US recovered non-human biological pilots from crashed crafts

I was out of town working for several weeks. good to hear from you.


I was wondering where you went?? I bet it’s nice to be back home!

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Yes it is. I took a job 150 miles out that I didn’t want in the first place. I’ve been traveling like that for 37 years. This project taught me that I’ve grown too old and worn out. Remember as a kid getting on a merry-go-round? It would start spinning so fast that you can’t jump off without hurting yourself. That’s what starting a business has been like for me. I’m just waiting for a chance to jump off
without getting hurt. Thx.

Well…remember being a kid on a merry-go-round and as it started to slow down you had to get enough courage to jump off? Yet you wait because you’re not quite sure if you can do it safely. I think you’re last experience just gave you the courage to jump off! Prayers for the correct timing!!


Beamed Kitty

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Well…this would be just like our cat named Butterscotch…Butters for short. She is the one that tried to befriend a fox…TWICE! She was raised with a German Shepherd named Frank (my brothers) and then “gifted” to us. (long story…) This is also the same cat that got stuck in a woodpile, stuck on the neighbors roof (twice, the 2nd time I made her figure out how to get down…) among many other things. So now I expect to see this soon with our little Butters, the mischievous cat who thinks she’s a dog.