There's No Separation Of Church And State. Here's Why.

Full article at: There’s No Separation Of Church And State. Here’s Why. | World Events and the Bible

We’re often told, “We cannot violate the separation of church and state.” Have you ever asked yourself, “Where did that statement originate?” It may surprise you, but this concept is not found in any of our nations founding documents. So where does this thought come from? From a misunderstanding of the First Amendment. Let’s read…


I always questioned the people who wanted the separation by asking what standard the country should run on? When quoting the commandments one by one, and keeping the religious aspect out of it, they said they were good.
Every decision has to have a basis for why it is made, whether it be for self-interest, greed, morals, ethics, etc. The more wholesome the basis, sin free, the more successful and fairer the decisions will be.

All businesses have a standard by which they operate. If they are good, they are usually a success, if not, they fail.

Even keeping God out of the equation, but using His basis and standards to live by, name one that would lead to ruin.


It has been many, many years that most citizens of our country have cared little about the word of God and how our nation was established. What a mess we are as a country. They have no knowledge of the order God creates so they live in disorder.

I think one must remember where the men who wrote these words came from, England. England had a state religion, The Church of England, which was supported by the monarchy, via levied taxes. The founders wanted nothing to do with a compulsory supported national church but rather freedom to practice and support the church of your choice and conviction, or not to. It’s as simple as that.