternity awaits you if you endure to the end. Peace.


Survey says 43% of whites voted for Obama. Where was the backlash? In other news, 96% of blacks voted for Obama. Racist much?

If you’ve read this site and took a look around, then you know woke is a joke. It hasn’t enhanced this country a bit. You don’t give someone a job because they’re a “minority” or a homosexual. Someone gets the job because they’re the best, period.

Anything else is racism and hatred. How anyone cannot see that is beyond me. We invented reverse racism in this country and folks like yourself seem to be okay with it.

Thankfully over the last couple years, everyone’s ditching the woke joke. Companies, organizations, and finally, the federal government.

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Families are not being decimated due to these cuts. More false flags by fake news. All the government workers, who don’t want to come to work have a tremendous offer to move on. It’s a choice for most. Not one penny should go overseas till our books are in order. If that causes hardships on foreign nations, that is their problem. We have our own.

When you can’t meet the budget at home, does the boss raise the debt ceiling or do you stop spending money? Or do we hold our hand out to the taxpayers once again?

The cuts I see are not only logical, many moral, but necessary. Should we as Christian’s support giving the blessings God gave us to other nations, even our own people, for things that go against His word?

Our nation, along with the world is grossly in debt. This nation is a business. Cuts need to be made. The entitlements and freebies have to stop. Yes, it will sting for some. What is the alternative? Have the nation go under, then what?

I am not saying I agree exclusively with the NAR, but if any Godly person obtains a position anywhere, shouldn’t their decisions be based on scripture? We need more bible believing Christians in key positions in this country starting in the church as well as the private sector.

At least now they won’t have to worry about going to prison for speaking their mind.

Edited to add:

If the enemy has infiltrated all areas, education, religion, politics, economics, entertainment, etc., doesn’t it behoove the Christian to fight back in those areas?

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When you use a “survey” to make your point, it just doesn’t hold up well against extensive and exhaustive research by historians. Also, God knows the condition of our hearts when we interact with one another, which is why we should check ourselves regarding the tone we use. The term “woke”, spoken in the black vernacular, originated within the black community to express how one can see through thinly veiled racist tactics. Like “thug”, “BLM”, “crack babies”, etc., this word was copied by racist white Americans and used as a dog whistle term to make it clear that they were aimed at black Americans. Other Americans are quick to jump on the use of these terms because they are either naive, racist, or willfully ignorant. They also ignore the second greatest commandment when they are quick to repeat these derogatory words or terms, which is to love one’s neighbor as we love ourselves. Christ said that anyone who says that they know Him but doesn’t obey Him is a liar. To talk to a brother in Christ or anyone, using mocking and belittling remarks is a good indication that one is a Christian in name only. I joined this site because I saw people conversing with civility, having decent knowledge of scripture, and genuinely gathering as brothers and sisters in Christ to speak truth regarding the condition of this world. It appears that the politics of men and the residue to white supremacy still takes precedence even here. We are supposed to be better. We are supposed to sharpen each other out of love, not like the world teaches us to ridicule and demean. We are also, like King Soloman, supposed to seek wisdom and not just rely on our own understanding. Not knowing how deeply white supremacy is still affecting this nation takes willful ignorance; especially when we live in an information age. I suggest the following audio books: “Caste” by Isabel Wilkerson, “Myth America” by Keven M. Kruse, “The Color of Law”, by Richard Rothstein, “The Whitewashing of Christianity”, by Jerome Gay, “The Nation that Never Was”, by Kermit Roosevelt, and The Violent Take it by Force" by Matthew D. Taylor. I have seen individuals on here write things like “That’s why I only read the bible instead of things written by others”. This is incredibly unwise. I guarantee King Solomon used multiple sources to gain wisdom and did not listen to the unwise who refused to expand their minds. I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit reminds me on a daily basis to keep my heart soft. It has taken me years to understand the importance of not following the negative ways of the world. We are called to a higher purpose and when we truly understand who we are and who we belong to, our words and our actions reflect it. I am not here to argue with you. I am here because God put something in me that is changing me into a better person. Like everyone else I am imperfect, living in a fallen, broken world, but trying to set myself apart for my Father. I urge you to remember who you are as well.

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@Lou22, I will not play your games. Everyone knows what “woke” means, but here you are distorting reality again, and pushing yourself up, while pushing us down. You insulted us, you insulted those of the white race who are your Christian brothers, but when you’re called out on it, you try to flip it around. Nope, not playing those games.

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When I make a statement like this it is to say, don’t fall into another narrative written by others. Some can sound pretty good. I read many things of the enemy. Most read things that fit into what they want to hear and go with the narrative.

Wherever the woke terminology came from and what it was originally meant to be, it is how it is being used today and what it represents. These terms are being pushed by the same people that you claim to have been the originators.
Same as Democrat and Republican. Those terms are obsolete from the original terms when they came into existence. To be pro-woke, in what it means in mainstream today is ungodly.

We don’t give the politicians a pass here just as we don’t the church for doing things that are ungodly. I don’t really care what the label is of the person in the White House. If they do what lines up with Godly principles I agree with them, if they don’t, I don’t.

The reason some jump on the terms you mention is because of the inequality and ungodly things that they represent in the terms of use today. Some are hypocritical by wanting enforcement using the same racism against others to feel vindicated due to it being done to them. This is why racism doesn’t go away.
We are told things of exclusion are needed to remind us that in the past, people were excluded.

I guess I’m a white supremacy person. You know how to end that dumb stuff stop talking about it. The rev al sharpton lol lol makes a living off this. All i see is dei hires and they get chose because of things that don’t matter like gender and skin color. At the cross those don’t matter just like in the workplace it should be most skilled hard worker regardless of skin and gender. In the military i saw a real racist guy and guess who he hung out with most? A black guy lol lol. The military used to be the most non racist job out there until the gov started pushing dei. Then it brought anger and division. Hey i don’t cause what color you are where your are from I’ll be nice to you unless you cross me.

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I don’t see race gender or whatever as an issues. What i see is rich people get ahead of the poor ppl. I laugh when i see michael obama. Ya that’s Michael not Michelle!! Say oh I’m held back from white supremacy. Lol lol lol lol. The obamas push hate and lies. They can buy or do anything in the world that i can’t lol lol. But they are held down lol lol. They commit crimes and pay off whoever so they don’t have punishment. How about joan rivers death lol. Michael didn’t like her comments and she paid the price.

The problem with this nonsense is that people want to live in victimhood. Empowerment comes from within, not from someone on the outside.

The black leaders of today teach that getting ahead or not is due solely to outside reasons and the color of one’s skin. That is victimhood. I see many different faces in politics, entertainment, sports, business etc., all very wealthy people.

There is no lottery held by the white man to the minorities for entrance into the empowerment club. To believe anything other than they worked and earned their place in society on their own is an insult to their hard work and success.

The one thing that Christians forget is a person can have the ability to quote scripture verbatim, but if they don’t put God first and truly love their neighbors, including their enemies, their knowledge of scripture means nothing. This is why America is infested with corruption, bigotry, pride, and false teachings.

From the very beginning, America was anti-Christian. You can’t commit genocide, killing millions and then take their land and claim as a nation you’re following the word of God. It was pure white supremacist beliefs, with the founders believing that they had a God-give right to rule over “inferior” races.

You can’t enslave, murder, rape, lynch and dehumanize people and then claim as Christians you understand the concept of treating others as you would like to be treated. You can’t punish people for just wanting to be treated as equal US citizens after they have fought for this country by denying them their VA benefits, loans, and fair housing and then making the claim that everyone is treated equally. That is just a bald-faced lie. And then after seeing minorities making progress with civil rights legislation after going through decades of lynchings, segregation, and dehumanizing treatment, you can’t retaliate by coming up with separate polices for sentencing for drug and gun possession after flooding neighborhoods with crack cocaine and illegal guns to demonize black citizens and then inundate the news with images of black criminals while claiming to be a Christian nation.

I don’t care if people don’t agree with me regarding white backlash because God is going to judge the nations, so it is not my opinion that matters. Every one of us will have to justify our lack of compassion for our neighbors and the man-made ideologies we have embraced when they are standing before God. Every thought and word we have ever said will be replayed which is why I fear God and pay attention to the condition of my heart when I talk to and about others.

My goal is to share what I have learned and keep my heart as soft as possible while doing it. Being offended easily is a sign that we don’t get the teachings of Christ. Do you respond to win an argument, or do you truly serve God? The Church is supposed to work as one, despite our differences, not just be a social club defending white or black rights only. This is a sure way the be on the “goat” side when Christ separates those who truly knew him from those who claimed they knew him but were really following the precepts of men.

I speak out against oppression, bigotry, and ignorance while advocating for learning, having compassion, and I do it out of love for those who have had it the worse in this society. I do it because this is where Christ went too. People who have had it good in this country don’t truly know what oppression, powerlessness, and being dehumanized feels like but Christ did. This is why many white Americans see themselves as victims when they have benefitted for centuries from the blood, sweat, and tears of black, native, and Asian Americans who have always been despised.

In the end we will see what God has to say, and I am confident that those who followed in the footsteps of Christ will be on the right side. It won’t be those who defended their country and their heritage. I just pray that someone will read this and ask God to give them clarity regarding the condition of their own heart. All of us have to decide if we are on God’s side or are we on the side of men, who are flawed sinners who feel they have to defend actions and idols that God would never approve of.