US needs to exit the WHO!

The US needs to exit the WHO before they can override our constitution during the next “pandemic” and force us to take the next vaccine, because this is the plan and Biden supports it. For more on this, go to:

Contact your House Rep and tell them to support HR 79 which will require the president to exit the WHO.

For those in Cal, here are two Cal Reps who are likely to support this bill if they receive enough phone calls from us. Phone calls carry more weight than emails. So, please take a minute to call them. Their info is:

Tom McClintock 916-786-5560
Ken Calvert 951-277-0042

Leave a message on their phone, such as:

“Please support HR 79 to direct the president to withdraw the US from the WHO. This is very important to me and I will be watching to see how you vote or don’t vote on this very important bill.”

There are currently on 51 reps supporting this bill. We need 166 more reps to pass HR 79.

For those not in Cal, here’s the number to call to find out who your rep is and their phone number.

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