Embarrassing... Ukraine not invited to US-Russia peace talks

You’ll have to use paragraphs for people to be able to read your post with any discernment.

As a Christian brother your remarks and tone are not loving or Christ-like. I try to speak truth which sometimes seem harsh but is only meant to sharpen and get people to see things from the perspective of the disenfranchised and oppressed. However, when any of us are being sharpened, it is like being on a surgery table and we want to get up. When we stay on the operating table, regardless of how painful it is, we grow. I don’t play games when it comes to growing as a follower of Christ and I am sorry if you felt that I insulted you. However, if you choose to respond to me from this point on, please remember to stay out of your flesh and try to respond to me in accordance with how Christ would want you to respond.

This response is typical of people who say they are not racist, but racial hatred is all over the wording they use. All the “LOL’s” the condescending tone of the writing, the dog whistle use of “the Obamas”. See this is a perfect example of what I speak against.

When Christ separates the sheep from the goats, the goats will actually have the nerve to be surprised when Christ rejects them. See, they are Christians in their own eyes, but they are not in God’s eyes. It gives me a better understanding of the weeping and gnashing of teeth scripture. Imagine what it is going to feel like to be arrogantly thinking all your life that you are righteous only to find out that you are going to be cast out to the outer darkness of hell.

I don’t write this out of hate. I write it in hopes that someone will realize how off course they have gotten from what Christ has taught us. This is about love for my Christian brothers and sisters. This is sharpening them. This is meant to be a bucket of cold water thrown on the evil thoughts put into their minds by Satan who tells them to mock, ridicule, and say bigoted things instead of seeing the Obamas as Americans and human beings. So, what if you don’t agree with their politics. Does that give you license to ignore Christ when it comes to how we treat and think of others? This kind of behavior only reveals how those who claim to be Christians are not true followers of Christ.

People who speak of victimhood “nonsense” don’t consider that Christ always went to help the victims. Not the privileged who benefited from the plight of the victims. This is because He knew the arrogance and blindness of those quick to point a finger because they were born into the more prosperous segment of society. He was able to heal thousands of poor, homeless, and sick because they believed and did not have the arrogance of the more privileged.

Like King Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun. Americans who have benefited for CENTURIES and have treated blacks and native Americans horrifically are now angry because their way of life is declining. Talk about claiming victimhood.

Let me give you a tiny example. During the Jim Crow era the US post office had to ban post cards from lynchings because they were so gruesome and depraved. Whites often kept souvenirs such as burnt fingers and other body parts and did photo ops after attending church. There are people still alive today that witnessed these things, but some Americans still have convinced themselves that racism is a thing of the past and all black people have to do is pull themselves up by the bootstraps.

You say Jim Crow is in the past? Think again. Institutions after that fought tooth and nail to prevent interracial marriages, keep segregation going, create pathways to prison, deny generational wealth, and the list is endless. “But they are playing the victimhood card!”. Well, we will see what Christ has to say. And I pray for those who are on His wrong side. I fear God too much to arrogantly point my fingers at others when I know I am flawed.

God don’t let me perish with the proud and the arrogant in this country. Give me the wisdom to know the difference between the ways of men that lead to destruction and Your ways that lead to life.

Ok bud enjoy your liberal closed mind in portland . See you on judgement day.

Do you and your church support lgbtq Christians?

The obamas are satan puppets. How do you know they are human? Angels are among us in the flesh good and bad. A tranny and God hater is what michael obama is. Facts are facts if it hurts your feelings nothing i can do. Im gonna speak the truth no matter what always till i die.

Plenty of lazy Americans claim victim hood. All races color gender. Its all over i see it daily. But mostly i just see lazy.

Victimhood and victim are two different things. As Brandon said, you’re playing games. I won’t play either.

Actually no. I don’t believe transgenders should be allowed to compete in women’s sports, I don’t think churches should support same sex marriages, and I believe God made male and female body parts for procreation, not unnatural uses.

However, if same sex individuals want to get married in a courthouse, I think they should be able to do it for marital property rights etc. Just don’t expect me to believe that it is sanctioned by God and don’t think that you can just flaunt certain behaviors in front of me and children and expect me to like it.

See that is the problem with this country. Sin is so rampant that it has infested members of both major political parties, and people are too blind, filled with hatred, and biblically ignorant to see where they both are way off. For instance, Liberals claim to be for everyone of all genders and beliefs, freedom of expression, etc., to the point where they tolerate deviant behavior while trying to make it seem normal. Next thing you know, they will be trying to convince everyone that pedophilia is normal. Sorry but that doesn’t fly with me so stop trying to put me in the Liberal Box. You don’t know me.

On the other hand, Conservatives don’t want to change anything because they have always been at the top of the food chain and anything that threatens their way of life is non-negotiable. While minorities have had no protection for CENTURIES and were subject to every horrific act imaginable, conservatives cry persecution and threaten war III when their precious economic status is being threatened. Believe it or not, Christ has a problem with this because it shows a TOTAL lack of understanding of what real persecution is.

Therefore, NO ONE is sinless. I am neither conservative nor liberal. I just tell it like it is, but people are so consumed with the idols of politics, status, and pride that they don’t see where they have gone off the rails, and of course they want to put me in a political box because I made them angry when I am just pointing out a scriptural concept that they don’t want to hear.

Ever notice how in the bible when a nation becomes severely corrupt and God is about to take it out and sends a prophet to warn them, and they ALL villainize and mock him? Then the ENTIRE nation or city realizes too late that they were wrong just before a couple of mountains get dropped on them from the sky? The point I’m trying to make is there are very few from either side who are truly speaking truth, and when anyone does speak truth, it is drowned out by all the political garbage, hatred, false information, and ignorant beliefs of this broken world.

This nation is about to get eviscerated because its people are so lacking in knowledge, wicked, and lukewarm in their faith. People are applauding the unbiblical behavior of our leaders while claiming to be a biblically inspired country. Am I lying? If you said “yes”, you are lying to yourself and God.

You and Brandon are correct regarding how there is a difference between victim and victimhood. Let me give you an example. When a soldier suffers from PTSD because of the horrible things he or she experienced in war they would be considered victims. This is because the things he or she had to endure, through no fault of their own, scarred them psychologically, physically, mentally, and emotionally in ways that will follow them their entire lives and could affect even their family members for generations. On the other hand, an example of victimhood would be when someone who has been living comfortably all their lives, suddenly loses a parent or grandparent who had been providing financial support for years and the money flow stops. Because they were used to living a certain way, they now cry foul because they have to tighten their belt. This is victimhood. However, in America, these two definitions get confused. See there is one group that truly has generational PTSD from centuries of unimaginable brutality who are accused of victimhood while the other group, that inflicted the rape, torture, genocide, land theft, dividing of families, lynching, dismembering, etc., etc. are claiming that they are the real victims because they are going to make less money now. In fact, they are so angry about it that they are going to take the country back from the people they stole it from in the first place.

Yes you are right. Many are brainwashed. God says

Hosea 4:6
[6]My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

So truth is very important. Ppl need to turn off the movies, nextflix, and news. Read and study the Bible.

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There is a rule that my wife and I try to follow which is, if we haven’t been at someone’s side through their trials, cried with them, and truly poured into them, we don’t feel that we have earned the right to claim we know who they are as people. By this standard you haven’t earned that right to speak on the spiritual condition of the Obama family. “Fact is fact”? Really? Have you lived with them, got to know them as people, shared meals, etc.? Or is it that your opinion is based on information you got from anti-Obama sources? This is no different from how the Pharisees behaved before Christ called them the synagogue of Satan and told them that they were holding the precepts of men above the bible. The standard that GOD expects us to us to abide by in this world is much higher than the standard of men and greatly sets us apart from those who are swayed by this world. You only have to go back and read how you and others have been talking to me to see what I mean. If you go back and read all the comments over the past few days, you can see a noticeable difference in our language. Try it, but this time do it while imagining Christ standing there, considering how He would interpret the exchanges. Who’s exhibiting mocking behavior? Who is showing lack of patience? Who is lacks empathy and compassion? Who is using biblical concepts and who is using man-made concepts, comebacks, and defensiveness? I am by no means perfect, but I try to check the condition of my heart when I speak because I fear God more than I care about fitting into this world. I am just grateful for every crumb of wisdom God puts in front of me, and I love to meet others who have overcome this world because it inspires me to be better. You may agree or disagree with me, but I don’t hate you or anyone else on here and I don’t just dismiss people when we don’t agree. I DO, however, pray for them and I will do the same for you. I wish you the best.

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That’s cool if that’s your rule
I go by matthew 7. You will know them by thier fruits. I see the obamas fruits. Its of satan. That’s thier choice. We all have free will. They choose the dark side

Matthew 7:16-20
[16]Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
[17]Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
[18]A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
[19]Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
[20]Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

I also follow this
Ephesians 5:11
[11]And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

So yea facts are facts. I only look for approval of 1 and that’s God

Jay z. Beyonce. Lady gaga. Elon musk. Katy perry the Beatles i can go on and on. They show thier fruits who thier allegiance is too but many are too blind to see and follow them as many will whore after the beast in the end times

Well when you bring up liberal white privilege you attack me with out even knowing me. So yea you brought the fight and I’ll stand up for what’s right. Causal Christians will be Casualties in the end times.

I don’t know you. Just like you don’t know me. So you don’t know my fruits like i dont know yours. But you get mad about facts about satanic peope you need to wake up

There is a rule that my wife and I try to follow which is, if we haven’t been at someone’s side through their trials, cried with them, and truly poured into them, we don’t feel that we have earned the right to claim we know who they are as people. By this standard you haven’t earned that right to speak on the spiritual condition of the Obama family. “Fact is fact”? Really? Have you lived with them, got to know them as people, shared meals, etc.? Or is it that your opinion is based on information you got from anti-Obama sources? This is no different from how the Pharisees behaved before Christ called them the synagogue of Satan and told them that they were holding the precepts of men above the bible. The standard that GOD expects us to us to abide by in this world is much higher than the standard of men and greatly sets us apart from those who are swayed by this world. You only have to go back and read how you and others have been talking to me to see what I mean. If you go back and read all the comments over the past few days, you can see a noticeable difference in our language. Try it, but this time do it while imagining Christ standing there, considering how He would interpret the exchanges. Who’s exhibiting mocking behavior? Who is showing lack of patience? Who is lacks empathy and compassion? Who is using biblical concepts and who is using man-made concepts, comebacks, and defensiveness? I am by no means perfect, but I try to check the condition of my heart when I speak because I fear God more than I care about fitting into this world. I am just grateful for every crumb of wisdom God puts in front of me, and I love to meet others who have overcome this world because it inspires me to be better. You may agree or disagree with me, but I don’t hate you or anyone else on here and I don’t just dismiss people when we don’t agree. I DO, however, pray for them and I will do the same for you. I wish you the best.

OK, Let’s apply Matthew 7:16-20 to America. Americans stole the land from the Native Americans and committed genocide, slaughtering men, women, and children, even tricking them by getting them addicted to alcohol and giving them disease infested blankets and letting them die slow agonizing deaths.

Then they stole Africans from their families, enslaving them, and justified using horrific torture methods on them by declaring them to be sub-human.

In Florida, black babies were put in cages and used as alligator bait, black women were raped to produce more slaves, and slaves were murdered and decapitated and their heads put on posts to discourage others from rebellion.

When other Americans saw how inhumane this was there was a civil war which was supposed to end slavery. However, when President Lincoln was assassinated, all the land that was promised to the freed slaves was taken back and returned to the former slave owners, leaving 4 million blacks homeless and helpless.

After that, southerners came up with a system to recoup their lost free labor through the development of what is now the largest prison system in the world.

Then during WWI and WWII, after fighting for this country black veterans came home only to be lynched while still wearing their uniforms because white Americans could not stand the sight of blacks wearing the American uniform. During these eras lynchings by white mobs got so bad that the US post office had to ban the sending of post cards with lynching photos because they were so offensive. Rabid mobs would fight over the charred body parts after a hanging and dismembering them.

White Americans came up with all kinds of sadistic ways to torture black Americans before a hanging too. Like when a black woman was repeatedly assaulted with a corkscrew, having plugs of flesh pulled out of her. And you might want to ask yourself if these lynchings were done due to real or serious crimes. Hardly. It only took looking a white person in the eye to trigger these kinds of acts.

Only someone who purposely chooses not to know the real history of America would even consider bringing up how people should be judged by their “fruit”. In that case, America has enough rotten fruit to fill the Atlantic. White Americans have produced the most rotten and sadistic fruit of any group, including the NAZIs. It’s just that Americans have mentally insulated themselves from their past and have even convinced themselves that slaves were happy-go-lucky workers who loved being slaves. This is why it is very typical of people in this country to parrot old stereotypes while ignorantly comparing having to endure mask wearing mandates to the carnage black people have gone through for 400 years.

I guarantee when God starts judging the “fruit”, America as a nation will be shocked at the mountains of smelly fruit it has produced. It is going to be absolutely shameful and undeniable because what I mentioned above doesn’t even scratch the surface of how ungodly this country has been with regard to its treatment of people of color.

You can quote all the scripture you want to justify a point of view, but Christ reminded us that one can quote scripture verbatim, but if he or she doesn’t have love for their fellow man, it means nothing. It is so simple. Love God and love your neighbor. However, as a nation white Americans have ignored this from the very beginning, dehumanizing and abusing others to get where they are today, and are now most are too prideful to humble themselves and admit just how much damage has been done. Here’s another thing. Those who didn’t participate but watched and did nothing will be judged right along with the wicked according to the bible. So, the excuses like “I didn’t own slaves” won’t fly with God. And the saddest part is most are going to cling to this willful ignorance until Christ tells them, “I never knew you”.

Well I’m from the tribe of dan and back in old testament times a giant from the amorites killed some of my family Members and it really Set my family back big time. I’m still suffering today and would be much farther ahead in life if it were not for that 6 toe 6 finger red head giant. So i know what you mean.