Will A World At War Fulfill Prophecy?

Full article at: Will A World At War Fulfill Prophecy? | World Events and the Bible

For decades, there’s been relative peace between nations. Have you thought about that? Don’t get me wrong, there have been wars. Yet, those wars were primarily waged against so called terrorist factions. Nevertheless, nations have not been at war with each other for decades. That is, until now… Just two years ago, Russia invaded Ukraine.…


After reading this, I looked up my notes on some of the verses which made me think. Matthew 24:7 really gives the reason for Matthew 24:6.

The word “against” means to superimpose. “Shall rise”, means to collect, the base means to gather.
What has the Western nations done though out history? Impose our beliefs and way of life, for our gain on others. But when other nations do exactly what we do and have done, we step in and cry foul. Which brings war.
When you look at the reason for the Russia - Ukraine conflict, Putin knows our end game and isn’t going to stand for it. Same with Iran. Putin is gathering allies that know how he feels since we stuck our nose in their business years ago, usually proxy wars. We don’t want anyone to control the big picture but us.

Our nation is the biggest influencer driving us toward Matthew 24.


I believe we are still in “the rumors of wars phase” of biblical prophecy. I have followed prophecy for over 40 years, and it has only been in the past 5 years that the picture has made a significant leap in clarity for those who are watching closely. For instance, Author Joel Richardson who has written “Mideast Beast” and “The Islamic Antichrist” among other books has finally pointed out what I have suspected for a long time. Islamic nations such as Saudi Arabia or Turkey are more likely to spawn a leader capable of plotting the total annihilation of Israel while convincing the world that he only wants to provide peace and security. This aligns with what is actually happening today between the Jews and the Arabs in Gaza and around the globe. The bible describes a leader who will allow the Jews to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem as a gesture of good faith. The Muslims control the temple mount, so it makes sense that the antichrist would be an Islamic leader. Also, Muslims cannot be unified by someone from Europe the way a true Islamic leader from the middle east could unite the Arab world, which goes against the common belief that the antichrist will come from the “restored” Roman empire. This wrongful thinking has been embraced for decades by the prophetic community because most have allowed racial biases to lead them to believe that the current Arabs and Jews are the true descendants of Issac and Jacob when they are not. They are actually the descendants of Japheth not Shem (Abraham). All one has to do is look at the genealogy of mankind in the book of Genesis. Ashkenaz is clearly listed as a Gentile nation NOT Semitic (Shem & Abraham). This is further supported by Luke 21:24 “They will fall by the sword (the true Israelites) and will be taken as prisoners to ALL THE NATIONS (which did not happen to Ashkenazi Jews). Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” This means GENTILES have to still be occupying Israel today because clearly the time of the Gentiles has not been fulfilled yet. However, the end of the age of the Gentiles DOES seem to be approaching quickly because the Russians, Arabs, Jews, Americans, east Asians, and Europeans ALL fall under the Isle of the Gentiles and are beginning to turn on each other. Here is another clue: "I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh; they will be drunk on their own blood, as with wine. Then all mankind will know that I, YHWH, am your Savior, your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.” Isaiah 49:26. This was God telling the true Israelites what He will do to their oppressors who sold them to all the nations if they repent and return to His ways. He will then bring His people back from ALL the nations where they were taken into captivity. This hasn’t happened either, which means the people occupying Israel today who claim to represent only two or three of the 12 tribes are imposters. Think about it. Who have been the most oppressive nations for almost 2000 years since the fall of the Temple in 70AD and currently have the ability to annihilate each other along with the whole world? When the Europeans bought slaves from the Arabs, the modern Jews were the brokers. The Transatlantic slave traders had Jewish synagogues at every port but kept their dealings in the shadows, which has always been the case. They also kept manifests and maps that clearly show that they knew they were selling and transporting true Hebrew Israelites. These manifests and records can all now be accessed now due to technology, but most prophecy authors fail to do their due diligence. Satan has deceived the whole world into believing that the Gentile Jewish converts who were called the “synagogue of Satan” by Christ because they held the Babylonian Talmud above the Torah, are the descendants of Abraham and are the Hebrews of the bible. This is why most authors fall short in their research, including Joel Richardson. Like most, he based his writings on the premise that the Jews and Arabs today are the true descendants of the Israelites of the bible. However, when you conduct research using the current and more accurate knowledge today the pieces fit perfectly. At least Richardson figured out who the final kingdom (described as a mixture of clay and iron) of Daniels prophecy is. I have to give that to him. Nevertheless, Christ said to “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are MANY. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to LIFE and those who find it are FEW.” Only those who truly allow God and the Holy Spirit to guide them while testing the traditions and precepts of men will be able to truly see the narrow gate. Thank you for letting me share some of my research.

I am excited for today, tomorrow and with each passing day, The closer we get.

May God Bless each of you.



It is ironic that the powers to be, fight, kill and maim for physical gain, things they find of great value, but those things the Lord finds vanity, tohu (without form) Gen 1:2, Isaiah 40:17.

Yet, we consider ourselves the good guys in white, since our way is the only right way, and the rest need to be corrected. Isaiah 40:27.

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I suppose that I should ask the question, "Why would Jesus who was speaking directly to “His Disciples” (Matt. 24:3) say all the things he said unto them in between Matt. 24:4-33, and then say exactly what He said to them in Matt. 24:34, if He did not expect for them to see “ALL these things be fulfilled!”? (Matt. 24:3-34). “When YOU therefore SHALL SEE the abomination of desolation…” (Matt. 24:15), “Then if any man shall say unto YOU…” (Matt. 24:23), “Behold, I have told YOU BEFORE.” (Matt. 24:25), “Wherefore if they shall say unto YOU…” (Matt. 24:26), “So likewise when YOU SHALL SEE all these things…” (Matt. 24:33), “Truly I say UNTO YOU this generation shall not pass till ALL THINGS BE FULFILLED!” (Matt. 24:34). Matt. 24:34 was answering their questions (His Disciples) which they asked in Matt. 24:3. That seems pretty simple and clear to see. So could you please explain to us how you come to this conclusion of “Our nation is the biggest influencer driving us toward Matt. 24”? Do you think Jesus may have made a mistake when He answered their direct questions to Him in Matt. 24:3 when he answered with Matt. 24:4-34? Did He mean to say “The generation 2000 years from now shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled, and YOU SHALL NOT SEE any of these things, so do not think that when I said when YOU SEE that I meant when you see. What I meant to say is when THEY see all these things 2000 years from now, even though you asked Me these questions.”?

Are you saying that when the disciples asked the questions that they asked in Matt. 24:3, that Jesus might have been incorrect when he answered THEM, all he said all the things He said to THEM in Matt. 24:4-34? Do you think he should have said “WHEN THEY SEE 2000 years from now” instead when He answered their questions? Do you think He should have told them to “Go your way, Disciples, for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end” similar to that which was told to Daniel in Dan. 12:9, since this would not occur for another 2000 years, even though He did say “THIS generation…!” Matt. 24:4-34? Why do you think Jeus would mislead His Disciples like that? If Jesus Said to you, “When YOU SEE…”, wouldn’t you expect that you would see?

In the scriptures you mentioned, the overall message I get is Christ conveyed that the disciples should look at these as future events just as Daniel said. Christ said, " Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." Do you honestly think that the disciples believed that Christ was referring to the disciples themselves? In that case does the part where he says they will betray one another and grow to hate one another applies to them too? Common sense dictates that the words “you” and “ye” should be interpreted as meaning future followers of Christ. The disciples, throughout the New Testament consistently thought everything was going to happen in their lifetimes until they finally realized what their roles were. Scriptural research should always include critical thinking, careful discernment, and common sense.

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I do believe that the disciples learned these things would happen in their lifetimes! Rev. 1:1-3 - Rev. 22:21 could not passible all be true if any part of that was untrue! 1st Cor. 2:14-16. “To show unto HIS SERVANTS!”, “Things WHICH MUST SHORTLY come to pass!” (Isaiah 55:11, Amos 3:7) Do you think these words are misleading and not completely the TRUTH?

I am not sure why you are trying to get me to comment on if I think Christ was being deceptive. It seems like you’re looking for a reason to doubt the bible. The only thing I can say is that in the end, doublemindedness is probably not where one wants to be because eternity is at stake. I will pray for you. Good luck.

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I have shared Scriptures with you that clearly state “THIS Generation SHALL NOT PASS…!” (Matt. 24:3-34) which answers the 3 direct questions the disciples asked Jeus in that Generation (Matt. 24:3-34). I have also shared that he said to THEM, “When YOU SEE…!” verses which He also was speaking to THEM (as well as us) verses. I have also shared All of Rev. 1:1-3 and Isaiah 55:11! Do you think “MUST SHORTLY COME to pass!”, “The TIME IS at hand”, and “to SHOW UNTO HIS SERVANTS!” only applies to one generation, whether past, present or future, and DOES NOT INCLUDE all generations? How can you look at Rev. 1:1-3, Isaiah 55:11, and not apply this to all of “HIS SERVANTS” (Rev. 1:1-3-22:21, Matt. 24:34) of all generations unless you are stuck in a “teachings of men” (1st Cor. 2:14) mentality, which believes in the dispensational teachings and prevents those of every generation previous to the current one from being able to believe Jesus Christ meant exactly what He said in Matt. 24:34, and every word in Rev. 1:1-3 are completely the Truth for ALL of “His Servants” in all of these and those generations, INCLUDING the generation when those words were very first written about 2000 years ago? Was The Revelation of “Things WHICH MUST SHORTLY come to pass” NOT TO BE UNDERSTOOD, including by them including “and that number is 666”, “IT IS DONE!” Rev. 21:1-6, “Then death and hades were thrown into the lake of fire” Rev. 20:14, “These words ARE TRUE and FAITHFUL!..IT IS DONE!” Rev. 21:1-6? Are any of these words not true according to your explanations about the "Beast’ as well as all of your other explanations above which place "Must SHORTLY COME to pass in the future as well as “IT IS DONE!” Rev. 21:1-6, and therefore The Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto Him to SHOW unto HIS SERVANTS (Including those very servants to whom this Revelation was first written to about 2000 years ago) was not to be a Revelation to them at all according to The Word of God but remain a MYSTERY to them and also to those who hold to your teachings that those servants of Jesus Christ would remain in the dark about these Mysteries (1st Cor. 2:5-16) until the year 2024 or later, EXCLUDING ALL THE WORDS OF Rev. 1:1-3 “to show unto His Servants” in the previous generations and only including a generation of servants sometime after the year of 2024? Wow! Why were the very words in Rev. 1:1-3 which included them not expounded upon to include the words “this a is a REVELATION that will not soon come to pass in your generation unless you are alive 2000 years from now, and it will remain to be a MYSTERY TO YOU instead of a REVELATION , but you should know what will happen 2000 years after you have already passed because it is only for them to know The Revelation of Jesus Christ which Go gave unto Him to show unto His Servants things WHICH MUST SHORTLY COME to pass…!” Rev. 1:1-3-22:21? I am asking you to explain why you think that The Revelation of Jesus Christ and Matt. 24:3-34 does not apply to His Disciples and Servants (John 8:31-32) of every single generation except the one you are currently living in! I do not believe in “Luck”. I believe The Gospel of Jesus Christ! I am not the one doubting the Bible here. According to you very own words, it is you who are doubting some of the things “It IS WRITTEN!” that I have just shared with you. So perhaps you may want to consider your own confession of “Doublemindedness”? Do you believe Rev. 21:1-6?

I am not sure why you are so adamant with getting me to answer something that is your job to do. You asked my opinion, and I gave it, but obviously it wasn’t to your satisfaction, so you pushed harder which is why we are where we are now. Instead of getting offended and angry why don’t you take it to God? We are all seeking truth and none of us have all the answers. I try to keep the most important commandments at the forefront; Love God and love one another. Christ said that we can memorized the entire bible and quote scripture verbatim, but if we don’t have love for one another, it means nothing. Sorry I offended you. Both our journeys are anchored in the personal relationships with God and no journey is perfect. Good luck and I hope you find the answers you seek.

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Thank you for replying. You are correct in that we are to love one another and that each of our journeys are different, as well as our different understandings. I am not angry with “you” nor am I offended. If anyone needs to apologize it is me. I truly do try very hard to try to help others see what I firmly believe many do not see, and I still fall short of that by most, so far. I myself, admittedly, am still learning and still do not have all the answers. And I do not come across and “show the things” I am being shown in the Scriptures as well as I would prefer. I apparently come across as offended, angry, and arguing in the atmosphere of being angry and offended, and often as if I feel superior in knowledge or wisdom. For that I apologize. I still continue to pray that The Lord will guide me further into the knowledge of the truth as well as the ability to share the truth. The thought just occurred to me that I should be praying more for others to be able to receive the truth. Perhaps this was one of my greatest errors! So, I have your correspondence to me to thank for this! Thank you! Thank You! Thank you! Lately I have been praying questions about thing I have not understood in the Scriptures, and I do Believe the Lord has been answering all of those questions. “Ask and YOU SHALL RECEIVE!”. Especially in these last few years when many of the teachings, sermons, and commentaries either did not fully answer my questions, or they contradicted other commentaries and even themselves, and often other Scriptures. The verse we have been discussing were also mentioned many times in those prayers. The Lord has granted me to see and understand these Scriptures more clearly through the eyes of “the faith once delivered unto the saints”, “the Faith OF Jesus Christ” (Gal. 2:20, 1st Cor. 2:14, 2nd Cor. 4:1-17-18, Rev. 1:1-3-22:17, Matt. 24-25, Hebrews 12:22-24, Luke 21:36, Ezekiel 7:16, Isaiah 46:9-10) and many others. It is no small wonder that many of the “Acts” of Jesus Christ (Acts 1;1-28-30, Isaiah 8:18, Matt. 24:30, Mark 16:16-20, 1st Cor. 12:27, Hebrews 13:8)) through the Apostles and many of “His Servants” (Rev. 1:1-3) have been lost and are so very rare today, and not even believed possible by so many today, being as there is so much of the “Leaven” (Matt. 13:33, Gal. 5:9, “the increase of iniquity” Matt. 24:12, “faith worketh by Love” Gal 5:6, Romans 10:17, John 6:63, 6:35, 8:31-32) in these teachings and doctrines of men and “Fables” (2nd Tim. 4:2-4, 1st Tim. 1:3-4, 4:1, 2nd Peter 1:16), and very few actually prefer (unwittingly) these teachings over The Word of God in “temples made with hands” (Acts 7:48, 17:22-24). They are looking forward to a “Pre Trib Rapture” (John 16:33, Act 14;22, Rev. 1:1-3, 1:9, 2;10-11, 6:9-11, 11:3-14, 13:6-10, “FIRST the Tares!” Matt. 13:30-40-43, Proverbs 2:21-22, John 17:14-15, John 17:18-20), instead of the truth because it appeals to the mind of the flesh and the cares of this life (Luke 21:34-35, Rev. 13:8). This is perhaps why I think, many of us do not see the Acts of Jesus Christ (1st Cor. 12:27), “In THESE LAST DAYS” (Hebrews 1:1-2, 2:1-3, Acts 2:16-17, Joel 2:1-2-9-32, 2nd Peter 3:8, “IN the DAYS OF JESUS CHRIST” Luke 17:26-30, 1st John 4:3-4, 2nd John 1:7) as often as they did 2000 years ago even though Jesus Christ has not changed at all! Hebrews 13:8, 1st Cor. 12:27. Please do pray for me also! Eph. 6:10-14-19. Thank you! John 7:38