What Does The Bible Say About Tattoos?

Full article at: Are Tattoos A Sin In The Bible? | World Events and the Bible

Tattoos are not necessarily a sin. However, God said do not print any marks on your body. The reason? He wants His people to be separate from the world.


I agree!! I’m in the process of having mine removed with a laser, super expensive but so worth it because I got them while I was a meth addict


Karla, I’m so proud of you!

Meth is a horrible addiction, I’ve seen first hand what it does to people. It wipes out entire communities. You keep on keeping on, God bless you, and welcome to the community.


Karla, so thankful that you were able to find your way back.


I had a cheap tattoo applied when I was 17, I thought it was COOL. It was on a shoulder above the sleeve line on a T shirt. When I got in my 40’s I had it covered with a professional Tattoo.
I’m not ashamed of it, I just wish I hadn’t gotten it, now that I’m much older and hopfully wiser. My son is all marked up on both arms up to the shoulder, He caught me staring at his arms recently and and asked What! I said , 'man I wish you hadn’t done all that. Of course his first words were 'you got one! End of that conversation. Reminded me of that country song
I’ve been watching you dad, I want to be just like you.


That is fantastic Karla! God is an awesome God! Keep God close and lean on Him each and every day. :sparkling_heart: