Trump's gonna get ya!...

Here’s the scoop…


Ironically enough, well, I can’t tell you the whole story, but let’s just say yesterday I spotted a couple illegals. I told my wife, “This is crazy.” We’re in a fairly remote part of the country, these folks stood out like a sore thumb.

My wife said, “What are you going to do about it,” as a joke.

I said, “Nothing, Trump is”… “Trump’s gonna get ya!”

Channel your inner “Mater” from the kids flick, “Cars” and you’ll get it.

In all seriousness, what does everyone think about using the military, and is this even legal?

I’m not complaining, but let’s talk about it…

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well i think the whole world is a powder keg, just waiting for that one spark! if you use the military, i think it will be martial law, then what do you think the illegals are going to do?. i think it will be impossible to deport the illegals out of the country, unless ?God intervenes…i think people have just lost their marbles, thinking trump is just going to fix everything, no he is the problem if you ask me, but this is my opinion.

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We need a crusade !

I see all politicians as the prob. None follow God.


how true that is, basically we need to replace them all and start a new, any suggestions?

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I had to look up how martial law is defined. I think if the Federal Court, mandates they go, and the military assist the state and local law enforcement, it would not be illegal. What I read there is no clear law or defined usage.

It seems historically, when the manpower was needed, it was considered ok. I feel if the military can be used to help bring in supplies after a disaster, they can be used to take out the trash.


Keep looking. If this comes to fruition, they will probably head for the rural areas. :grin:

Hey Gwen, so great to hear from you! Welcome back.

The guy Trump assigned for the task seems like a bulldog. I think they will deport some but to get them all is impossible, and it would take longer than he will be in office.

They need to close it first and how long will that take? If not, it will be a revolving door.

i think before they can even deport the illegals, there will be war in the streets, not a very good out come.

Well, if they deport all the illegals, who’s going to take care of our yards and build our homes, or anything else of manual labor? Hahaha. Seriously most American’s won’t work these jobs.

Who knows if it’s legal. But hey it could be a good scare tactic. I mean they could go back to the border and apply and come in legit, right. The criminals would be out.

Actually we are not keeping up with these appointments. Because mainly we are just so HAPPY that the left has lost in the moment.

Also I said I would vote for Idgy, my 16 year old Yorkie, but she passed away and I have been very sad these days…,

Martha, sorry to hear of your loss. Our fur baby’s are very dear to us.

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Sorry for your loss.
Prayers sent your way.

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So sorry to hear that Martha. :pensive:

Our prayers are with you and yours.

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I’m so sorry for your loss. Prayers for comfort and healing. BTW, I just love the name Idgy!


Many thanks to you, Cozar, Snowflakes, and Brandon for your prayers. As fellow animal lovers, I know you understand!


The saga continues…

It was my thought, it’s more like martial law. You all know how I feel about Executive Orders. We’ll have to see how this pans out.

  • Job #1 though, just close the border.
  • Job #2, deal with those already here.
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This isn’t on topic but brilliant move by Trump to nominate Gaetz to AG. And as an idiot that Gaetz is, he resigned his job in Congress. Pre planned for sure. Poor pervert is now unemployed. Gaetz was instrumental in getting McCarthy out, and thinks Johnson isn’t conservative enough. I think it’s like Pelosi, wanting to put Biden on a statue with a knife in his back. Politics.

This isn’t on topic either. Did anyone see the pic of Trump, Kennedy (The Dept. of Health appointee) and Musk in Trump’s private plane all choking down McDonalds? :rofl:

yep I saw it.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.