Why Do The Jews Always Have Neighbor Problems?

Full article at: Why Do The Jews Always Have Neighbor Problems? | World Events and the Bible

Have you ever asked yourself that question? I mean, it seems like the Jews always have some issue with their neighbors. It doesn’t matter where they live, it doesn’t matter at what point in history we’re talking about. In fact, they’re the only group of people — in world history — that have been expelled…

It’s the same old thing, people hook their wagon to others who look good on the surface and when someone fills them in on what they really are they shun the truth and the exposer because their afraid it makes them look foolish.

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Real truth (the word of Yahweh) is never popular.
The truth is not convenient, fun or profitable.
So, the church chooses to walk in willful ignorance.


When I first got on this page It was a rocky ride. Several times I became teed off and strongly disagreed with Brandon and thought, 'Im outta here! But his and other commentors caused me to read scripture, prove him wrong. Then I started reading all of his studies and realized that everything he was saying was scripture. I started reading my bible and reading the scripture in his studies, scripture that I had only before read a line here and a line there. Before I would read enough to put together a topical summary, Never really studying the details. Love him or hate him, Brandon has coaxed me to study, 'me kicking and screaming all of the way.
Some of the coments that I have made in the past are ringing in my ears as I write this. So thanks for tolerating me, You’ve shown me just how little I know about the whole picture.
Like you’ve said many times, 'it’s in your bible. Read it for the first time. I do appreciate it.


Most of us have been there. It is harder to unlearn than learn the 1st time. I never understood the simplicity of Christ till I heard the real truth. It becomes more and more simple, the more you learn.


10-4 Snowman. I made the mistake of studying the new testament first, thinking the Old testament was not important. Big mistake. I’d tried reading it before but getting through was tuff, very tiresome. So like probably everyone else I skipped over to the books that were more interesting. So this time I trudged through from the beginning and will not skip. I am already realizing that I will have to read it several times before it soaks through the bark and into the wood. :rofl:

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I agree…reading the old testament was hard at first. Especially when reading it on my own. But when I read in succession both Samuals, both Kings and then both Chronicles, I really enjoyed it and it brought so much clarity to my mind.

And I’m sure glad you stuck around. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you. I read Kings, loved Daniel and Ecclesiastes, Of course Psalms and Hebrews
back and forth. I think everything will tie in together when I finish the old testament start to finish. This 'Adams family tree poster a friend sent me will be a good quick refference will be helpful. Have a good weekend Kay and Pat.

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I agree. I started from Genesis through. When you track the who, what and where, it makes a difference. Reading some commentaries along the way helps too. Not that they are always right, but they throw in verses all over the Bible that tie into where you are at that particular time, and you can make notes of them to tie it together.

It is amazing how the modern-day church ignores the Old Testament. This is one of the main reasons that they don’t know what is going on.
If all you read was the New, Easter wouldn’t be the heathen stand out that it is along with many other things. It would be like reading advanced Algebra without knowing the multiplication tables. All you’ll see is numbers.

This is one of the reasons that church is boring and of no effect. It makes no sense. So, we serve food and pastries, etc. to bring them in and it is now a big social club for most.


I started Proverbs last night again. It just blows me away how you can read a book and get so much out of it and then you read it again and you STILL get even more out of it. That’s what always brings to mind the “Living Word”. Depending on where you are in life God gives you different understandings or expounds on understandings…if that makes sense.

Hope you all have a great weekend too!! God bless!

You are definitely right about that and the churches. It’s sad…and many don’t even realize it. How can you ever understand the New Testament if you didn’t read the Old Testament?

My main problem is that I can’t remember a lot of the details after 1 or 2 months. I remember some, but much of it I don’t. That’s where I’m always amazed on how much you remember when reading your comments. In fact starting Proverbs last night, the first chapter really got to me. I need to get better at studying. I read every night and sometimes during the day as well. I’m not good with taking notes either. I sometimes read commentaries in the Companion Bible and also will search this site for Brandon’s as well, but I should probably do that more.

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For me, when I take notes, it seems to stick in memory better, plus you always have the notes to fall back on. Any verses that tie together from the Old and New I write in my companion at those verses, so you have multiple places to find things.

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That makes perfect sense Kay. I’ve noticed that I have to be in the right mood or mindset if you will, to absorb scripture. Also I think the scripture we read that we instantly understand are those that we have experienced in our lives, and convict or console us. All of the emotions that we have ever felt and the source of them are in there. If something didn’t make sense a year ago, it likely will now, or five years from now. If that makes any sense?

I admire you for that also Snowman. I can remember the book but never the chapter and verse. But I never forget the message. I use a highlighter to mark verses that I understand well. and that I must read the whole chapter to understand the context of the verse. I was gifted my granmothers bible, I noticed that everthing I highlighted she had underlined in pen 50/60 years ago, from Genesis to Revelations. So I have a long ways to go.

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I understand exactly what you are saying and I absolutely agree with the right mood or mindset! That’s when I know to just set it down and come back to it later. When I read/study I like to get the feeling inside - like what I’m reading is absorbing into my bones if that makes sense.

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You’re right - it works that way for me as well. I remember a few years back I was literally writing all the verses down and taking notes along the way. I went through A LOT of paper…and noticed that my handwriting was getting much smaller! LOL

And I’m weird when it come to writing in my bible…I have in a couple places, but it just seems like I have to much to write and it doesn’t fit. (kind of like when I’m commenting here…I go on and on and on! :upside_down_face:) Maybe I’ll write notes on a separate piece of paper and place them in the bible…hmmmm. Might have to go with the sticky notes so they don’t fall out all over the place.

I pray that more people begin to wake up about the state of Israel. In 1952 Gamal Abdel Nasser, the 2nd President of Egypt stated clearly why the Jews would never see peace in the middle east when he said, “You left black and came back white”. The truth is the governments of ALL the surrounding Arab countries know that both the original Hebrews and Arabs were black. Common sense tells us that the reason the current Egyptians don’t understand hieroglyphics is simply because they are not the original inhabitants, not to mention how the art from the original inhabitants found among the pyramids depicts themselves as black and brown skinned people. This makes the white Arabs just as guilty of falsely claiming to be from the line of Abraham. Common sense also tells us that after being conquered by the Greeks, Romans, Ottoman Turks, and Arabs the middle east would look like it does today. However, you can still find pockets of the original inhabitants of the middle east who were forced to convert to Islam during the 7th century. The current Arabs, just like the Israeli government, have gone out of their way to keep this knowledge from the masses. American military members learned this from being assigned to Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm and finding out that along with the media they were forbidden to film the true black inhabitants of the land. There are also tons of proof in the Torah that the people occupying Israel and the middle east today are not the true descendants of Isaac and Ishmail, but this information has also been aggressively withheld and manipulated. For instance, the Torah clearly shows in Genesis that Ashkenazi Jews are descended from Japheth (European/Turkish/Khazar lines) and are part of the Isle of the gentiles (Gog, Magog, etc.), which means that even God’s Word confirms that they are the imposters who come from the bloodline that will produce the anti-Christ. Anyone can look this up in the book of Genesis, but no one ever seems to point this out. People also ignore the fact that Moses, King David, King Solomon, Abraham, ALL had children with AFRICAN women. Another clue is the fact that the Hebrews never called themselves Jews, and the word “Jew” wasn’t inserted into bibles in until the 18th century after the Europeans began to use the printing press to print bibles by the millions. The problem is there is no “J” sound in the Hebrew alphabet, and the name Jesus was transliterated from Greek which means it doesn’t have the same meaning as His real Name. They also began depicting the main characters in the bible as white through art despite the fact that artists and historians from Greece, Rome, Turkey, Ethiopia, Egypt and other countries ALL described and portrayed the Hebrews, Including Christ, as black. There were even coins minted that portrayed Christ with African features and wooly hair. When looking at ALL the curses of Deuteronomy 28 only ONE group of people fits perfectly. I challenge anyone to read the curses of Deuteronomy 28 and honestly arrive at a different conclusion. This is why the bible says that prior to Christ’s return, the WHOLE WORLD will be deceived, there will be people claiming to be God’s chosen people who are not, and Jerusalem will be trodden down by the GENTILES, who after Christ’s return will feel shame and admit that they inherited lies from their fathers. This is all in the bible for those who are willing to actually do the research. The scriptures also say that some Gentiles will be co-heirs in God’s Kingdom, equal to His chosen people when Christ returns. God’s Elect know this and understand God’s covenant with Israel and His new covenant designed to graft in Gentiles as co-heirs. Another commonsense fact that is overlooked is how God said that HE would bring back His people (not men) after they repent, turn from sin, pray, humble themselves, and turn their faces back toward Him. This has yet to occur. Then He will gather ALL TWELVE TRIBES from the nations they were taken into captivity (which also has not occurred) and unprecedented peace will break out all over the world. We all know Israel has NEVER seen peace since they established the state of Israel. This means that it is impossible that the formation of Israel in 1948 was bible prophecy being fulfilled which explains why Israel has always and will continue to have neighbor problems until the return of Christ.

I am going to make a few points here.

First, I don’t know why the color of Christ is of any importance. Race, bloodline etc. are of no effect since His 1st arrival. (Galatians 3:28-29) When I think of Christ, I don’t see color or race. I see the bridge (my redeemer and all others who believe) from my fallen state to the Father.

The Lord does not play favorites and is a sin to do so. (2 Chronicles 19:7, Ephesians 6:9, James 2:9)
He chose the 12 tribes to do His work, spread His law (Be Priests) and then be blessed. In turn the rest of the world would see the advantages and love of God and do His will. (Deuteronomy 28:9, Exodus 19:6) The Israelites failed the Lord, turned their back on Him and He divorced them. (Isaiah 50:1, Jeremiah 3:8, Ezekiel 14:4-5)

When the blessing and curses were spoken of, (Deuteronomy 28) the 12 tribes were not the only one’s present. There were proselytes who converted along the way. Caleb’s father was a Kenizzite, one of the tribes to be destroyed in the land of Caanan. (Genesis 15:19, Numbers 13:6) So in reality, race was of no importance to belong to the family of Abraham back then either.

Let’s say all the so-called Jews, living in Israel right now are bloodline of the 12 tribes. Those who don’t believe in Christ are not of the seed of Abraham.
Let’s say all those who live in Israel are not of the 12 tribes, the fake Jews. Those who don’t believe in Christ are not of the seed of Abraham.

The big deception before Christ’s return isn’t about genealogy, it is about Satan saying he is god and giving everyone what they want for his worship and being confederate with him.

Worring about who and what the so-called Jews are is really a waste of time. Think about all the effort going around right now picking sides of the war when the whole thing is ungodly no matter who is who. The same goes for the political nonsense.

There are more fake Christians doing far more damage to the Lord and His true work then any true or fake Jew who is a nonbeliever.

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Here we study as Bereans and we document things said with scripture.
You posted a lot of words but no scriptures to document.

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