Full article at: 2 Thessalonians 2 Commentary - KJV | World Events and the Bible
We discover intricate details about the coming of Jesus. There will be a falling away first, and the man of sin will appear claiming to be God. He will deceive the world through miraculous signs and wonders.
Great read. Def one of the most important reads in the world.
Excellent study!! And I agree with @JStar4 … a very important read indeed!
God bless!
Great study! You succulently laid it out in easy to understand way. Thanks!!
No room for rapture nonsense.
Brandon, i always look forward to your indepth Bible studies…
I get excited when i think of what the next Book we will be stdying. There dosent seem to be anyone out here teaching , chapter by chapter, word upon word and precept upon precept.
Thanks soo much.
This study in 2Thessalonian 2 is extremely important but remember those Christian’s who believe in the rapture truly believe in that doctrine you can’t criticize them that shuts them off from you you need to show them the facts and Brandon give you a throw study. I was born and raised Catholic and there is no rapture taught however their doctrine is misguided. I searched myself for answers although I was never convinced it was interesting almost convincing. However many of my friends with simply showing them how Brandon’s articles disproved their theory and they came to believe differently me with proof never criticize someone prove what is true