WHOOPS: Largest Covid Vaccine Study Yet Finds Links to Health Conditions

Not many ppl refused the shot. The us gov just 2 weeks ago finally approved religious exemptions for civ workers. Id guess we have over 2k civ workers on the base im at( maybe more :man_shrugging:) and only 14 put in exemptions! I really feel this was a preseason run to the trib mark of the beast. Few will push back most will give in. I’m Def lucky to have a Bible believing crew. We watch sermons every night we have dinner and no one has complained most enjoy it even if they don’t really follow Jesus.

I don’t have the covid. But i have 58 other shots in my lifetime and none have done me any good i feel they have all done me bad. 6 anthrax shots Def the worst and were painful but i didn’t know much back then. Def whatever you do don’t trust the gov. Whatever they say think the opposite they are into the occult big time and mind control. Remember in the Bible it says fear is a spirit.


I will be praying…and remember to put all your worry into God’s hands.

I have a friend that was in the military and he was very vocal about not taking the shot. And yes, he has been shot up with all kinds too. :disappointed_relieved: