You won’t believe how much Mayonnaise costs!

Every time we go to the store, my son and I break away from the wife to go scab some deals. Ice cream is always on sale, but not necessarily our favorite one.

Well, we about flipped our lids when we saw the price of mayonnaise. Prepare thyself…

I don’t even think @Cozar can beat that. Soon, I’ll be eating from dumpsters, though I expect the competition to be pretty heavy.


And there’s a “bioengineered ingredient” in it now so it’s not real to me…not anymore.


Amazing. We drill miles under the ground for oil, refine it to gas, and buy it for $3/gallon. Have an egg shortage and bam.

I smh when the left says the WH hasn’t kept the promise of lowering food prices using eggs as the example.
The report is 166 million chickens have been killed so far. That means you would have to take 332 million eggs, figuring half could be roosters, to replace the layers. Wait at least 6 months till they mature into producing chickens.
This isn’t going away in the near future.

They say the average person eats 280 eggs per year. Does that sound right?


Nope, can’t beat that one today.

I was at the store this morning and checked out the mayo ailse.

Hellman’s was the most expensive at $5.98 for 32oz jar.
That’s .186 cents per oz.
Cheaper than what you listed.

Most jars are 30oz’s these day.

I got an 18pk of large eggs for $8.59 :grimacing:
I asked the cashier for security to go with me to my truck carrying the eggs. :crazy_face:

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I was looking at all the brands this morning while shopping.
I noticed the ones with olive oil listed were the ones with the bioengineered crap in them.

I had to laugh at the label on Kraft Light Mayo.
In big letters it said “made with real ingredients”.
Wow, what a concept.


Mayonnaise sure does taste good. I think the merchants of mayo know this…

It is Madri Gras down here in south MS.

God Bless you all.


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If this keeps up, used golf balls will have to be substituted during Halloween.


And seed oils which we try to avoid. I haven’t bought mayo in years. I make my own with avocado oil and the family loves it!

Use a pint Mason Jar
put a squirt of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in
add one egg
add a little salt and I also add some dry mustard. (Can add other seasonings also)
1 cup Avocado oil

Take an immersion blender and place in the jar. Turn on and let it start to emulsify, then gently move the immersion blender up and down to incorporate the rest of the oil. Viola! Healthy mayo!!


I don’t use much mayo. I’ve made my own with olive oil, but now I get the avocado oil one… and that is expensive anyway.

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