White House Holds Largest Pride Celebration And ESG Influence

Full article at: White House Holds Largest Pride Celebration And ESG Influence | World Events and the Bible

You’re not going to believe it. Well, yes you will. It’s 2023 after all. The nuts and loons who run our government just threw the largest pride celebration in White House history. They hoisted the flamboyant homosexual flag interlaced with stripes of racism. Why they even brought out abominable balloons to celebrate the occasion. So…


When you realize that only a relatively small number of people, amounting to only a tiny amount of 300 million are forcing this on our nation. Think about that. It would be impossible without a very powerful force driving them and clearing the way. I think most of us know well who and what it is.


This is enough to make me puke!

Anyone wishing to learn more about the evil Blackrock fund that Larry Fink runs should check out this video, it’s shocking! The video is about two years old but it’s just as relevant today as the day it was recorded. Note: it’s an hour long.


That is what I understand, A low ESG rating may prevent you from a loan. Or determine your interest rate to the point the loan is not doable. That’s why large corporations are being forced to go woke. I remember the saying, 'best way to get your point across is through a persons billfold.

It’s an abomination, no doubt. I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes when God has had enough.



Things just continue to escalate beyond Despicable!:smiling_imp:


The madness gets worse…

One of the transgender men decided to show off their fake breasts at the White House event. Of course, this kicked off some outrage, to which the tranny responded,

“It has recently come to my attention that conservatives are trying to use the video of me topless at the White House to try to call the community groomers etc.,” Montoya said in the video.

"And I would just like to say that first of all, going topless in Washington D.C. is legal and I fully support the movement in freeing the nipple because why is my chest now deemed inappropriate or illegal when I show it off? However, before coming out as trans, it was not.”

You just cannot make this stuff up.

at least we know where sodom is now, i wonder where gomorrah is!

My fav pride month song. They need to blast this all over nothing but facts. They aint mad at me. They mad at God.

#1 rap song out on itunes Anti lgbt song shows many are against the garbage these people have no label no backing and topped all the satanic songs

Great lyrics to this song and I hope they get the message out!

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Oh ya i love the lyrics!

“La dodgers mocking God but soon they’ll all be reimbursed!”

Great interview. Around 35 min in. Jimmy levy tells his testimony about how he came to follow Jesus and how his family and friends are in the occult. Def great thoughts about how satan controls music and they stuff they push today is garbage and it does mind Control ppl and thier actions.

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Thanks for sharing, Jeffrey. I watch Jason Whitlock’s show on YouTube. His program and guests keep it real, so to speak. They are crusaders for God and aren’t ashamed of the Gospel. I agree with Jimmy: Music, Television, Movies, Pop Culture, etc. are all under Satan’s influence. Satan and his demons are working 24/7 to control the minds of people as well as their actions. It’s evident as we look around and us.


Yea its a good show. I think very honest ppl on there and bible based. But yes satan has alot of control and ppl are blinded by it. But music like this is amazing. That’s all i listen to. It really keeps your mind right.

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