We Have A Health Crisis On Our Hands People!

Full article at: We Have A Health Crisis On Our Hands People! | World Events and the Bible

Folks, we have a health crisis on our hands. It’s something people don’t talk about that much, but it’s an important topic. Hey, health is wealth. If you don’t have your health, you have nothing. Unfortunately, our society has become complacent. The only thing we care about is doing what feels good and what benefits…

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Good read. The health laws can also improve your health. Been following them and no more vaccines i have not been sick in over 2 years. I used to get the flu twice a year. Also stop eating seed oils. Use real butter beef tallow olive oil avocado oil coconut oil much better options. Seed oils are engine lubricants but hey if you pay the American heart association enough money they will put heart healthy on anything. As always never trust the US government when it comes to eating and diet.


The state of the health of Americans is indeed troubling. Leviticus Chapter 11 lays it all out as you know. Notice how YHVH does not go into fruits and vegetables very much in the bible. I went carnivore 4 yrs ago and have never felt better. YHVH knows what’s best for our health. Too bad most people don’t take His advice in every aspect of their lives.


Oh Brandon…I don’t have the time to write all that I want to write here!! BUT…I will try to get in what I can.

Fasting We have been taught that it’s important to have 3 meals a day. FALSE! In fact, I typically fast 12-18 hrs every day. I may take a bite here and there some days, but we only eat one meal a day here and that’s dinner. Now if we are going to be doing heavy work, we will eat more. Farmers back in the day would need to big hearty breakfast and then some to keep them going. When you fast, your body heals itself. Why do you think cats and dogs will quit eating when they are sick? They instinctively know that is what they are to do to heal. Also note when we are fasting we need to drink clean filtered water. No chlorine or fluoride.

Low Fat/Low Cholesterol One of the biggest atrocities our wonderful “healthcare” taught us. “FAT is bad!!” It just makes me want to puke when I hear that crap. Low fat dairy is probably one of the worst things you can ingest. Our bodies need FAT. And we need CHOLESTEROL for our brains. People need to stop the insanity and research yourself.

Sugar We all know we are supposed to avoid sugar, yet we find it in almost everything. Guess what…raw cane sugar that is NOT processed is actually good for you! Of course, not in excess, but if you have white processed garbage sugar in your house I would dump it. Man has bastardized almost every single staple food that we purchase from a store. (that includes flours as well) And guess what…fake sweeteners cause you to GAIN WEIGHT! Drink all the diet soda you want, but I will guarantee you, it will make you FAT! The research is out there.

Okay - I need to go collect more spruce tips, dandelions and whatever else I find out there. I’m having to dodge thunderstorms and downpours.

OH…on ORGANIC. Grow your own if you can or find a farmer or friend to buy from that doesn’t use insecticides or chemicals…or even miracle grow (yes the organic miracle grow is crap). In order for growers to use the term ORGANIC they have to spend TONS of money, so many practice organic farming/gardening, but just can’t call it “organic” - isn’t that great the way that works???


I absolutely love using beef tallow for anything that we fry or uses high heat. I save the olive oil for things like drizzled on pasta or sourdough bread. I’ll cook with it only if I can keep the temp down. Avocado oil is also great for frying and for making mayo. I don’t really care for the coconut oil unless it’s in sweets or a more tropical type dish. I used to use it A LOT, but I think I over did it because now I don’t even care for the smell of it. Oh…popcorn made in a cast iron wok using coconut oil…that is the BEST!

And I agree…anything you see in the grocery store that says “heart healthy” I avoid!

Oh and I’ll never forget something that I saw one day. Some restaurant…maybe Subway or something like that had a promotion going. “Donate to the Diabetes Association and get a Big Gulp soda of your choice!” WHAT?! Idiots…absolute idiocy.

Edited to add: Don’t trust the government for anything! :wink: Also…grassfed butter is the absolute BEST!


Lets take a look at margarine. A manmade fat purported to be better than animal fat. A great healthy alternative to butter! :roll_eyes: Cheap to produce and endorsed by the American Heart Association. So money to be made. They basically taught this theory in colleges that saturated fat is bad for you. Now look at the rise of health disease in correlation with the introduction of margarines - it’s no coincidence. This set the table for the current business model. Where scientific man-made is better for you than what God provided us. Humans need animal fat to live. They don’t need refined fat that causes obesity, inflammation, heart disease, dementia along with a very long line of other ailments. And look! Now they have pharmaceuticals to make even more money off of poisoning people with their fat alternatives…their "healthy’ fats. How many Taj Mahal hospitals were built of this evil business model? Couple that with our sedentary lifestyle of convenience and technology aka “American Greatness” and you end up with a nation full of obese and sickly people. Margarine was the most glaring example, but there are thousands of these types of ingredients in processed foods that the FDA deems safe for consumption. It’s all about the money! Them taking everything that God made for us and bastardizing all of it. The soy lie is disgusting - try to find a processed food that doesn’t have it in it.

Okay - I’m done for now. :upside_down_face:


Because my wife and I cook all meals at home, When I go out of town on work and have to eat fast food it will immediately digestion problems. If I can’t eat at home I try to go to a grocery store and get something to make a sandwich and a orange or banana. Oh you should see my guys complain.


YES! We are the same. But…there is one place that doesn’t seem to upset my stomach if we are in a pinch. Culver’s Butter Burger! (doesn’t compare to our homemade smash burgers, but they are not bad.)


Refreshing that another one gets it


yep, bad food and being glutinous is bad for health. Add pharma to it, along with the frankenfood (chemicals), and other filth…and we get sick. You ought to look at the data Edward Dowd has brought forth…showing a rise in death just since the jabber. It doesn’t mean that only the jab is responsible, but it sure added to sickness.


Agree. My approach is to eat healthy, exercise, and stay away from doctors and hospitals. So far, this has worked for me for many years, thank you Lord! Should the day come when I’m forced to take a vaccine, I’ll still say no, even if that means death. I pray that we (Believers) are out of here before that happens.