Full article at: 25 Verses That Prove We Are Judged By Our Works | World Events and the Bible
There is much division within our beautiful Christian faith over the topic of judgment according to our works. Are we judged by our works or not? The Bible makes it very clear, we are judged by our works. In fact, I will provide you with numerous Scriptures from the Old and New Testament that will…
Galatians 6:4-5 sticks out for the world’s litmus test instead of scripture.
If someone else is doing it, then it must be okay.
If I am doing better than someone else, then I must be okay.
I feel it like this: I love Jesus, and God The Father. He, the Creator commands that we do certain things, even for our salvation. But, if I love my father on earth, and try to honor him, how much the more to The Lord, our Heavenly Father. I have to do works to honor Him.
I am so glad to see someone addressing this topic. The examples of scripture you shared are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the importance of showing God our love for Him through our actions. Christ clearly taught that the way we truly show our love for God is through our obedience, which means our actions mean much more than our words. He even went as far to say that “Anyone who says they know me but does not do as I say is a liar”. Christian leaders have failed in so many ways in this country, teaching man-made precepts instead of the truth. All because they don’t want to offend church goers. Now we have millions believing that just by making a confession to being a sinner and acknowledging that Christ is the Son of God, they have a free get-out-of-jail card from hell.
Romans 6 came to mind. You either serve sin or you don’t. We work to serve the Lord, not sin.