Why Didn’t The Samaritans Receive The Holy Spirit?

Full article at: Why Didn’t The Samaritans Receive The Holy Spirit In Acts 8? | World Events and the Bible

The Samaritans did receive the Holy Spirit, just not the “gifts” of the Holy Spirit. These were visible gifts, we’re talking about miracles and signs.

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Hi Brandon, I believe everything you’ve said here. I have equated being “born again” or truly surrendering as truly having the Holy Spirit dwell in you. Most Christian’s I know say they believe, but are not born again in their hearts. “Even the demons believe and shudder”. (James 2:19). the fruit of the gifts i have received are; help loving more deeply, resisting sin, wisdom in scripture and hope in Gods promises, not in speaking gibberish. Out of 2.5 billion Christians in this world they all “believe” but only a few have truly surrendered or been “born again”. I don’t believe Signs and wonders have anything to do with this, they are for validating the messengers (apostles & prophets). “An adulterous generation seeks signs & wonders”. We need to return to our “first love”, God and His word and stop seeking teachers for our “itching ears”. I believe S&W will be back in the end (Joel 2:28). Thx for all your insight!