What Does The Talmud Say About Jesus?

Well Bush Sr was a skull and bones, satanic secret society member who was sold out to the synagogue of satan (and their kill all Christians plan)…but I’m talking about the skull and bones, servant of satan, 9/11 actor, treasonous president and mass murderer, Bush Jr.

Bush Jr, actually signed Noahide into congressional law on APR. 6, 1990. Formally sold out our country and all Christians, to the satanic JWO genocidal agenda.

“Education and Sharing Day” is simply where they ceremoniously continue to attest their allegience to the Synagogue of Satan and Noahide…and this has been observed and celebrated by every US President as far back as Reagan, as far as I know. Maybe even further. Bush, Bush Jr., Clinton, Obama, Trump, etc. I think they may have skipped pedo-puppet-Joe, perhaps because they think they have a lock on things with the planned return of their MAGA Messiah…and perhaps even they were embarassed to be photographed in the oval office with Biden.

For some reason, I can’t post any external links here…how did you? I can’t post the link of where Bush Jr signed it into congressional law…but you can look it up on congress . gov.

It is:
104 STAT. 130
PUBLIC LAW 101-267—APR. 6, 1990
Public Law 101-267
101st Congress

100% legit.


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I looked it up. Correct.
Anything or links you have for this info would be appreciated. These things need to be given to those who swear by the Jews (Israel nation) being the chosen.


We know of Paul’s lineage. Is there documentation anywhere that shows the lineage of the other disciples?


This should be the link for the statute.

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Welcome JB!

Quick note, brand new members can’t post links until they participate enough via reading posts and writing their own. The threshold is reasonable, this ensures our members are here to participate and build up the community.

You’re almost there! :partying_face:

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Gotcha, thank you! God Bless.

Yep, that’s the one…

I have plenty of links to share, in fact, I typed up a very long email with much of the same content shared in the excellent articles here, with lots of hyperlinks. I’d be happy to provide to you.

I mention Paul as an example, where he was called a “jew”. I rather am focusing the actual meaning of the Greek word. And no, I did a little look-see to see what lineage the other folks were, not directly are they—they would at least be Judeans if they resided there. One might more look at what their jobs were, I don’t recall that they were “temple” workers for example. One might also look about their “relationships” on “their street” (locality) or who they associated with. For example, if someone is growing their own food, we might not see direct association with a “black thumb” person both on the field tilling. Fishermen? Not sure how many did that type of work generally. Usually, birds of a feather tend to flock together…

I didn’t think it was told specifically either. Just wanted to see if I missed something somewhere.

When you are able, post them.

Thanks I wasnt aware if this.

Is this Mathew?Maybe the tribe if Levi?

Mark 2:14 (KJV) And as he passed by, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the receipt of custom, and said unto him, Follow me. And he arose and followed him.

We can discern that both names are the same person. I don’t think we can say that he was a Levite since his name was Levi, being a Hebrew name.

I would think if he was a Levite, he would have been in the priesthood in some form, or nothing at all. (Especially not a tax collector) It appears that after his conversion, and leaving the tax collection business, (which was highly looked down on by the Pharisee’s) he was then called Matthew, by Christ.
Usually in the Old Testament, when they gave a person of importance and their father, it could be traced back to Chronicles as to their family.

I personally think Christ chose him due to his old job which shows the most hated and frowned upon could be devote followers.

Thank you.I haven’t found much on this.

Not great studies at all. Pure heresies from the Catholic standpoint. It is actually scary how this inaccurate random stuff is bundled together, and people take it as truth. These are opinions at best, and unsubstantiated at that. No reference about the Second Temple destruction by the Romans in 60s A.D. and expulsion of the Jews from the Holy Land. How convenient.

I have to ask, what does the destruction of the temple in 60 A.D. have to do with who are the chosen people of today?

If the term Jew is no longer relevant, Galatians 3:29, Colossians 3:29, Ephesian 2:11-12, Romans 2:28-29, 10:12, why the focus?

Paul washed his hands of his own people for their disbelief. Why? They kept wanting the false doctrine of the Pharisees.
The Lord divorced the 10 tribes. Isaiah 50:1, Eze 14:5. He threw the other 2 out of Jerusalem how many times?

Moses interceded for them in the wilderness. How many after him till He had enough. Ezekiel 14:14. They turned Jerusalem back to the evilness of Jebus and were worse than Sodom. Ezekiel 16, Rev 11:8.
After 70 A.D., they still held on to the Pharisaic traditions and observances. Many of those who converted to Christ got out of town before Titus destroyed the city.

The Talmud shows who they are and what they believe. The scary part is that they can fool others so easily.
If not for the Lord keeping His word, which they never did, and I mean never, biblical proof, most would not be here today. He made the covenant with Abraham and those who had his faith, not those who choose to be heathen and wicked.

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