...And Now For Some Comedy Relief!

Okay, this one is crazy!

We just gave Panther a pill like 10 minutes ago. :scream_cat:

Poor thing didn’t eat for a day and no personality. We knew something was wrong. Long story short, the vet said she got a UTI, apparently a fluke since it was her first and she’s 14. She stayed the night at the vet and is doing much better now, she’s eating and drinking again.

She’s still not meowing much to speak of, though she’ll purr. We keep saying our prayers. She’s just like one of the kids and I mean that in a good way. :grin: :black_cat:


Praise God!

Glad to hear that.


I will be praying for a speedy and full recovery. Our adventurous cat had a couple UTI’s a few yrs ago. She made it thru…and hasnt had one since. I cant remember what we gave her…but it was something we had in the house.


If you remember doing this your like me an old fart.


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Yep, and half the battle was finding a pencil long enough.

Anybody ever buy a mattress that is vacuum packed? I just got one for my brother-in-law coming to help with the build.

Buyer beware, when I opened it up, it unrolled and threw me against the wall like a linebacker trying to get the football. It seems like a really good mattress but wear a helmet when cutting the film. :grin:


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With all the “War Pigs” Foaming at the mouth on the propaganda outlets I found a story that hopefully will put a smile on yer face today.

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What does the non-grace divided have to offer?

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Don’t know. Probably just traditions and stale communion wafers


Doom is all around us, again…

Biden on his way to start WWIII


That was a great movie.

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What’s it called?

We mostly watch old flicks, it keeps you in tune with a different era. Last night was the original Journey to the Center of the Earth. :+1:t3: