What Is Meant By, The LORD Said To My Lord?

Full article at: What Is Meant By, The LORD Said To My Lord? | World Events and the Bible

When David said, “the LORD said to my Lord”, he was citing the Father, and David confirmed that Jesus Christ was his Lord and Savior. How could that be?


Brandon, you are so good at explaining things. It got me thinking - answering a question is one heck of a way to bible study. Digging for those answers.

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It’s so true Kay! You can know a subject personally, but when someone comes to you asking something specific, it makes you think even more about that subject.

Before you return an answer, you want to make sure it’s really vetted and Biblically focused. So I would agree, as much as some folks have learned from this site, I have sure learned from your questions.

We all benefit, and I think that’s what it’s all about.

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