We Sit On The Eve Of A Regional War In The Middle East With Biblical Implications

Full article at: We Sit On The Eve Of A Regional War In The Middle East With Biblical Implications | World Events and the Bible

As I write this article, nations are plotting their next move. Moves that involve war and death. The international order continues to change and evolve as the minutes pass us by. This is important for us to keep tabs on. Scripture tells us, one day, there will be a global order, a global government that…


Hey Bran, to me, it makes no sense that the he goat is the western and Iran is the ram. Because if the west come up against Iran, China and Russia and the Brics maybe, will come up to help Iran.
I think the ram is waxing very great right now, this ram is composed of China, Russia, Iran. China is very very powerful and Russia, and they will side with Iran, but maybe Iran will be the spark of the conflict.
But hey, this will be almost like Armageddon…
I don’t know

You must remember the He Goat comes from the West. Russia is North and China is East of Iran. (Persia)

If the West would stick to themselves and mind their business, I feel the other powers would do the same.



Scripture says nothing about a “global” order or a “global” government. Although it does refer to the following:

  • One World Government, Rev 13:7
  • One World Leader, Rev 13:2 and Dan 7:4-7
  • One World Religion, Rev 13:8
  • One World Currency, Rev 13: 16-18

So if we are continuously at war with other Nations, how will the One World Order take place? I was deployed 8 years ago when the U.S. Govt was flying in the THAAD’s to the U.A.E. which who knows what they were done with from there.