Why Are Americans So Depressed?

Full article at: Why Are Americans So Depressed? | World Events and the Bible

Do you realize, there is a record number of Americans who are depressed? This is an alarming trend, one that continues to escalate by the day. Let me show you what I’m talking about… The percentage of U.S. adults who report having been diagnosed with depression at some point in their lifetime has reached 29.0%,…


As time moves forward, each generation is not taught to appreciate what they have. Things are seen and more and more expected. Those who are given everything, when they lose one thing, it is the end of the world to them.


I really didn’t mean to delete my comment, but maybe that is what was supposed to happen. :roll_eyes:

If more pastors would tell the truth like this that would help. But most are scared.


“We have let politics replace God, while saying, we serve Him through it.“

Brandon, this statement is very profound and true. I’m told if I don’t vote orange then I’m not supporting God and freedom. I would say if I vote for either of these bozo’s I’m not supporting God or freedom. I’ve never seen Christians become immediately PO’d when I tell them this. Division is real in this country and in the Christian family. You can only realize this truth after we unplug from the chatter and allow our minds to detox from the lies and hyperbole.