What say you about voting laws?

Idaho just took executive action to ensure only citizens can vote in elections. Interesting concept. :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you think this should be the law of the land, why or why not???

There is no other place, that I know of, whether it be a private country club, HOA, even church, where one is permitted to vote on any subject if they are not a member.

Illegal entry into the United States warrants a jail term according to the law. Many incarcerated citizens of our nation forfeit their right to vote while serving their sentence. A felony charge brings harsher forfeiture.
Why would we allow illegal aliens, sorry, undocumented citizens, to have a say in anything we do here?

All proper identification needs to be present, with a picture of the voter, at the time the ballot is cast.
You need one to travel, drive a car, rent a car, buy resident tickets to Disney and buy alcohol at Target.
If as much effort was put into getting people the proper ID to vote as fighting for them not to need one, it would be done.

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I hope it was signed with a magic marker no double stamps no triple stamps.Doubt they will find non citizens on the voter rolls.

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Seems like this should be a rhetorical question but these days who knows. I think, as in most if nof all other countries, only natural or naturalized citizens should vote. Reason is because no other country or their citizens should have any level of influence or control over anothers country or citizen (s). You should have to show proof of citizenship to reqister to vote and you should also be required to show a photo ID to prove you are who you claim to be on the reistered voter roles in order to get a ballot to vote. Just my opinion.


How can only 5 Dems support this?

It’s just like what you and I were talking about the other day.

It’s sad, too many people in society are glued to their set beliefs. Hey, some are unshakable, but then there’s somethings we should consider further. This one seems like an obvious gimme. But if you’ve ever listened to these people, they’re just as solid in their beliefs as you are in yours.

What to do when we’re all that far off the mark?