U.S. Deaths Expected to Outpace Births Within the Decade

It’s interesting these topics are coming up more now. I’ve been talking about it for a few years now. If people think all the illegals are going to vanish, they’re mistaking for lots of reasons, and this is one.

I think the majority of people just want the criminal element exported.

If these illegals have jobs, support themselves, are paying taxes, are not being given freebies, some sort of negotiation can take place to convert them to legal status.

The evil ones, or the majority of them, are not going to come in and pick fruit or perform other jobs being undercover.

First the border needs to be secure, vet the ones here and go from there. To deport all will take years. Start at the bottom of the barrel and move up keeping in mind they do many jobs that most of the youth would not consider.

I must be in the minority here. In reality, they all should be gone. They are called “illegals” as they are… Illegal. They are law breakers by definition. Once they crossed the border, they broke the law. I was just talking to my kids about this.

When liberals allow thief’s to steal, because hey, it was only $100 bucks worth of goods. The right condemns the libs. Because hey, that was criminal conduct. But as a nation — even the right — they are justifying illegals because “they didn’t do anything.” They certainly did, once they crossed the border.

Not to mention, we don’t know who will commit crimes until they do. Then it’s too late. Meanwhile, someone’s son was murdered by an illegal or their daughter was raped by one.

In reality, we need to allow our immigration system to work. If we don’t want to have kids, and we want America to transform into something else, which it has, then let’s at least have people follow the immigration process, speed it up. Not open the borders and not grant amnesty to people who have never been vetted.

To do so, means we have no borders at all.

In that case, let’s shut down our TSA, and stop worrying about national security. :grin:

You know, it’s not that our youth won’t consider it. It’s that they are not paid enough to do the jobs. All these farms hire illegals and many if not most are paid under the table. They undercut the American worker. That’s real, but politicians won’t tell you this.

First, we outsourced our jobs to foreign lands because labor was cheaper. Now we insource our labor by undercutting the American worker. No one is going to work in the field for $3-4 an hour, an illegal sure will though.

Not to mention, the American corporations are taking advantage of these illegals with such wages. But hey, profits are good, who cares who you screw over in the process. It’s a wild world brother.

You know, I don’t think a lot of people have actually seen how the farm fields work. You should go look or read about it. These farm workers are bused around and live in shanties here. It’s terrible all the way around, while working for wages that are so low, American’s cannot be paid for the job, legally.


I see both sides.
My brother works for an apple company, orchard, in north New York. Immigrants are flown in to do the manual labor. They can’t get anyone locally to do the work. The pay almost $20 per hour, have free housing, free medical and transportation. The only cost they have is food.

I agree that some take advantage of the cheap labor, but some don’t. They just need bodies to work.
I do agree that by the law, they all should go but what do you do with those who have been here for 15 years, have children who, by law, are citizens?

It is a colossal problem with no easy fix.

I appreciate that, but from what I’ve seen, that’s the minority of companies. Ever go to a Home Depot in a big city? Lot’s of illegals looking for work. Everyone hires the Mexicans because it’s super cheap labor. Americans cannot compete with cheap labor. It’s illegal. Americans have to be paid a minimum wage as we all know, when that’s broken, we lose. Another big issue is the H1B visa. They hire those people for cheap labor, I showed a graph of this recently.

You know, when we talk about global trade, we balk at China because they have slave labor. Yet, in our own country we have something similar and justify it. That bothers me.

As for what to do?

It’s something that should have been addressed eons ago. However, under Regan, he legalized (amnesty for 2.7M) the illegals. So, I suppose it’ll just keep going on. We’ll complain about it for a few decades, it’ll be politicized to divide the people, but in the end, we’ll legalize them and we’ll all say, “it’s a good thing, we need them.” When just a few years prior, we berated the government for allowing them in to begin with.

Wash, rinse, repeat.


That could very well be true.

When we were in Florida, the fast-food places were hurting for workers. Some offered $20 per hour and still couldn’t bring them in. Other restaurants stayed closed for the lunch rush and opened at 3 PM, the workers all worked a longer shift through the evening meal so they could operate. The wait was long since they still lacked the necessary waitress staff to accommodate the patrons.

I was thinking about the decline in birth rate. Since we have a shortage of workers now, and with AI becoming more developed to take over jobs, the governments problem they have now is going to get worse if they don’t cut spending.

Robots don’t pay taxes.

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that’s a good one that robots don’t pay taxes, who would ever of thought?