Brandon, Help Me Understand The Bible and Science!

Full article at: Brandon, Help Me Understand The Bible and Science! | World Events and the Bible

A reader named Jodi reached out to me with some pressing questions she needs help with. At one time, she believed in a young earth, but not any longer. These days, Jodi is trying to understand how creation, Biblical genealogy, and science are linked together. In this article, I’ll address these fundamentals, and bring it…


Love it, just love it. God has put and incredibly smart heart in you Bran. Amazing when one day we will be together with Jesus Christ learning a lot of things and enjoying. What a joy!!

I am grateful that Jodi questioned the one person who could really help her. Study what Brandon has asked you to read it will help you tremendously!

Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together in response to my questions. I’ll dig in later but wanted to say thanks right away.

A post was split to a new topic: You shared the Truth well