Will A World At War Fulfill Prophecy?

Full article at: Will A World At War Fulfill Prophecy? | World Events and the Bible

For decades, there’s been relative peace between nations. Have you thought about that? Don’t get me wrong, there have been wars. Yet, those wars were primarily waged against so called terrorist factions. Nevertheless, nations have not been at war with each other for decades. That is, until now… Just two years ago, Russia invaded Ukraine.…


After reading this, I looked up my notes on some of the verses which made me think. Matthew 24:7 really gives the reason for Matthew 24:6.

The word “against” means to superimpose. “Shall rise”, means to collect, the base means to gather.
What has the Western nations done though out history? Impose our beliefs and way of life, for our gain on others. But when other nations do exactly what we do and have done, we step in and cry foul. Which brings war.
When you look at the reason for the Russia - Ukraine conflict, Putin knows our end game and isn’t going to stand for it. Same with Iran. Putin is gathering allies that know how he feels since we stuck our nose in their business years ago, usually proxy wars. We don’t want anyone to control the big picture but us.

Our nation is the biggest influencer driving us toward Matthew 24.


I believe we are still in “the rumors of wars phase” of biblical prophecy. I have followed prophecy for over 40 years, and it has only been in the past 5 years that the picture has made a significant leap in clarity for those who are watching closely. For instance, Author Joel Richardson who has written “Mideast Beast” and “The Islamic Antichrist” among other books has finally pointed out what I have suspected for a long time. Islamic nations such as Saudi Arabia or Turkey are more likely to spawn a leader capable of plotting the total annihilation of Israel while convincing the world that he only wants to provide peace and security. This aligns with what is actually happening today between the Jews and the Arabs in Gaza and around the globe. The bible describes a leader who will allow the Jews to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem as a gesture of good faith. The Muslims control the temple mount, so it makes sense that the antichrist would be an Islamic leader. Also, Muslims cannot be unified by someone from Europe the way a true Islamic leader from the middle east could unite the Arab world, which goes against the common belief that the antichrist will come from the “restored” Roman empire. This wrongful thinking has been embraced for decades by the prophetic community because most have allowed racial biases to lead them to believe that the current Arabs and Jews are the true descendants of Issac and Jacob when they are not. They are actually the descendants of Japheth not Shem (Abraham). All one has to do is look at the genealogy of mankind in the book of Genesis. Ashkenaz is clearly listed as a Gentile nation NOT Semitic (Shem & Abraham). This is further supported by Luke 21:24 “They will fall by the sword (the true Israelites) and will be taken as prisoners to ALL THE NATIONS (which did not happen to Ashkenazi Jews). Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” This means GENTILES have to still be occupying Israel today because clearly the time of the Gentiles has not been fulfilled yet. However, the end of the age of the Gentiles DOES seem to be approaching quickly because the Russians, Arabs, Jews, Americans, east Asians, and Europeans ALL fall under the Isle of the Gentiles and are beginning to turn on each other. Here is another clue: "I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh; they will be drunk on their own blood, as with wine. Then all mankind will know that I, YHWH, am your Savior, your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.” Isaiah 49:26. This was God telling the true Israelites what He will do to their oppressors who sold them to all the nations if they repent and return to His ways. He will then bring His people back from ALL the nations where they were taken into captivity. This hasn’t happened either, which means the people occupying Israel today who claim to represent only two or three of the 12 tribes are imposters. Think about it. Who have been the most oppressive nations for almost 2000 years since the fall of the Temple in 70AD and currently have the ability to annihilate each other along with the whole world? When the Europeans bought slaves from the Arabs, the modern Jews were the brokers. The Transatlantic slave traders had Jewish synagogues at every port but kept their dealings in the shadows, which has always been the case. They also kept manifests and maps that clearly show that they knew they were selling and transporting true Hebrew Israelites. These manifests and records can all now be accessed now due to technology, but most prophecy authors fail to do their due diligence. Satan has deceived the whole world into believing that the Gentile Jewish converts who were called the “synagogue of Satan” by Christ because they held the Babylonian Talmud above the Torah, are the descendants of Abraham and are the Hebrews of the bible. This is why most authors fall short in their research, including Joel Richardson. Like most, he based his writings on the premise that the Jews and Arabs today are the true descendants of the Israelites of the bible. However, when you conduct research using the current and more accurate knowledge today the pieces fit perfectly. At least Richardson figured out who the final kingdom (described as a mixture of clay and iron) of Daniels prophecy is. I have to give that to him. Nevertheless, Christ said to “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are MANY. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to LIFE and those who find it are FEW.” Only those who truly allow God and the Holy Spirit to guide them while testing the traditions and precepts of men will be able to truly see the narrow gate. Thank you for letting me share some of my research.

I am excited for today, tomorrow and with each passing day, The closer we get.

May God Bless each of you.


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It is ironic that the powers to be, fight, kill and maim for physical gain, things they find of great value, but those things the Lord finds vanity, tohu (without form) Gen 1:2, Isaiah 40:17.

Yet, we consider ourselves the good guys in white, since our way is the only right way, and the rest need to be corrected. Isaiah 40:27.