The one thing that Christians forget is a person can have the ability to quote scripture verbatim, but if they don’t put God first and truly love their neighbors, including their enemies, their knowledge of scripture means nothing. This is why America is infested with corruption, bigotry, pride, and false teachings.
From the very beginning, America was anti-Christian. You can’t commit genocide, killing millions and then take their land and claim as a nation you’re following the word of God. It was pure white supremacist beliefs, with the founders believing that they had a God-give right to rule over “inferior” races.
You can’t enslave, murder, rape, lynch and dehumanize people and then claim as Christians you understand the concept of treating others as you would like to be treated. You can’t punish people for just wanting to be treated as equal US citizens after they have fought for this country by denying them their VA benefits, loans, and fair housing and then making the claim that everyone is treated equally. That is just a bald-faced lie. And then after seeing minorities making progress with civil rights legislation after going through decades of lynchings, segregation, and dehumanizing treatment, you can’t retaliate by coming up with separate polices for sentencing for drug and gun possession after flooding neighborhoods with crack cocaine and illegal guns to demonize black citizens and then inundate the news with images of black criminals while claiming to be a Christian nation.
I don’t care if people don’t agree with me regarding white backlash because God is going to judge the nations, so it is not my opinion that matters. Every one of us will have to justify our lack of compassion for our neighbors and the man-made ideologies we have embraced when they are standing before God. Every thought and word we have ever said will be replayed which is why I fear God and pay attention to the condition of my heart when I talk to and about others.
My goal is to share what I have learned and keep my heart as soft as possible while doing it. Being offended easily is a sign that we don’t get the teachings of Christ. Do you respond to win an argument, or do you truly serve God? The Church is supposed to work as one, despite our differences, not just be a social club defending white or black rights only. This is a sure way the be on the “goat” side when Christ separates those who truly knew him from those who claimed they knew him but were really following the precepts of men.
I speak out against oppression, bigotry, and ignorance while advocating for learning, having compassion, and I do it out of love for those who have had it the worse in this society. I do it because this is where Christ went too. People who have had it good in this country don’t truly know what oppression, powerlessness, and being dehumanized feels like but Christ did. This is why many white Americans see themselves as victims when they have benefitted for centuries from the blood, sweat, and tears of black, native, and Asian Americans who have always been despised.
In the end we will see what God has to say, and I am confident that those who followed in the footsteps of Christ will be on the right side. It won’t be those who defended their country and their heritage. I just pray that someone will read this and ask God to give them clarity regarding the condition of their own heart. All of us have to decide if we are on God’s side or are we on the side of men, who are flawed sinners who feel they have to defend actions and idols that God would never approve of.